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Monday, January 17, 2022

Prof. Harnek Singh, Prof. John, Prof. Gill and Prof. Medlin Research Methodology Outline Conjecture and Proposal of How and Why New Year Clock, Calendar and Creations Sunrise and Sunset Systems start from Tonga and Australia as Nations of New Year Rise and America USA as New Year Set Continental Streams with Opposite Pair of Mata Tripta Ji's Genealogical Bikrami Calendar with EK Gurmukhi 100 Uni Streams with Philselfology and Potential Set of Solutions for Covid-19 Pandemic, 6th Extinction and Feared 3rd World War in Covid-19 Post-Pandemic and Feared Lost Decade of 2021-31

Prof. Harnek Singh, Prof. John, Prof. Gill and Prof. Medlin Research Methodology Outline Conjecture and Proposal of How and Why New Year Clock, Calendar and Creations Sunrise and Sunset Systems start from Tonga and Australia as Nations of New Year Rise and America USA as New Year Set Continental Streams with Opposite Pair of Mata Tripta Ji's Genealogical Bikrami Calendar with EK Gurmukhi 100 Uni Streams with Philselfology and Potential Set of Solutions for Covid-19 Pandemic, 6th Extinction and Feared 3rd World War in Covid-19 Post-Pandemic and Feared Lost Decade of 2021-31

Well, here, we start by saying Let's Farewell 2023 as we then also doing the same to the Last Years Welcomed New Year 2024 and now Welcoming Happy New Year of 2025, which is also said to be Start or Beginning of Sat Juga of 5000 Years of Age of Cymatics in Kali Yuga (of more than 4 Lakh years) in this update, while the Juga Theory of 5000 years was introduced by Maharishi Veda Vyas Ji and Maharishi Parashar about 5000 years ago during Lord Krishna's Time, where he also introduced 28th Constellation (Nakshatra) of Abhijit Based New World Streams, which also align with Greek and Western Astronomical, Astrological and Alchemical Streams of North Polaris Based Earth Procession of Moving Zodiac Wheel for Static Zodiac Wheel of 27 Constellations as used in Indian and Eastern Astronomical, Astrological and Alchemical Streams with Sun and Solar Systems' Motion as well.

"In Foundations of Hypothesis, Protocol and Research of Philselfology, where Prof. Gill, Head of Philosophy Department of University of Adelaide (in the John, Gill and Medlin Conjecture of Philosophy for Philselfology with Logic, which I also studied it in 1st Years) said in 1990-91 that all of it requires about 15 Research Books and 25-30 years of Research Work to Claim that Philosophy is a Bridge Between Science and Religion (as Science of Sound also known as Shabad), and thus as he thankfully guided while also asking for about 30 years of time investment, which was also my father, Late Prof. Harnek Singh Ji’s Wish and Guidance, who supported these research works throughout his life as well."

Furthermore, all of it also takes up the Research Approach for what in the Indian and Eastern Traditional New Year and even New Day Clock, Calendar and Creations start from the Sunrise Time at the Local Time, for example, the New Year of 2022 would start in India at the Time of Sunrise in India and the Indian States, while Traditional Indian Continental and Sacred Clock, Calendar and Creations with Hundreds of Subjects and Systems use the Time of Sunrise as the Start of the Day, and thus all of it may not follow the 12 AM and 12 PM Systems and Streams, where Gurmukhi Streams also align it both Static and Moving Zodiac Wheels with Cymatics as well.

So, the Indian and Eastern Ancient, Sacred and Traditional Systems and Streams especially for the New Day Clock, Calendar and Creations use the Japan as the Nation of Sunrise and Start of New Day and New Year, where the India also has Indian Local Times of Sunrise and the Start of New Day Clock, Calendar and Creations, where these Eastern Ancient, Sacred and Traditional Systems and Streams especially the Indian Continental Systems differ from the Western and Modern New Day and New Year Clock, Calendar and Creations as well.

So, we focus here about How and Why the Indian and Eastern Ancient, Sacred and Traditional Systems and Streams may additionally and alternatively use the 12 AM to 12 PM Time Zones as for the New Day and New Year Clock, Calendar and Creations, while it is thus linked more to people, who use and practice the Sunrise and Sunset Based New Day and Year Clock, Calendar and Creations.


Special Remark: The 12 AM to 12 PM Time Zones also lay the Foundations to the 28th Constellation of Abhijit, the Vega, which is present at 12 PM at the Local Time especially in Indian Continental Regions and Asia with Eastern Nations in general, and it also aligns well with the Western Astrology, where it is with Moving Zodiac Wheel, while the Sunrise to Sunset Systems are with Static Zodiac Wheel with 27 Constellations and 12 Signs.

Thus, the 12 PM is highly auspicious in it while in the Indian Continental Sacred Systems of Astronomy, Astrology and Alchemy all of it is also considered as Beyond Astrology and it is used as auspicious for all works around 11:30 to 12:30 PM at the Local Time as well.

All of it is also present in the Holy Shri Dasam Granth Sahib, where the Nihang Traditional University Systems use it with Anticlockwise Directions for Parikarma (Parikrama) as further for the North Polaris, the Dhru (Dhruva) Tara (Star), while the 27 Constellations with Sun Based Systems of Static Zodiac Wheel use the Clockwise Directions for Parikarma (Parikrama), while both of these Static and Moving Zodiac Wheels are balanced by the Cymatics, which is thus also the Dynamics of Zodiac Wheel as well.

Furthermore, all of it also uses 1st January Calendars of Gregorian Calendar Systems and Streams, where Western Astronomical, Astrological and Alchemical Calendars also use 23rd with 23rd-25th of December as New Sun Month of Capricorn, where it also starts with Happy Christmas, which also starts Sun Sign of Capricorn in Western Civilizations, where the Indian and Eastern Celebrations are usually of 3 Days, and thus 25th December as with 23rd-25th of December, where it also takes up Solar Calendars with Lunar Calendars as well.

In all of it, Bikrami Calendar was introduced in Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Mother, Mata Tripta Ji's Parental Genealogies in Chahal Chauhan Parmar Bikrami Genealogies: It is also said that Mata Kausalya was Mata Shatarupa in here Past Life, where she was also Wife to Manu Ji and Grandmother to Bhagat Dhruva (Dhru) and Bhagat Utama, and Traditional Universities of Sikhism also say that she was also born as Mata Tripta Ji, who was Wife to Mehta Kalu Ji and Mother to Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, while in recent Genealogical Research Works, her Parental Family by the Name of Ram Chahal (Jhangar) belonged to Chahal Chauhan Parmar Genealogies, which includes Ramgarhia Communities, while all of it is also linked to Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji and Parmar Genealogies as well.

