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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Secret of Natural Laws and Principles-God, Nature and We: Metaphysics of Moolmantra of Sikhism and Other Religions Revealing Art of Ascendancy-II

The word Waheguru is simply saying Praise the Lord Thy God, no matter what one religion or ism one follows. Just by seeking, His Grace is to walk on it and obeying His Will is an art of walking. For a Sikh or any learner of mysticism this very art is to accept and obey His Will without creating doubt, but listening to the advice of the Gurbani, the teachings of common thread present among all religions metaphysically. When we do not understand the mysticism, the mystic touch in any religion and other philosophies of theism- the faiths and beliefs, we have many doubts making us suspicious about the other, which we do not follow.

When we learn the art of transcendentalism and ascended to the level of higher level of living, we understand the mysticism. It is the true living is one in which one does what one says and says what does. It is the higher living and the true living is still higher. In other words, it is giving the metaphorical and mystical direction to our fantasies making these the imaginations and finally the creativity.

This creativity is not manipulation of knowledge, rather; it is self-felt feelings giving the mystic experiences for which knowledge is just a boat and the mystic insight as the third eye acts as a compass. The compass gives direction, the clarity of the thought to one’s knowledge in the light of Wisdom of Gurbani, the mystic and healing touch of Faith and thus the God’s Grace. The silent words of selfless service constitute the prayers that are always heard, the metaphorical fruits and joys of the wisdom tree.

The above direction is of the ascending in accordance with the Transcendental Laws and the Principles. In Metaphysics God and or goodness has Power, but the Satan has no power as he works with Force. The Satan forces to as what we know the temptations, the forcefulness and thus the evil ends and on the other hand, God’s Grace bless to ascend to higher living, the mystical and thus the ends of greater good with the gifts of creativity, the creative thinking and arts through the Holy Spirit, the Power of God.

Now, the Mother Nature, who bears the name Shakti is the female power, the power of the creativity. Well, the criticism about her is an ironically very different, the Eastern and particularly the Indian scriptures warn to be bewaring of Maya, the female power of negative and thus destructive energy, which the Satan uses, and honor the Shakti, the female form of positive and thus constructive powers of nature, which God and His selected ones use for blessing and healing others, it is mystical healing and thus metaphysical.

Thus, the one is Mother Nature and the other is the illusion, the mirage, which is the negative power causing ignorance as in the filthy desires, lust and other satanic traits, and thus Satanic in nature. The need leads to the positive trait, energy, the desire, and the lust to the negative trait and energy. You see there is a little difference so little that we may not discern. It is the difference between imagination, the creativity and fantasy. We will focus one the first Transcendental Law that God is One and the Principle that Nature follows according to His Will as embedded in the Transcendental or Natural (Universal) Laws and Principles, which we will discuss in this series. Thanks!

© Dr. Harmander Singh (© Protected and archived by Seal™ File)

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