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Saturday, January 22, 2011

How Human and Indian Civilization has Faced and Managed Revolutions that Harmed Nature: Individual, Society, Nature and Civilizations Work Together

The Earth flag is not an official flag, since ...Image via Wikipedia

With few words about Western Culture, I would add that even in Eastern Culture, there is no significant difference of choice and choosing whether one wants to drink, smoke and do whatever seems western. It is not at all so as even the westerner people start it in excess after two major revolutions against nature and to be specific it harms the natural world, particularly after Two World Wars.

The first one was the Industrial revolution and the next one was the Technology or IT Revolution. Both of these were able to give great facilities so many people adopted these and ignored the natural resources.

We may be enjoying a lot but we are also paying a great cost for it from last more than 100 years as what are using cannot be reproduced. It includes the natural resources.

Now, Indian Civilization was based on natural resources and recyclable process that included almost all things like cloths from cotton, foods that were not processed, education that produced thinkers and researchers not just job seekers as home based works were sufficient to help the families live happily. For example, the child of a shopkeeper would get many degree while also having shop as one's work place.

Now, when the world wants to explore the natural ways and thus means and methods for survival, we have all of it present in our civilization from thousands of years.

We are educated to compete right from the first day of schooling. So, how one can excel when one is taught only two things: Compete and Win. The competitions lead to live as if everything is fair in it and thus the presence of corruption from thoughts to environmental levels.

In nature we all coexist and thus the education based on survival and competition can teach us how to defect others, jealousy, hatred and thus all leading to make one feel secure if one is rich. This state of being rich without being cultured and civilized creates carving to prove that one is superior by possessions not by qualities and virtues and thus all that is humanly. It made human lost the self-worth as money can now buy or prove anything.

The education is not just reading books and answering, it more than that. We all know that in the last one century, we have gone into great deficiency of original or classical philosophers, thinkers, sociologists, scientists, doctors, and so on as only the computer operators, the technocrats seem have been the experts or masters in every kind of field.

It has created the human knowledge and wisdom just a tool for trading and one needs to copy and paste or at most analyze data and claim to be a researchers. This has given rise to Cyber Crimes, Online Robbery and thus Artificial Intelligence (the AI).

India has an answer, but if we want it otherwise we become highly educated and great technocrats.

Thanks for your time reading it.

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