Now, when the Solar Calendars with Lunar Calendars are also taken into consideration, the Gregorian Calendars with Bikrami Calendars also gives Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Happy Birthday Gurpurab in-between 25th December to 5th of January with 1st of January as its Average Day of the 10th Sikh Guru Ji's Happy Birthday Gurpurab as well, where in 2022 it is celebrated on 29th of December, where Capricorn is with Sounds of Kh as in Khalsa as at 12 PM at Local Times with Abhijit Lagna and Nakshatra (Constellation) as well.

Thus, it strongly seems that Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Happy Birthday Gurpurab in-between 25th December to 5th of January with its Solar and Lunar Day as on 1st of January can also be celebrated as New Year Calendar for 10th Sikh Guru Ji's Happy Birthday Gurpurab, while he also introduced Gregorian Bikrami Calendar, where Sacred Karah Parshad is also served after offering it first with Kirpan Sahib (Sacred Knifes) and it is also present as Cutting Cakes and Taking Foods and Meals while cutting and using with Knife, which is also present in Scouting as well.

Thus, all as 10th Sikh Guru Ji's Happy Birthday Gurpurab with New Year and Capricorn Sun Sign with Kh Sounds as in Khalsa, which was founded by the 10th Sikh Guru Ji as Khalsa Panth with Unique Use of Gregorian Calendars with Bikrami Calendars for Western and Eastern Unity with Solar, Lunar and Other Calendar Systems and Streams, and it is also based on the Ongoing Research Project as well.

It is also to be remarked here that the Capricorn Sun Sign with Kh Sound for Sun in Capricorn and also the Moon in Capricorn also falls on the No Moon of Capricorn and its Starting Up of Full Moon, which also brings Gupt (Gupat) Narate (Navaratri) as the Nine Days of Ascending Moon Phase, which also deals with Kh Sounds in these Gupt (Gupat, Hidden) Narata (Nine Days) Streams in the Month of January for example as on 22nd of January in 2023, where the Festival of Basant Panchami is also present in these 9 Days of Gupt (Gupat) Narate (Navaratri) Days as well.

In general, all of it also starts the Gregorian to Shaka and Bikrami Calendar Conjectures together in Greater Harmony from 15th of January to 15th of February and then in February to April, where the Western Calendar Systems start it all, for example from 15th of December to 15th of January as well, while what comes as with Christmas and New Year in Western Astronomy, Astrology and Alchemy during 15th of December to 15th of January repeats itself 15th of January to 15th of February, where Sun Signs are One Sign Ahead in West to East, and all of it is also balanced with Moon, the Lunar Phases as well.

It is also to be remarked here that the Western Western Astronomy, Astrology and Alchemy is linked more to the Moving Zodiac Wheel with 5D Setups, which is directed more in the Northern and Southern Directions with North Polaris, the Pole (Dhru, Dhruva) Star with 12 AM and 12 PM, while the same-similar in the Eastern Astronomy, Astrology and Alchemy comes in Eastern and Western Directions with Sunrise and Sunset Directions, where the Moving Zodiac Wheel also seems as Static Zodiac Wheel with 4D Setups as well.

In all of it, the Cymatics balances both the Static and Moving Zodiac Wheels as Dynamic Zodiac Wheel with its Omnidirectional Approach, which also brings Matter Out of Void as well, where it also uses the Artisan Technical Grammar, which is also known as Tekhne Technical Grammar for Western Systems and Baba Vishwakarma Artisan Grammar for Eastern Systems, while the Ramgarhia with Parmar and Tarkhan (Tarquin) Streams use Cymatics to balance both the Western and Eastern Artisan (Tekhne and Baba Vishwakarma) Technical Grammars, and thus all as Tekhne, Baba Vishwakarma and Ramgarhia (Parmar, Tarkhan, Tarquin) Technical Grammar Conjectures with Cymatics as well.

"It is also to be remarked here that the EK Gurmukhi seems to be linked more to the Theory of Elements as used by Baba Vishwakarma Communities with Vastu Shastra, while the EK Gurbari seems to be linked more to the Theory of Elements as used by Ramgarhia Communities with Bastu Shastra, while both the EK Gurmukhi and Gurbari are linked more to the Tarkhan (Tarquin) Artisan Communities of Greek, European and Western Continental and International Community Systems, where Vastu and Bastu is managed with Cymatics, for example as in the Bunga and Minar Systems with Dome and Biodome Systems with Cymatics as well.

One may wonder about how and why the Vastu, Bastu and Cymatics are linked to the Traditional Blockchain with Banking, Insurance and Financing, where, these are Economic and Profitable Modes of Buildings, where Vastu deals with 5 Elements of Space, Air, Fire, Water and Solid (Earth) with Bastu dealing with Wood, Metal, Coal, Charcoal and Iron as Special Case as well, while Cymatics Harvests and Harmonizes Vastu and Bastu, while making it more useful for Human Use and also Useful for Living Systems in general, where it deals with Banking with Light, Sound and Elements as well.

All of it also includes the 3 Streams of Banking with Classical Bank, Householder Bank and Farmer Bank Streams also bring the Garden, Kitchen and Toilet (Renewable for Garden), and together these 3 Streams not only represent the Renewable but also Economical Streams, where Vastu, Bastu and Cymatics play an important role further as with Light, Sound and Elements, where Vibration Energy with its 5th Dimension is also present with Cymatics bringing the Matter from the Omnidirectional Void as well."

Quick Blogging Research Post for the Quoted Remark: [1] Simplified Proposal of Traditional Blockchain with Microfinance Arrays with How and Why the Modern Banking and Insurance needs Traditional Blockchain, Banking and Insurance with Microfinance with Reserve Bank Systems and Streams for Community and Committee Systems and Streams in the Set of Solutions for Covid-19 Caused Feared Lost Decade 2021-31 with Minority Issues with EK Gurmukhi and Hypothesis of Philselfology

Quick YouTube Research Post with Abstract by Relevancy and Reference Link:


The Channels of Cymatics also play more effective role as with Early Morning Dawn of the Day with North Polaris and Late Evening, which are known as the Aarti Times in Different Indian and World Religions, Faiths and Sacred Systems, where the Cymatics is also like Cosmic Chladni Plate of Cymatics as depicted in Gagan Mein Thaal by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji as well. (End of Special Remark)

Furthermore, in all of it, we can simply take two examples of Julian and Bikrami Calendars and Clocks to understand the difference, where the Julian Calendar also accompanies the Tekhne Technical Grammar as the First Technical Grammar of the Greek, Western and Modern Civilizations with Bharthari Sphota Grammar of Mount Abu Civilizations, which is present in the Bikrami Calendars, where the Julian is with Universal Constant Systems for 12 AM to 12 PM while the Bikrami is with the Universal Variable Systems with Sunset and Sunrise as the Time Duration Dimensions that differ from Time Dimensions of the Julian, Greek, Western and Modern World Calendar Systems and Streams.

