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Friday, February 12, 2016

How Indian Sacred Alphabets Explain Homology, Homotopy and Topology: Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 181: Additions to Conclusions of Philselfology

How Indian Sacred Alphabets Explain Homology, Homotopy and Topology: Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 181: Additions to Conclusions of Philselfology 

We can think of the Indian Alphabets as the Universal Management of Colors, Sounds and Vibrations. These are mostly put as in the 7 Rows and 5 Columns. The Indian Sacred Systems are developed from the General, Classical, Quantum and Sacred Knowledge and Wisdom, which is present in these Sacred Alphabets.

Here, we give one of the simple simplification about the Indian Sacred Alphabets according to the Hypothesis of Philselfology.

The “Quantum Sounds as Letters” in the Indian Sacred Alphabets represent the same type in the Columns and thus the Homotopy and the different types in the Rows and thus the Topology with the A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’,etc. as the Homology accompanying both of the Homotopy and Topology. The greater point is that it’s all Linguistic Math, which seems to give Birth to or Constitutes the Sacred Languages, Math, Geometry, Music, Cymatics, Water Memory, Dimensions, Manifolds, Multi-layers, Fractals, Holograms, Theories of Consciousness, Biophotons, DNA Languages and Programming, Astronomy, Cosmology, Mythology, Astrology, Religions, Faiths, Spiritualism, Nanotechnology, Vortex, UFO, Arts, “Religion as Science, Art and Philosophy”, Classical and Quantum Computing, Prose, Poetry, Mantras, and all that we perceive, conceive, visualize, comprehend and manage in the on our earth and the universe. It seems that we as the learners, students, and the researchers in every generation need to “Derive the Pure Subjects and Knowledge”, and thus the “Essentials of Knowledge Management”, and we can call it the “Renewable and Recyclable Knowledge of the Universe” according to the Hypothesis of Philselfology, the Single Model and Theory of Everything, which results from the "Sacred Theory of Vibrations of Black and White Quantum Dots Generating the Spectrum", and is popular as the N-A-M, the Nama Theory in the Indian Sacred Systems.

The Sacred Languages seem to unify in the Sacred Linguistics and finally become the "Nirvana Languages of Light, Sound and Vibrations" that thus becomes the Sacred Geometry, Math and Music. We can think of Sacred Simultaneity of Sacred Languages and then further think of Sacred Math, Linguistics, Nano's and the Universe as the "Quantum Playground of Light, Sound and Vibrations". 

The Quantum Playground of the Universe has been interpreted as the Quantum Bindu (Sound of M) and Bindi (Sound of N) in which the Information Universe of Quantum, Longitudinal or the Scalar Waves keeping moving from N to M, the N-A-A-M and M to N as the M-A-N, and it is expressed as the AA or 2A for the Quantum Sounds and the Matter Universe it can create, and thus the N-2A-M or N-A-A-M while the A'-A' uses the Classical Universe with M-A'-A'-N, the M-A-N, which we have as the Classical Theory of Light. These Two Universes as the Classical (A'-A'=2A'=A) and the Quantum Universe (A-A=2A'-2A'=2A=4A') give us the Theory of Two Parallel Universe, and after the Physical Death of the Quantum Universe, the 2A or A-A "Emerges Back to the Light Universe as the A'-A'=A". It is one of the Most Essential Part of the Indian Sacred Languages, Grammars and the Linguistics", and it's also so in the Other Sacred and the General World Languages, Grammars and the Linguistics.

The Bindu (M) and the Bindi (N) uses the Light and Sound as with the Sounds of S and H. We have it as the S-A-H, the S-A-H-A also written as the S: in the Indian and World Languages while using it in the Sacred Prose, Poetry and Mantra creation.

The Sacred Languages seem to well use the 3 Levels of Cobordism as from the M-W-N giving the A'-2A-A for the (S-H)-N-M, where the S-H, the Light and Sound, the Dualism of Light and Sound creates the First Vibration of A' as in the M in the M-W-N while the Particle Waves go as the N and the Light Waves as the M, which seem to form the M-W-N as the (S-H)-N-M, and Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji seem to have well used it as the Satinama, the S-H 3 Levels as the SAT and thus the S-A-T-EE-N-A-M-(O) or simply the SATINAMA Sacred Theory, which reveals the Secrets of the Columns of the Indian Sacred Alphabets according to the Hypothesis of Philselfology.

