However, the destiny that is associated with possessions is not related with it that way. Faith does not work on destiny as it invites Grace, the highest of Destiny. The Concept of Grace may seem idealistic, but it is the most realistic for which not our actions, but FAITH contributes the most.
To whom He gave His Love, gave nothing else (worldly-wise)
To whom He considered not eligible gave everything, (the possessions).
(Indian spiritual saying
This is one of the major reasons that in our prayers we avoid reading our demand lists (for us it seems the destiny, but it is demanding) - praying and asking for possessions and fulfillment of our desires. It makes the concept of destiny as fake as negativity if we keep praying by reading the demand lists. The Grace is as if child asking mother to have her attention, she fulfills his or her demands, but if child starts to play games, mothers may not like such children.
It brings the faith to the level of child. Seek, learn, play, pray and trust like a child. It is the secret of Grace.
Destiny on the other hand is as if number of seeds one can have, but sowing the seeds makes a difference. Why?
The Greater Good is sharing, and if we share the destiny of others. We sow the seeds and if we are going to eat say 100 seeds, we have grown it for many people. More people share it, more fruits of Good Karma has our share in it. Thus, increased and enhanced share in the destiny of all - the Grace. It makes the concept of congregation as of high worth and value.
Good Karma do not make us deserving, but we share more in the greater good for possessions. Eating more than we need does not make us healthy, but sharing our food with natural world, the animals, birds, plants and other things make a greater return for all. So, we go for Grace, the highest level of destiny.
If we gave back to nature what we take from it, in abundance we receive - mustard seed sown gives more seeds as it multiplies. In all other things, nature does the same - multiplying all that we sow - even the Good Karma. The Great People do not have great destiny, but they attain the highest of it, the Grace, is not it.
Thanks for your reading it.