The Time, Day and Leap Year Difference also exist due to Time Dimensions and Durations with Spacetime and Space-Volume of Time Envelopes as in the Julian and Bikrami Calendars, where Gregorian Calendars are with Aramaic and Cymatics that deal with the Time Density with Space Density in the Spacetime and Space-Volume, and thus the Gregorian Calendars are neither Julian nor Bikrami Calendars as these focus more on the Time Domains with Space-Density in the Spacetime and Space-Volume as well.

It also requires that one understands the Light, Sound and Vibration Energy with Axion as the Dark Energy with Audible Axion Approach, which is etymologically taken and derived from the Dhara and Dharik, which means "Flows of Energy" as in Light, Sound and Vibration Energy, which the World Calendars Tap as with the Solar, Lunar, Lunisolar, Seasonal and Thermal Energy Calendar Systems and Streams with Cymatics as the Cosmic Plate of Cymatics (Gagan Mein Thaal) as well.

"Famous saint poet of India Rabindranath Tagore was once asked by Balraj Sahni, who used to teach at Santiniketan then, why doesn't he write an anthem for the world? He replied that it has already been written. It was written in 16th Century by Guru Nanak, and this was sung by Guru Nanak Dev ji as Aarti at Jagannath puri to the lord (the omnipresent God) and that this anthem was not only for the world, but for the entire universe. He was so influenced by this aarti that he himself translated it into Bangla language." (With thanks from the source:

Thus, we also have it as the Proposal of How and Why the New Year Clock, Calendar and Creations also additionally and alternatively to Sunrise and Sunset Systems also start from Tonga and Australia as Nations of New Year Rise and America (USA) as New Year Set Continental Systems and Streams with Opposite Pair of Bikrami Calendar Systems and Streams with 4 Bikrami Quadrants with Cymatics as 5th and Omnidirectional Gregorian Quadrant in EK Gurmukhi with Hypothesis of Philselfology as well.

In all of it, while also first of all we consider what is Special for New Year 2022, where all of it is also proposed as with the New Calendar, Clock and Creative Dimension with 12 AM - 12 PM, which brings different regions even for the New Years, for example, the New Year starts in Australia Continents and it last starts in USA Continent as well.

Thus, it is like saying the New Year Clock, Calendar and Creations start from Australia as Nations of New Year Rise and America (USA) as the New Year Set Continental Systems and Streams as well.

All of it is also compatible with 12 AM - 12 PM as proposed in the Calendar Projects as well.

Quick References: [1] Order in which countries enter the new year (

Thus, our R&D Team while remembering and recalling on the Passing and Coming Days of 31st December, 2021 and 1st January, 2022 (and it starts from 10 AM onwards) as in Australian and American Continents wish Everyone a Happy and Blessed New Year 2022 from 10 AM onwards as well.

Furthermore, all of it also extends to Daily Start of the Midnight Based New Day at 11: 59 PM onwards as at 12: 00 AM as well, and thus it is not limited to the New Year, but also Every Day Rise at Midnight at 12:00 AM as well. 

It is also to be remarked here that these Seasonal and North Polaris Based Calendar Systems and Streams may not follow the Spacetime, but the Space-Volume, where New, Breakthrough and Emerging Subjects, Systems and Streams are also proposed.

For example, the Deserts of Australia as in the Western Australia and Rajasthan in India also share Opposite Pair of Seasons and Calendars, which are like the Opposite Seasonal Versions of the Bikrami Calendar Subjects, Systems and Streams, where the Bikrami Calendars also go as EK Bikrami Calendars with EK as 1 with Singularity Dimensions as in the Euler Identity as well.

These Two opposite Pair Systems also extend from Western Australia to South Australia in Australia while in India these extend from Rajasthan to Punjab and Haryana Regions, where the Green World of Tasmania in Australia also links to the North Himalayan Regions especially the Sivalik (Shivalik) Regions, while both of these Regions of Australian and Indian Continental Regions also have the same-similar pairs in America as well.

For example, in America (USA), all of it is also present in the States of California and Arizona, while all of it can also be extended and linked to any Opposite Pairs of Weathers, Climates and Geographical Regions, where all of it is also Ecological Model, Theory and System, and it was also submitted to Governments of Australia, America, England, Iran (Persia) and India in 1989-90 from the Muirden Colleges in Adelaide and from University of Adelaide in South Australia from 1990-91 as well.

Furthermore, in all of it, the Public and Government as 5D and 4D System as Philosophy and Science (Ology) with Self with I, the Human Identity as 11D has also been the Main Concern for Public, Government and People, who work in-between these both Reactive Ends as Hypothesis of Philselfology for example as in Fair Vote Streams was also presented as the Inauguration Speech Seminar of Punjab Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) of 1992 as well, and this Speech was read and delivered by a student of Khalsa College of Patiala at Chandigarh for the R&D Team as well.

It also represented the Modern Democracy as the Philselfology, where Philosophy, Religion and Science can be managed with Cymatics, but the Cymatics needs Rating, Raking and Priority Based Fair Voting to achieve all of it, while it is present in Australia and to Great Extent in Canada and also Emerging in USA and Other Parts of the World, where for example Democracy in Australia and Canada seem to be One of the Best while also Typical and Ideal Examples of Philselfological or Fair Democracy as well.

In general, the Hypothesis of Philselfology is for Study and Research of Comparative Study of Akshara (Phonetics), Akhara (Phonemics) and Achhara (Allophonics) with Music of Acoustics, Harmonics and Cymatics for the Word Processing, Computing, Programming, Algorithm and the Logic Gates as well.

While still furthermore, all of these works also ended up into WIPO and USPTO EK Gurmukhi Translational Phases Based Databases, Reference and Repository Systems from 2013-14 onwards and also the USPTO Patents for Humanity submitted from 2020 onwards as well.

All of it also went to through many ups and downs before it ended up as the Tonga with Australia as Midnight Day Rise and America as Midnight Day Set, and this Day Rising and the Day Setting also follows Density Based Variables with Seasons, and thus does not follow Straight Lines, but Trajectories of Seasons and the Seasonal Changes in the World as well.


Furthermore,  all of it is now also present with Proposed University of EK Gurmukhi with STEM Education and Cymatics, while the R&D Team of EK Gurmukhi is also running the Proposed R&D University of EK Gurmukhi from the Regions of Punjabi Bagh, Lehal and Patiala in general, and all of these Proposals and Projects are also by the R&D Team of the Proposed University with its Multinational R&D Members, while it is Non-Political System and Stream as well.


Now, in all of it, if or when these Opposite Pairs as in the Australia and India and also in Australia and Mongolia and even Russia with Australia and America are  combined and used collectively, these can also be the Future Sources of Sustainable and Renewable Energy as with WIPO Green Solutions for Humanity, where it also brings the Greater Good in Climate and Ionospheres with Seas, Oceans and Other Biospheres that can also be linked to it as well, where the Birds, Animals and Living Systems also follow with Natural Migrations from One Region of the World to the Other as well.