While the Satinama uses the Black and White Holes to generate the Sacred Universe and thus the SAT with the NAMA, it also generates the Cobordism Ring as the Color Creation by Bindu and Bindi, the White and Black Light naturally generates the Thom Spectrum. (Reference:  

The Sacred Systems of Gurmukhi and Gurbani use it. 

The Sacred World Civilizations have advanced and excelled due to Linguistic Math of Quantum, Creativity, Art, and Evolution, which are now the Emerging Quantum Civilizations into our Modern Civilizations.

The E=A+iO, which we also know as the Most Essential Sinusoidal Expression of Light, Sound and Vibrations with E=Cosine+iSine, where we have the A=Cosine and O=Sine. The "i" in it gives all Sacred and Quantum Values of A', A, 2A, 4A with 3 Euler Angles. 

It further goes as the T=A+iO for the reason that E is Expression of Sound Gaps, which we know as the H in Aspirated Sounds with K'+H, K'+2H and K'+3H, and these "3H, E and T" is used as the Synonymous in Sound Energy as the Longitudinal Vibrations. So, we have it as the E(A+iO), T(A+iO) and H(A+iO). If we however use the H (A+iO), it can also go as the H(A/3+iO/3) due to great use of H, 2H and 3H.

Here, the O+iA seem to formulate the O-A-N-Kara while the A+iO seems to formulate the A-O-M-Kara Sacred Math, Geometry, Music, Trigonometry, Mythology, Cosmology and thus the Light, Sound, Energy, Consciousness, Matter and Universe when we study the Indian Sacred Systems. The simplicity of A+iO is that gives us the Secondary, the Derivative or the Mixed Vowels as thus the A+O=E, and all the way, it's the “Dimensional Additions and Multiplications of the Matrix (Matrika) and Cobordism of A’, A, 2A and 4A, which as according to the Cobordism can also be expressed as the A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’ and A’, A, 2A with the A, E, O, AE, etc., and it thus describes the Sacred Systems of Light as the O-AO-N-Kara, A-OA-M-Kara and the E-EE-K-A-N-Kara and the EA-O-N-Kara Sacred Systems”.

We can very easily assign and associate the Phi as to the A+O=E=Phi (and it’s also popular as the Golden Ratio) to the Indian Sacred Systems. In other words, we discuss the Phi=E when we say that the E=O+iA, and by saying that we have the iA, we pay attention to the Larger of the Two Sides in the Phi in the O+A=E where we have the O=A’ and A=2A’ and the A’+2A’=3A’=E=Phi. We also treat the E=A+iO where we treat mainly the shorter of the two sides in the , which O+A=E. We can associate the O+iA=E=Phi with the K-A-R, which develops the Phi Spiral. The K and the E are as if the Resulting Phi Ratio of the O+IA and we multiply it with the K for each Radius R for the given K(A+iO)*R, and we can generate the infinite Spirals of the Phi and the other conditions set in the O+iA=E Parameters. For more refined works we have the K(A+iO)=2A, which we in the K-2A-R, the Kara in the ONKARA. The reason to write 2A in K-2A-R is that we have A’, A and 2A, which results from the “iO=A’” and the “iA=A” as we say, we have to give priority to either O or A, and that O=A’ and A=A, and when we function and operate on the A’ and A, we get the E, which creates its own pair of E-K, and thus the A’-A and 2A-4A=E-K is one of the great assumptions used in the Indian Sacred Alphabets, Languages, Linguistics and the Grammars.

We can always write the A’-A-2A-4A as the O-A-E-K, the Basics and the Bases of the Phi Sacred Geometry with Priority to the Spirals, Helix, Eccentricity as we can notice the great variations in the O, A, E and K Ratios. It needs our attention that we are discussing the “Quantum Dimensions as Planck Systems, but NOT the Units in Science and Math as in the Classical Systems”.

