Inspired by Ancient, Traditional, Pseudo & Ikshvaku as EK Vaku Comparative Sacred Uni Streams with Geni's; the Hypothesis, Research and Project of EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems (Philselfology) with Proposed EK Gurmukhi Vaku World R&D Uni Streams with Cymatics also deals with EK Theory of All EK Comparative World Religious Studies with Interfaith; Metaphysics, Music and Math as in PoWR with Single Equation of Every Subject and System & Proposed WIPO Community IP for Humanity.
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Image via WikipediaEast Meets West 7: How and Why Sikhism Embraces World Religions and Faiths – Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sufis, and Others
Gurbani, the Teachings of Sikhism in ShriGuru Granth
Sahib, the Holy Book, the Living Guru in the Punjabi language has been firstly
from Sheikh Farid Ji and many others who came before Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Shri Guru Nanak Dev called all as the Gurbani and Fifth Guru Nanak, Shri Guru
Arjan Dev Ji Compiled it in the Aadi Granth Shahib....
This video below shares something scientific that technological as well that we use in faith healing. The Mantra can do miracles when we chant it, sing in the Kirtan or in any other form. The Mantra in India that means what makes emotions, the creative intelligence (the Mann not Man though) swim in the world of waves and vibrations, the ocean of consciousness.
"Gregg Braden presents a video showing cancer being cured (transformed really) in less than 3 minutes using a specific language of emotion. This specific 'language of emotion' can be created within all of us and anyone can learn it, By properly FEELING this e-motion within us with the intention 'as if it has already happened', we are able to mirror the expectation to this intelligent field that is all around us. For more info on this language and how The LifeLine Technique taps into it, visit"
What is right here and right now is one of the most amazing as described in almost all ancient scriptures as when sound, the voice from light heard all prophets in the Old Testament responded to it and received what seems unbelievable to us and its also so in other religions, faiths and the ancient - modern schools of philosophies.
Well, I am not a preacher but talking about Quantum Physics that helps knowing the Secrets of Miracles as when we are in tune with the universe it works as if a miracle and Holy Bible and Other Holy Books, the Scriptures call it the Art of Living in the Present. We as the humans find it difficult to live in the present and thus miss what we know Prayers, the Very Art of Living in the Present, where the Spirit works beyond Space and Time.
I wrote it as Scientific Feelings and Creative Thinking naming both as Philselfology (Registered as started from 1986, and first book published in 1997) that can heal from within and this is Gregg Braden making these works expressing all in the a brilliant way.