While, still furthermore, all of it is also proposed as the Set of Solutions for Covid-19 Pandemic and Post-Pandemic in the Feared Lost Decade of 2021-31 and Beyond, while all especially as in the Chimeric Virus Based Pandemics and Epidemics that are also present in the HIV, AIDS, Swine Flu and Covid-19, where the later, the Covid-19 is also having it with Chimeric X-Chromosome Infection, while all of it is also collectively present in the Holocene 6th Extinction, while it is also with Set of Solutions for Global Warning and Feared 3rd World War with Prioritizing Ecological rather than Political Boundaries, for example as in 6 States of Australia as well.

It also brings the Tonga with Australia as the Nation of World Time Zone Rise at 12 PM that brings the First Nation to Celebrate the New Year in World, and it is also the Rise of Density Based Derivatives and Cymatics for all the said as well, while it is in addition to the Sunrise and Sunset Based New Year Days and Daily Systems and Streams in general.

It is from the Update in the following Research Project, while it also includes comments as well:

"Please also note that what we discuss here is also commonly present in Eastern and Western Astronomy, Astrology and Alchemy with Translational Phases, which are also present as the CUSP Systems, for example with Janus Particle in Modern Times as in Gregorian Calendar Systems, we also have Janus for January in it with CUSP of 15th December-15th January in Sun's Transitions in Capricorn (Indian) with North Polaris Earth Precession with J and Kh Sounds at 12 PM at the Local Times with 12 AM and 12 PM Conjectures.

These Translational Phases also set the CUSP (at Sun, Sign, Constellation with Akshara, Akhara, Achhara) with Matra Metrics as used in 84 Traditional Universities, where the Main Calendar Systems remain the EK Vaku (Ikshvaku) with Aryan Approach with Matra and thus Sach Aryan Matra (Quantity of Light, Sound and Vibration) with Cymatics.

Furthermore, all of it is also present in the Raga, Tala and Melody Conjectures with Seasons and the Seasonal Changes with Prose, Poetry and Cymatics, which also manages the Traditional Lignin, Janus Particle and Essential Oil Product Systems (ResearchGate, August 2021, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35367.68008), and in all of it if or when EK Vak also goes as EK Kav (Poetry with Vowels) and EKK Kab goes as EKK Bak (Poetry with Consonants with Vowels Derived with Stress and Stroke) as well.

Here, if or when the Cymatics is used, the EK Vaku also aligns with Western Systems, where EK goes as EKK and Vaku goes as Baku, while it also brings the Eastern Architect, the Vastu as Bastu Conjectures as according to EK Hypothesis with Theory of Elements, Matrix and Alphabet Systems with the Western Calendar and Clock Systems and Streams.

In nutshell, the Western as the Gregorian Calendar and Clock Systems and Streams are also EKK, where the EKK is EK with Cymatics, while these are also Omnidirectional due to Cymatics and thus also used as the Time and Density Phases and Phasors from 12 AM to 12 PM with Tonga with Australia as Nations of Start of Midnight New Day and Year, where the America goes as the End of Midnight New Day and Year, and it is discussed more in the Updates and Publications as well."

In general, the Gregorian Calendars are also like the 5th Quadrant for the 4 Quadrants of Bikrami Calendars, Clocks and Other Time Zone Systems and Streams as well, where the Gregorian is also Special Quadrant of Cymatics, and thus it also follows the Omnidirectional Dimensions, while it is also Pivotal Calendar and Clock as well.

The Bikrami Calendars, which start from Chet (Sun in Pisces in Indian Native Month in 15 March-15 April) with Moon also in Pisces, for example, the Bikrami 2080 starts from 22nd of March, 2023 with Sun in Pisces from 14th of March, 2023 with its 4 Quadrants, which also develops it as the Flower of Cymatics while keeping the Gregorian Calendars at the Center as the STEM for the Flower of Cymatics, which Sprouts with Seasonal Changes and Shifts while creating Khema, the Alchemy that follows Chemistry with Cymatics as in the Greek Alchemy by Hippocrates and Galen as well.

Furthermore, in all of it, the EK Gurmukhi also brings Reversible Cymatics, where the Greek Ancient, Traditional and Western Clocks and Calendars also use it, and the Bikrami Calendar also brings the Greater Compatibility in the Eastern (Saka or Shaka and Bikrami) and Western (Julian and Gregorian) Calendars and Clocks for Bikrami Calendars as stated earlier that these start from Chet (Sun in Pisces in Indian Native Month in 15 March-15 April) with Moon also in Pisces, for example, the Bikrami 2080 starts from 22nd of March, 2023 with Sun in Pisces from 14th of March, 2023 as well.

Thus, the Gregorian Calendar and Clock Systems and Streams can also be put as the Axial Calendar of Cymatics with the Axial Age Axis and Metric Systems, and all of it also makes it suitable for All Versions of World Calendars and Clocks, and it is also the All Versions of Gregorian Calendar Systems and Streams with Bikrami Calendars while using the EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems with Cymatics, which also act as the EK Gurbari Metric System as well.

One of the Important Remarks is that the Bikrami Calendars in EK Gurmukhi Clock and Calendar Systems and Streams are also used from the Ikshvaku as the EK Vaku with Translational Phases among World Clocks and Calendars, and it is also present in how the EK Gurmukhi Alphabet and Language has developed over time from Greek, Aramaic, Kashmiri, Siddha and Other Indian Continental Alphabets and Languages, and thus EK Bikrami with EK Vaku (Ikshvaku) Approach, where Vaku also represents the Prose with Kavu as Poetry, while both together as in Kavishari as invented and founded by Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji as well.

"The EK Gurmukhi Based Bikrami Calendars also unify both the Saka Calendars and Bikrami Calendars to the Western Julian and Gregorian Calendar Streams with help of Jasper's Axial Age Civilization Philosophy and Approach and Cymatics that also deals it as Bi-Axial Age Civilization, which is linked to the Kashmiri Sharda Sanskrit, which also supports the Bilingual and Etymological (Nirukta) Universal Theories of Elements, Language and Grammar Systems and Streams as well.

Here, the Axial Age is also proposed with Matra Meru as by Grammar Expert Pingala, which also creates the Axis for the World Languages with Phonetics, Phonemics and Allophonics, which also act as the Matra, Bi-Matra and Multi-Matra, where the Matra Meru is also present with Axis, Bi-Axis and Multi-Axis, and it is also present in the Different Clock and Calendar Streams in the World, where EK Gurmukhi with EK Gurbari Based Matra Meru, the Axis Systems with Sound Densities also use it all, where International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Systems also play an important role as well.