Moreover, when we think of using the Phi with the Indian Sacred Systems, which we have as the A+iO=E, we can think of it as the A+(Pi)O=Phi=E, and the use of Pi and Phi together gives us the Spirals and we have it with the Euler and the 3 Euler Angles, which as the Solid Angles are well associated with the “K”, the Dimensional Universe, and also the Spins of E from the Phi=A+Pi*O gives us the E-EE-K, the 3 Primal Rotations, the Spins, and the Spintronics such that we can establish the O, A, Pi, E, Phi and K as follows:

A+Pi(O)=Phi=E and E-EE=K

We can notice that it includes the Creation of A’, A, 2A, 4A, and the Higher Dimensions. The Light with Pi, Sound with Phi, and the Vibrations of “Light and Sound as Spirals” after going beyond certain dimensional create and generate the Matter Dimensions, which we have as the K, and these coexist with the “E”, the 3-Dimensional Spins, Rotations and it’s what we know as the Layers, Manifolds and the Quantum Sequences as we can call it. Please note that the use of Ancient and the Sacred Systems saves lots of time while doing anything otherwise also needs that we integrate it with the previously existing systems. For example, the 3 E’s, the Eeriyan’s, the 3 Eerri’s seems the great use of the 3 Spirals together, and these 3 Spirals are part of the Old Testament of Christianity of the Jewish Religion and the Sacred Math, Music, Geometry, etc. it gives discussed here as the Triskelion, the 3 E’s and so on.

The 3 Eeri's, the E's, which we have as the 3 Spirals of E=O+iA, A+iO and i(O+A) is associated with the Quantum Gravity as the Quality of the Space, the Akasha Element, the K, and thus the E-K with 3 Spirals going on as the E-EE-K. The "K" in its 3-Dimensional Akasha Element as the Agasa is the "G", which if we quantize gives us the G-R, the Guru, the Gravity, the Gruta. For this reason, the E-EE-K is also treated as the Guru, while what it represents as the E=O+iA is considered as the Quantum Solid Body of the E, the Spiral has its name of Para, the EEDA, the Ida is also same as the Para, and both the Guru and the Para are associated with the Sat, the A0 and A1, A2, A3, which we can also write as the A0=c*t, and A1=A', A2=A and A3=2A, which light expressed into its 4 Dimensions, the 4 Vectors, the Spacetime, and when we express it in association with the Guru and Para, it is expressed as the Guru-Para-Sat, which is "E-EE-K"-"O+iA"-A0, A1, A2, A3 (or A', 2A', 3A', 4A'), and is very popular as the Gurparsadi, the Light in its Dimensions and Manifolds of Gravity (Guru), Quantum Gravity (Para) and Light-wave duality (S-A-T), and thus the Guru-Para-Sat, the Gurparsadi, the Sadi is simply the Sat(i) in association with 3 E's, the Spirals of Light and Wave Duality according to the Hypothesis of Philselfology.     

How and why we need to use the  A', 2A', 3A', 4A' is from the Homology and Homotopy that is present in it as A-2A and Cobordism as with A'-2A-A, and thus it's also what we can call the Quantum Neural Network of A', A, 2A and 4A, which also act as the Homotopical (Universal) and Topological (Local) Quantum Gates in which we have the Vibration Bonding present as the A' in the A', 2A', 3A', 4A' for giving us the A', A, 2A where A=2A' and 2A=4A'. We can also think of it as the Tricolors with the "A', 2A', 3A'", the 3 Manifolds in the Dimension of 4A' and "5A', 6A', 7A'", the 3 Manifolds in the Dimension of 8A' while giving us the White and Black Colors as the 4A' (=2A) and 8A' (=4A=2AA).

For the Homotopy of the Universe, we can think of E=O+iA as the 3A'=A'+i2A', which seem to generate millions of layers and manifolds in the Dimension of 4A' such that we can consider the 4A' as Perpendicular to the 3A'=A'+i2A' (Plane of Manifolds). In the Superfluid Model and the Quantum Water Drop Model, we can think of the 4A' Dimension as the Surface with scientific qualities and characteristics of the Surface Tension of the Quantum Drop, and what we label as the "O, A, E" can be put as the Water in its 3 States of Gas, Liquid and Solid. The AE as the 4th Dimension Water of "O, A, E" the Multi-states of Water.  

