We read in the Vishnu and Narad Purana and all other scriptures that in the Kaliyuga, the Age of Machines as Kal means Machine and Yuga means Age and thus Age of Machines, the only thing is Name of the God that remains most important as by Kirtan, Chanting, and so on. Why do we say only name? It, the name is sound and according to quantum physics, the world was created from word, the sound. When we pray, we have highest levels of word, the sound within and also feel the presence of higher conscience as we do in devotional music, the Kirtan.
We are using sound in many forms: "Other studies into sound energy include the usage of various high-frequency waves to actually cancel out other sound pollution that is generated daily from daily life in urban settings. This is particularly helpful in areas where cars and other sources of loud sounds can have their noise at least partially negated by corresponding frequencies, much like noise cancelling headsets utilize a soft “white noise” to eliminate other sounds around a listener." (With thanks from the source: http://www.biofuelswatch.com/uses-of-sound-energy/)
It is common nowadays that many of us would assume as equal to God, and as Shri Guru Gobind Sngh says that almost at every home one will assume to be Lord Rama - Gods (Ghar Ghar Hoye Baihenge Ram...).
Now, name is beyond space and time. The Yuga Rishsi Parashar wrote that in the Kaliyuga people will not chant God's name, they will rather buy it from those, who worship. Like how many people can do take the Sankalpa of doing 1.25 Lakh (125000) Mahamritjnaya Japa with Havana, we cannot find many in a single city. So, we want others to take Sankalpa for us and buy it or pay for it.
Maharishi or Yuga Rishi Parashra (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parashara) request that it may harm, the two other things he says that giving water to thirtsy and food to hungry is best donation as we would lack it in the Kaliyuga. Now, we seem to refrain from doing Kirtan, reading scriptures, reciting God's name, preparing food for the hungry, giving water to the thirsty, but when our child is sick we rush for Jap and Havan done by others.
These are not highly respectable as also do not seem to respect the Rabbi, Pujari, Pandit, Bhai Ji (Granthi), Maulivi's, Priests and so on as they seem as if servants who perform rituals in which sound energy for healing is used in many ways:
"The only barrier to the acceptance of vibrational medicine remains the firmly held (and oudated) beliefs of the older doctors and surgeons still practicing medicine. They don't believe in vibrational medicine, and hence they claim it doesn't exist. They aggressively attack homeopathy, acupuncture, sound therapy and mind/body medicine even in the face of an overwhelming body of sound evidence (no pun intended) that they work. Younger doctors, however, are far more curious about nature and are increasingly open to exploring and even prescribing these forms of medicine. When the majority of doctors start doing that, we will be firmly in the third age of medicine: vibrational medicine. We'll treat patients without drugs, without invasive surgery, and without dangerous side effects. Health care costs will plummet, positive results will skyrocket, and the pharmaceutical industry will become practically obesolete.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/001128.html#ixzz1K2oMro6Z"
We seem to believe that sound energy, the word and thus quantum is best done by machines and or by others and so practice it personally as little as body does on its own. We can make a difference if we understand what our scriptures about almost all subjects have to say about human faculties of knowledge and wisdom, and it is not going back to ancient but to the original.
Thanks for your time reading it.