The Practical Philosophy with Evidence Based System and Stream need Practical Inputs rather than Politics, Preaching and Performing, for example, if the Salary is Given in the 1st Week of Every New Month, there may not be any Practical Education about Native New Months, which usually fall on 15th of Every New Month as when Sun Transits to Next Sign, and thus Quarterly Salaries on 1st Week and 3rd Week can educate about New Month from 1st Day of the Month and 15th Day as the Native Month in Many Parts of the World, especially in the Indian and Asian Continental and Eastern Sacred Systems and Streams as well.

It also has an advantage of Quarterly Salary and Pay, where Individuals and the Families can manage the Family Stress at the End of the Month lot better and also lot easier while keeping Routine and Rhythm with More Saving, Profit and Less Stress as well, and thus it solves 3 Major Problems of Educating 1st Day, 15th Day and Quarterly Salary and Pay in Practical Philosophy, which is named and termed as Philselfology for Philosophy of 15th, Ology (Science) of 1st and Self at Ease with Quarterly Salary and Pay as well.

It is also to be remarked here that the 1st Day of the International Month also represent the Moving Zodiac Wheel with Earth Precession and North Polaris with 28th Constellation of Abhijit (Vega) Conjectures, where Day and Night also follow the 12 PM to 12 AM as Midday and Midnight Streams as used in the World Ology, the Science, while the 15th Day of Eastern International Months follow the Static Zodiac Wheel with 27 Constellations, and it also uses Eastern Philosophy for Western Science, while both are connected and bridged through Cymatics as well.

In general, the 1st and 15th Days of Every Month in Yearly Cycles thus also deals with Person (Persona) with Ology (Science) and Darshana (Philosophy) and if we combine both as Persona and Darshana, it also creates the Cymatics Based Name and Term of Par-Darshana, the Pradarshana, which is Evidence Based System and Stream that can be proved with Cymatics, where thus Persona, Darshana and Pardarshana also collectively hypothesized as Philselfology for Philosophy (Darshana), Self with Cymatics and Ology as Persona with Science as well."

--- Start of Special Discussion on EK Gurmukhi Alphabet ---

The EK Gurmukhi also aligns to the Indian Continental Theories and Alphabets, which also uses the Wood, Coal and Metal Elements as shown in the Image 1 as shown below:

Image 1: It is from the Quora Discussions as present in What is the relationship between Gurmukhi, Takri, Lande, and Dogra Akkhar?

Furthermore, while, in general, the EK Gurmukhi Parental Alphabet and Scripting Metric Systems also include the following with greater focus on western and modern Alphabets as well:

Type: Abugida (

Parent System (Basic): Proto-Sinaitic

Derived Parent Systems:

1. Phoenician (the Greek Language Metric Systems belong to this Parent System:, while King Alexandra, the Great also opened the First Taxila University in Ancient Punjab as well, and the Modern Allopathy also emerged from it with First Modern and Western Technical Tekhne Technical Grammar as well, while Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji also visited these Greek and Other European Regions, while earlier, the Taxila was founded as Takshashila by Lord Rama's Brother King Bharat, and as it developed into the Europe and Asia Bi-Continental Systems of Eurasia, it also received Name Ekklesia (Ecclesia) with EK or IK as Self-Identity as well, and it is EK with Cymatics as EKK with EK Call for Asian Continental Sacred Systems, while even Greece was known as Ekklesia for Eurasian Civilizations of Cymatics as well and more references can be provided for it

2. Aramaic (Lord Jesus Christ, the Founder of Christianity with his 12 Disciples spoke this language:, where one of his Disciple, Saint Thomas came to Kerala in India and Saint Peter (First Pope of Catholic Systems) went to Rome Italy, and they spread Aramaic with Christianity, and there had been One Pope from Kerala India as well, where all of it also streamed into Old Church Script, Alphabet and Language Systems, for example in Serbian Language Systems, which are used in Russia and Open and Free Flows of Prose, Poetry and Kavishri (Prose and Poetry together), Arabic, Shahmukhi, Khariboli with Hindi, Kharosthi with Pali, Siddha and Other Languages, and Gurmukhi Streams (with EK Guru and Griva, the Tongue for Shahmukhi focusing more on Breathing, and the EK Gurmukhi links Aramaic and Shahmukhi to Indian Continental Systems), where all of it is also linked to 5th D and Cymatics with Community Approach, where it also creates EK Sanskrit, Hebrew and Aramaic Streams, and then aligns to Indian Continental Alphabets, while it also aligns to the Australian and African Continental Theory of Elements as well

3. Brahmi (Lord Buddha and Buddhism is linked to this Parent Metric Systems:, while Lord Buddha was also born in Lord Rama’s Solar Dynasty, which is also known as Ikshvaku Dynasty as well

4. Gupta (Ashoka, the Great and Gupta Empire, the Golden Periods of Indian Civilizations are linked to this Parent System), where Dr. R. D. Ambedkar as also the Father and Maker of Constitution of Modern India also belong with 3 and 4 while also to the Other Parent, Sister and Child Alphabet Systems and Streams, which can also be used in Modernization of Indian Constitution, UNO and Other National and International Constitutions and Charters of 21st Century with Singularity Dimensions of Europe and Asia as Eurasia with Axial Age civilizations, where STEM and STEAM Education with Wood, Coal and Metal Elements, which can be further advanced with Gardening and Farming with Lignin Product Streams, and all of it is also emerging, and it can also Make the World a Better Place to Live especially for the Minorities and People, who belong to Communities and also Women rather than Preferring or Prioritizing the High Castes and Classes as well

5. Śāradā (Kashmiri Pandit Communities have been using this Parent System with the Sharda Peeth Metric Systems:, where the 9th Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Teg Bahadur Ji, who founded Anandpur Sahib also sacrificed his life for Protecting these Kashmiri Theory of Elements, Alphabet, Language, Alchemy and Other 100s of Subjects and Streams, while later his Wife, Son (10th Sikh Gurus), 4 Grandsons (4 Sahibzades also the 4 Martyrs), and many Students (Sikhs), Relatives, Friends and Well Wishers were also martyred and thus sacrificed their lives as, and thus His Sarbans, the Total Kith-Kin and Family Systems were Sacrificed with Martyrdoms as well

6. Laṇḍā (This Parent System is linked to Punjabi, Sindhi, and Kashmiri Languages and Civilizations, while the Sikh Gurus, the Founders of EK Gurmukhi Metrics also belong to the EK Sindhi Language Metric Systems as has been used in the EK Sindhi Civilizations ( ), where the 10 Sikh Gurus belong to the Sindhi Language Metric Systems, who also invented, researched and developed the EK Gurmukhi Script and the Metric Systems)