Using the Homotopy of 3A'=A'+i2A' and its Dimension of 4A', the Water as the Solid with "E" gets its name of P-ANU to P-AN-E, which is popular as the PANI or PANEE in the Indian sacred Systems while the Solid State in the 5th Row of Consonants as with the P-Varga goes for the 8A'=4A, and that Water as Pani also means the 8A'-N-EE, and PA=8A'=4A with N for the Topology and the E=O+iA gives the PA-N-EE, and we can also write it as the 8A'-N-(O+iA), which then generates the Indian Sacred Alphabet as the Liquid of 8A'-N-(O+iA), the Pani (water) as Liquid, and it goes into the 4th Row of Consonants and finally, the Water as Gas goes into the 3rd Row of Consonants. Now, we can think of the Water as Quantum AIR, which is written and composed in the 2nd Row of Consonants in the Indian Sacred Alphabets as according to the Hypothesis of Philselfology.

The Akasha as the Space Element is what we can think of Water as Space Element as from the 8A'-N-(O+iA) in which we have the A'-N-(O+iA) as the Space Element, while we also have it 5 Basic Elementary States as the A'-N-(O+iA), 2A'-N-(O+iA), 3A'-N-(O+iA), 4A'-N-(O+iA), 8A'-N-(O+iA), we can also put it as with the KA'-N-(O+iA), where K is any Natural Number, and thus getting many other layers, manifolds, dimensions and the fractals using the Water, the 8A'-N-(O+iA) as the DNA of Biophoton, Consciousness, etc. in the Form of Quantum Water Drop.

In the descending way, the Space Element, the Akasha from the A'-N-(O+iA) forms the Quantum Solid Elements as the 8A'-N-(O+iA), and thus the Sacred Indian Alphabets from the Quantum Drop as according to the hypothesis.

When we think of the Biophoton, the Unit of Consciousness, the "PANI" has its Opposite Pair of AAP, which is 4A'-4A'-P or "8A'-P" where the 8A' and the "P" are as if the 8A'-8A' or even the 8A'-8A'A', and that is where the Consciousness in Water seem to act as the A-A-P, the 8A'-8A', 4A-4A, the 2AA-2AA, the "Self-assembling" of Consciousness as the "A', 2A', 3A', 4A'", and that is how it seems we can have the  Quantum Math of Consciousness according the hypothesis.

In its representation, we have the A'-N-(O+iA)  as the Quantum Cobordism, in which we have the A' and O+iA pairing up to give the A', A and 2A where we have the O+iA=A, 2A, 4A, 8A, and the Higher Dimension based on how we orient the O+iA say as O+iA, A+iO, i(O+A), and when we have the O+A=O, we have the i=0, we have 0*A=0, and in the O+iA=O+0*A=O, and it's written as the O=A' as when i=0, and when we have the i=Pi Angles, we come across the O+iA=O (say at 0 Degree), O-O (when A=O at 90 Degrees), O+A (say at 45 Degrees), O-A (say at 180 Degrees), A-O (say at 270 Degrees), which we can term as the Light with its Optical and Acoustical Properties, and we can also notice that the "O+iA" thus goes well as the Quantum Entanglement of Two Photons, Charges and even the Phonons in which we have the "i" giving us the "Exciton" in its relation to the Phonons.

Now, when we have the A'-N-(O+iA), the "N" is the output of the A' and "O+iA".  We can also think of it as the H-O-H expressed as the H(+)-O-H(-), where H(+)=A', O(Oxygen)=N, and H(-)=Product of Charge Distribution from the O+iA. For advanced researches, we have the O+iA as the H2O when we write it as the O-H2, and thus O-H(H), the O-iA as the O-H(H) where the iA coming from the "H-H", which gives the Complex and Quantum Activity of Hydrogen in the O-H-H, and we can also write it as the O-H(+)-H(-), which we also study as the Dynamic and Quantum Behavior of the Water Molecule, Water Memory, Cymatics and the similar. 