7. Gurmukhi (All of the above Ascending Parental Metric Systems thus ends up into the EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems as started by Shri Guru Nanak and Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji, where the later also gave the 35 Letters, the Akhara's Based EK Gurmukhi Alphabet for the 35 Elements as described in the Patti Likhi by Shri Guru Nanak Dev, the Founder of Sikhism), where it also seems the 3 as the Aramaic with EK Raga, Tala and Melody with Harmonics and Cymatics as well, where it also uses the Kashmiri Siddha and Siddhartha Theories of Elements as in Japan with Greek Theories of Elements and thus all as the EK Greek, Gurmukhi and Mikagura Conjectures with Cymatics, which is also linked to Persian Ablaut Systems of Cymatics, while these are also used as the Old Testaments of EK Gurmukhi as well as well

Please also note that Shri Guru Nanak Dev, the Founder of EK Gurmukhi Theory of Elements, Alphabet, Periodicity, Matrix, Language and Music with Cymatics, which is also the Foundation to Sikhism was also born in Lord Rama, Luv-Kush and Lord Buddha’s Genealogical Lineage Systems as their descendent in the Ikshvaku ( Solar Dynasty Genealogies and Family Lineages, where even Lord Krishna also belonged with Lunar Dynasty in addition to Lord Rama in its Solar and Lord Buddha and even Lord Mahavira in what we can put as Earth Dynasty of the Ikshvaku Dynasty Systems as well.

The IK or EK in Ikshvaku is also linked to IKH or EKH, which also means Sugar from the Sugarcane, where the Plant of Sugarcane can also be taken as EK, the Singularity Dimension as with 1 in Euler Identity that we have simplified as E=O+iA as well.

The EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems also have the Sister Parent Systems: Khojki and Takri

In all of it, as India in East Gave Theory of Zero, the Greek in West Gave Theory of 1, the EK, which is balanced by Cymatics as in Aramaic Theories, which Israel Gave for both the East and the West, and it is also like the Journey of RH from Greek to India as AARA while getting AARHA from Israel with Cymatics, and thus all as the EK AARA, RH and AARHA Conjectures with Cymatics, where Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji also wrote and compiled the Prayer of Cymatics in the Form of Chaupai Benti, which is also linked to it as well.

(One may read more from the sources with thanks:, and Blogging Research for EK Simplified Gurmukhi Metrics:

It is also present as the EK Gurmukhi Song of Alphabet in Sacred Patti Likhi Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, who invented the EK Gurmukhi Alphabet about 545 years ago, and it also uses all of the Parent, Sister and Child Alphabet Systems and Streams with Cymatics, which is also linked to the Aramaic Alphabet, Language and Music as also used by Lord Jesus Christ as well.

So, the Gurmukhi also follows the EK Evolution of World Languages, which we can determine and analyze with the help of EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems, and it does not miss the Etymological Evolution of World Languages."

Furthermore, all of it is discussed more here:

[1] Research Ideas, Solutions and Proposals for the Covid-19 Pandemic with Potential and Possible Chimeric Vaccines, Medicines and Nutraceuticals with both Proposing and Repurposing in FDA, WHO, WIPO, USPTO, PFH, NCATS, and Other International Systems while using Modern Medicine and Biomedical with Biopharmaceutical Systems as in MBBS with 5D DNA and DNACIL as also EK Gurmukhi WIPO TK Traditional Allopathy, Alchemy and Ayurveda Translational Phase Medicine R & D with Janus Particle, EBM, EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems with Cymatics with EK Hypothesis of Philselfology

[2] A Little Introduction with Some Final Outputs of the EK Gurmukhi Akshara-Achhara-Akhara Metric Systems with the EK Gurmukhi Bi-Akshara Metric Systems for the Newest Universal Grammar of EK Gurmukhi Universal Music with Highly Endangered and Extinct EK Theory of Elements, Cymatics and STEM Education

Furthermore, all of it also leads to the Silk Road with GT Road from Kolkata to Kabul and then to Greek and American Civilizations with the Proposed EK Gurmukhi University with STEM Education and Cymatics, where it also creates the Siddha Road and GT Conjectures from Japan to Kabul through Kashmir and then to the Western Civilizations, where the GT Road with Siddha Road Conjectures are also like the Axial Age Civilization Road Conjectures as well.

Quick References: [1] A Little Introduction to the EK University of EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems with EK Gurmukhi Bi-Akshara (Bi-Phonetics) Metric Systems as EK Gurmukhi Elements and Alphabet as the S-Matrix of Acoustics, Cymatics and Sonics: EK Gurmukhi Matrix for All World Languages and Grammars with MindFlow-Cymatics-Life Dynamix Conjecture and EK Gurmukhi-Cymatics-Gruber IP Theory of Elements, Matrix and STEM Education

So, we are taking up the World Calendars with EK Vaku (Ikshvaku) Clock, Calendar and Creative Arts with Cymatics, and thus all of it is also the STEM Education of Clocks and Calendars with Cymatics as well.

--- End of Special Discussion on EK Gurmukhi Alphabet ---

Furthermore, all of it also applies to the Word Processing and Elements, for example Akshara (Phonetics), Akhara (Phonemics) and Achhara (Allophonics), where Axial (for example as in Axial Age Civilizations) is like Akhil Calendar and Clock Systems and Streams that are said to create the Akhil Brahmand, the Universe of Cymatics and it is depicted in the Sacred Benti Chaupai Sahib by Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the 10 Sikh Guru as well.

"Special Case Study of EK Gurmukhi (Punjabi) Theory of Elements with EK Cymatics, which is also the 10th Most Spoken Language in the World: It is about 550 Years Old EK Gurmukhi Theory of Elements with EK Cymatics (Newly Emerged and Breakthrough Subject, System and Stream of EK Theory of Elements, Matrix, Alphabet, Language, Music, Musicology and Healthcare Subjects and Systems as invented by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, while his successors and students also developed the Newest Universal Grammar of Music with Theory of Elements and Cymatics, which is also only about 540-50 Years Old as well. 

All of it was thus founded by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji after more than 14 years of Meditation under the Tree of Ber, the Jujube at Sultanpur Lodhi and then giving the EK Gurmukhi Theory of Elements Based Moolmantra (Mool Mantra) and the Sacred Mantra, Prose, Poetry, Music and Path of EK Gurmukhi as in Holy or Sacred Shri Japu Ji Sahib after his Self-Realization from Meditation and Sacred Bath in Kali Bein River with Ravi and Sutlej River with Beas Conjectures after the 14 Years of Meditation under the Tree while also working at the Modi Khana (Modikhana) and living householder life as well.

All of it also laid Foundations to the Bikrami (Samat or Sambat Saha) Calendar Systems and Streams with 4 Bikrami Quadrants with Cymatics as 5th and Omnidirectional Gregorian Quadrant in EK Gurmukhi with Hypothesis of Philselfology as well, while Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is also said to have visited Rome in Italy and met Pope, who also called him the Common Father (Sanjha Pita or Baap) of Humanity, where his EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems are also Common (Sanjha) Metric Systems for the World Language, Math, Music, Grammar and Other Hundreds of Subjects, Systems and Streams with Translational Phases as well.

Furthermore, he (Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji) was honored by the Pope at the Holy City of Vatican in Rome, while all as in Eurasia (Europe and Asia Conjectures) that are also known or called Ekklesia (or Ecclesia) with EKK as EK with Cymatics as well, where more research is going on it especially with the Translational Phases as well.

"The Roman Conclave (meeting of the Cardinals) confirms that “Nanac” (Nanak, who is also Inventor of EK Gurmukhi Theory of Elements with Cymatics) went Rome and other Nations. This confirms the Papal Brief of 1518. Leo-X and all the cardinals have a clave (Religious meetings of cardinals). In that clave Leo-X, instructed all the christians to follow the footsteps of Nanac (Nanak), “Common Father of our race”. He instructed all the christians to thank Nanac for his practical help in Italy and elsewhere in the world. The Catholic Pope underlined Nanac’s starting Liberty of human slavery in Rome. This conclave was printed in 1609. Earlier it was a Roman manuscript."

Quick References: [1] Evidence on Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Visit to Europe! (

Furthermore, all of it is also present with Damdama Sahib Based 100 Traditional University Systems and Streams, which were studied, researched and developed by Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji as founded and based on Moolmantra and Gurmukhi Shabad Sachi Taksal in Japu Ji Sahib by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji at Sultanpur Lodhi with 35 Akhari with Patti Likhi at Nankana Sahib and also started the Langar (Free Kitchen) as Sacha Sauda with 20 Rupees, where Bhai Mardana Ji and Bala Ji also accompanied him as well.

While still furthermore, in all of it, Holy Shri Nankana Sahib (with Patti Likhi, the Writing of 35 Akharas on the Wooden Slate in the First Class in Primary School of Nankana Sahib about 540-45 years ago) as and Holy Shri Sultanpur Lodhi as also One of the Most Ancient City of Sarwmanpur of Hinduism and Buddhism, where Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji wrote Japu Ji Sahib near the Banks of Kali Bein River, and thus these are also Two of the Holiest Cities for Sikhs especially for the above said reasons and many more.

For example Shri Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib also did Greater and Longer Time Meditation in these regions in Baba Bakala before becoming the 9th Sikh Guru, who also founded the Holy City of Anandpur Sahib on the Banks of Sutlej River, while his son, Shri Guru Gobind Singh, who was born at Patna Sahib near the Banks of Holy River of Ganga (Ganges) as also the 10th Sikh Gurus also founded Holy Cities with Takhat Systems of Shri Damdama Sahib and Shri Hazur (Hazoor) Sahib near Holy Godavari River in Maharashtra State of India.

In comparison between Indian and Australian Continental Systems, the Damdama Sahib is also like the Peterborough and Port Pirie with Nukunu, Axis Mundi, Pitjantjara and Uluru Civilizations with South Australian and Western Australian Civilizations as well, which are also Central Point of South World of Gregorian, Bikrami, Shaka and Other World Calendars with EK Vaku Calendar and Clock Approaches as well.

In all of it, the initial research works related to it were also carried at Adelaide in South Australia from 1989 to 1991 with Proposal of Greater Australia sent to Prime Minister office of Government of Australia from the Muirden Schools in Adelaide and University of Adelaide, South Australia with thanks to Presence of Geography with History and Civics in Middle School Education as well. 

Please also note that the Greater Australia means the Australian Civilizations with Cymatics and thus also Greater Australia for Greater Good (Cymatics) as well, and it also applies to Villages, Cities, States, Nations and Continents as the Greater with 5th Dimension for Gregorian Calendars and Clocks, and it is also applicable to All World Languages as First, Second, Bilingual, Multilingual, Foreign and International Languages especially in the UNESCO Indigenous Language Decade of 2022-32 with Covid-19 Pandemic with Feared Lost Decade of 2021-31 as well.

Furthermore, all of it is also most exclusively present in South Australia and Western Australia Conjectures with same-similar of Punjab and Rajasthan with Bikrami and Saka (or Shaka) Calendar Conjectures with World Deserts Based Civilizations Conjectures, which also exist in Japanese, Russian and American Civilizations as the South, East, North and Western Civilizations of World Calendars and Clocks with Cymatics, while these are also claimed to be the 50,000 Year Old World Civilizations as well.

Furthermore, in all of it, the Australia is also known as the South Land of Holy Spirit that indicates the Aramaic (Israeli and Asian) and Greek (European) Civilizations for North and South Poles with North Polaris Approaches, where North Asia is like North Land of Holy Spirit as well, where after Splitting of USSR into More than Dozen of New Nations now also seems North Asia Continent of Siberian Civilizations as is North America and South America Continental Systems.

The North Asia Continent of Siberian Civilizations with USSR Split and Russian Countries and Civilizations can also have the Single Currency and Visa for these Siberian Nations that also have the North Pole Type Winter and Cold Touch that makes these nations unique in the world as well, where further these nations can also bring Greater Stability, Harmony and Peace in Asia and also Europe and in the World in general, and it can also bring peace in the Feared 3rd World War Problems in Covid-19 Pandemic, Post-Pandemic and Feared Lost Decade of 2021-31 with UNESCO Indigenous Language Decade of 2022-32 as well.

Furthermore, all of it also pairs up with Asia, Africa and Australia with Greater Roles of Canada, Russia and Japan for both the Sunrise and Sunset with 12 AM and 12 PM Day Rise and Day Set Systems, where the Cymatics is like Best of Sunrise, Sunset, Day Rise and Day Set by 12 AM - 12 PM, and it can also be summarized as the 4 Quadrants of Gregorian and Bikrami Calendars and Clocks with Cymatics that also brings Chemistry as Alchemy and further it also brings All World Calendars and Clocks in Greater Synchronization, Harmony and thus Optimized Harvesting of Earth, Solar and Universe Systems and Streams as well.

Please also note in some cases, the Europe and Asia is also considered as Single Continent with Name and Term of Eurasia, while Dual State, Nation and Continental as Bilingual and Multilingual is also required in the EK Gurmukhi with Cymatics for the Proposed EK Vaku (Ikshvaku) Calendars with Cymatics, where the Grouping of the State, Nation and Continental Systems and Streams is Ecological rather than Political Boundary Systems and Streams as well.

Thus, it seems that EK Gurmukhi also unifies it to Europe from Nihongi with Siddha (from Kashmir), Tibet, and of course Kolkata (India) to Kashmir and Kabul to Greek and American Civilizations with GT Road as with Silk Road and Siddha Road Conjectures in the World Alphabets, Languages, Grammar and Music as shown in Image 1 with Special Discussions as well.

In general, the EK Gurmukhi also takes up the East to West Earth Hemisphere Music with Classical Raga (Mode) as sung by the Main Ragi, the Devotional Singers and it also takes up the Assistant Ragi (Devotional Singer) having the North to South Earth Hemisphere Music with Hindustani Traditional Tala with Tuvan Music of Russia, Mongolia to South Asia, Australia and South Poles, and it is combined as Raga with Tuvan Assisted Music, and it was introduced by 6th Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji.