"In the latest work, George Reiter of the University of Houston and colleagues study in detail the key to water's unusual properties – the hydrogen bond. This is the bond between water molecules, connecting the oxygen atom of one molecule to the hydrogen atom in another. Hydrogen bonds are usually considered primarily as an electrostatic phenomena, in other words that water consists of discrete molecules bound to one another through positive and negative charges (residing on the hydrogen and oxygen atoms respectively)." (From the source with thanks: 

Here, we need to remark that the Sacred Sanskrit while using the Sacred Anu Theory as the Two Dimensional Approach of Light-Sound seem to differ from the Sacred Philosophy of 3-Dimensional Studies of the Universe, where the Anu goes K-Anu, the Knu as the Kunama Sacred Theory of the South India, particularly as in the Sacred Tamil Language in Tamil Nadu by itself, the “T” is for the 3-Dimensions (which we can consider as the “Volume”), and the T(A)-M-EE-L seem to go in this direction. The Kunam, the K(u)-Nama is the 3-Dimensional Consonant Based Structure of the Languages, Linguistics and the Grammars. The “Vibrations of Volume” which we have considered as the N-A-M, the Bindi-Vibration-Bindu (Sound-Vibration-Light) vibrates with its opposite pair of “K”, and thus the K-NAMA and as it’s the Single Volume Dimension, we can have it as the KUNAMA, and it seem to well take up the ONKARA Sacred Theory as the ONAMA, and thus the NAMA, KUNAMA and ONAMA stand as the Basics and the Bases for the SAT-EE-NAMA as from the O+iA (related to Nama and Onama, the Sacred Dimension of the Singularity) and Y+iR (related to Kunama, which we have as the Volume Dimension of Nama, the Light and Sound) while the ONKARA also explain the Light and Sound with plurality which is expressed with OM ending up in the “Kara”, the Quantum Dimension of Volume, the 3-Dimensional Matter Dimension as expressed in the Consonants.

Here, we need to notice and consider that according to the Hypothesis of Philselfology, the Dravidian (Tamil) Sacred Languages are the “Sacred Languages of Spiral”, and most of the Sacred Alphabets seem to well represent the 3-Dimensional Spirals of the Universe. When the Sacred seem to well go for the 1-Dimensional (Taoism) Universe of Light, the 2-Dimensional Universe of Sound, the Vibration Universe of Volume, the Consciousness goes well in the Sacred Dravidian, the Tamil Language Family and it stands very close to the Chinese, Japanese, Korean and the similar languages of the world, which too are the 3-Dimensional Sacred Languages. For these reasons, the Tamil (Dravidian) is the Brahmi (3-Dimensional, the Quantum, the Sacred Daoism) Language, which is thus the Quantum Sanskrit as the Sacred Sanskrit Language seems to be the Taoism of the Indian Sacred Systems when we think of Dot (Point). The Dot, Point and Circle together seem to well create most of the 3-Dimensional Sacred Languages in the world as the Sacred Tamil, the 3-Dimensional Sanskrit.

We have discussed the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and other Brahmi Sacred Languages in the series of Be Happy Philselfologically.

How Sacred Wisdom of Mouth, Languages, Linguistics and Phonetics with Hindi and Punjabi as Parental and Mother Languages: Philselfology of Glossolalia and Golden Times of India and Modern Quantum Age: Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 50

In other words, the Brahmi Languages are based on the "Vowels" in which the "Action Follows the Sound and thus the Thought", and we can put it as "Thoughts (Second Row of Vowels)-Actions (Rows of Consonants)-Vowels (First Row of Vowels)" as the "Philosophy-Self-Science", and thus we can also name it as the Philselfology. Here, we have to remark that the Brahmi Languages are the Quantum Sanskrit (Classical Languages), which are also considered as the Param, the Parama, the Para Languages. We can think of Taoism and Daoism here as the Sanskrit seem to well support the Taoism while the Brahmi (Tamil) seems to well support the Daoism, the 3-Dimensional Taoism as according to the Hypothesis of Philselfology.

Thanks for your time to read it! :)

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