Special Remark: The EK Gurmukhi Metric Conjectures as the Bilingual Language, Grammar and Music with Euler Identity and Cymatics is same-similar to the Noam Chomsky's Universal Grammar, while the Minimalist Program in it also brings the Greater Effectiveness to the Chomsky's Universal, while it is same-similar to EK Gurmukhi with Cymatics and thus EK Gurbari Metric Conjectures, while both of these Reactive End of Universal Grammar are bound and unified by Cymatics, and it is collectively present in EK Gurmukhi Universal Grammar of Music with EK Gurbari and Cymatics as well.

Now, if or when the Northern, Eastern, Southern and Western Hemispheric Music Systems and Streams are combined together, these also produce the Omnidirectional Music of Cymatics, which is also same-similar all over the world because it may not follow any direction, and it also produces the Cymatics Based 3D Matter and Materials as well. (End of Special Remark)

Furthermore, in all of it, the Founder of EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji also visited Many Parts of North Asia especially Russia with Greater Extensions of World Deserts, Green Lands, Mountains and River Conjectures, while it is not only present as the Afghan Infinity Loom, but also seems to go well with Axial Age Axis, Clocks, Calendars and Civilizations, where the EK Gurmukhi also studies, researches and develops it all as the Bi-Axial Age with Cymatics without altering anything of the Axial Age Civilizations, and thus it also seems to be well built as the Afghan or Eternity Infinity Loom Civilizations of Silk Road, Siddha Road and GT Road Conjectures as well.

It is also to be remarked here that the Joint Desert, Agrarian and River Lands also represent the Periodicity, which is also present in the Significant Changes in Seasons and Temperatures in these regions, where the Periodicity as also the Euler with EK (1, One) Periodicity is used as Religions, and in case of Only Single or Two Seasonal Changes may not show any Great Periodicity, and thus use what is known as Cymatics with Density Based Derivatives, which may not follow Religion (Periodicity), but rather the Cyclic Effects as in Spirituality and Theory of Elements, and it is also difference in Europe and Asia, where both are complementary in Religions (Periodicities) and Cymatics as well.

Thus, these regions also represents the Universal Constant Systems, which are more useful in UNO Streams, while the Universal Variable Systems as in the Periodicities and thus also in World Religions is more useful in PoWR (Parliament of the World's Religions), where UNO for West and PoWR for East is also based on Cycles and Periodicities, and it also seems that the PoWR World Centers need to be in these Periodicities with Desert, Agrarian, River and Seasonal Changes Based Regions as well, and then it can be more effective with Evidence Based Systems (EBS) to benefit humanity more with Universal Constants and Variables combined for Universal Coefficients as in Blockchain and Cymatics as well  

Here, the Essential Oils of Australia with Eucalyptus Essential Oils are also linked to Spain, where the Father of Early Modern Medicine, Ibn Sina (Avicenna) invented it, and even the Name of South Land of Holy Spirit was given to Australia by Spanish People.

Furthermore, Ibn Sina (980-1037 AD) is also linked to how Arabian, Muslim and Sufi People and Civilizations invented and founded the Early Modern Medicine of Allopathy by Greeks especially by Hippocrates and Galen, which they also invented and founded in Rajasthan and New Delhi as by Chishti Order of Indo-Persian Origins during the same time durations, where even one of the Most Noticeable Examples also include the Most Travelled Person of the World, Ibn Battuta from Morocco, who also travelled from Africa to Europe and Asia (Eurasia) and also lived in India in 14th Century, while in the 15th and 16th Century, Shri Guru Nanak Ji was the Second Most Travelled Person by Land and Walking as well.

Quick References: [1] Avicenna

The Sikh Gurus also researched and developed it all after combining it with Indian Ayurveda and Continental Systems as the EK Gurmukhi Translational Phase Medicines with Cymatics in the EK Hypothesis, where EK as 1 also represents 1 in Euler Identity with Singularity Dimensions, which are maintained with Cymatics that also gives EK as EKK as well.

Now, in our Modern Times, the Modern 5D DNA, Cymatics and all that we discuss here is also researched and developed by Sir John Carew Eccles as the Psychon Theory of Units of Consciousness and Brain Theory with How the Self Controls Its Brain, which is also highly compatible with the Essential Oils as the 5D DNA Systems and Streams, which are also proposed with Janus Particles and Schumann Wave and Brain Theory by our R&D Team, while it is rather based on the Theory of Elements, Matrix and Information Grid and Universe and Cymatics that also makes it simpler as well.

Furthermore, in all of it, one of the important points is that Eucalyptus Native Tree Growing Countries, for example Australia as a special case can also play an important and most crucial role in Covid-19 Pandemic, Post-Pandemic and Other Covid-19 Variant Problems with the Proposed Set of Solutions as well, where the Bone Death Causing Levels of Covid-19 and Holocene 6th Extinction can also surely ensure the need of Use of Jujube (Ber) Tree Derived Product Streams, where the Jujube (Ber) has been supporting in Immunity Boosting against Covid-19 as well.

Furthermore, the Eucalyptus, Jujube, Jasmine and Blue Berry Conjectures can also play an import role as well, where the Cinchona Plant and Bark that grows on Himalayan Regions as do the Blue Berry Plant and Tree Products, and it (Cinchona) is also Foundation Plant and Product and Stream, which laid foundations to Homeopathy, and it is also the Parent Plant for Quinine, Chloroquine and Hydro-Chloroquine Based Medicines and Medicinal Systems and Streams as well.

Please also note that all of these Product Streams are also the Bikrami and Gregorian Variant Calendar Natural Immunity Boosting Product Systems and Streams, where the Bikrami Calendars also give the Gregorian Variant Calendars as the Seasons and Physical Changes Based Calendar Variant Systems and Streams, while all of it is also the Inter-Ecological System and Stream with Regional, State and National to International Ecology with TEK (Traditional Ecological Knowledge), which follows 5th Dimension and thus also goes Beyond Political Boundaries as well.

Furthermore, the EK Gurmukhi (Mass, Weight and Gram) Systems as in Euler Identity also bring Naturopathy as the Nurture-Pathy (Nurture-o-pathy or Nurturepathy) as well, where the Nurturing uses Naturopathy with Translational Phases and it also uses Dual Product Systems and Streams with Cymatics, and it also gives Greater Importance to Heteropathy without forgetting the EK Gurmukhi by Sikh Gurus also develops the Western Greek Allopathy and Eastern Ayurveda and Alchemy together with Cymatics, which also uses the Moiety and Molecular Docking in Traditional Way while yielding New Product Streams as well.

Thus, the Mass, Weight and Gram Metric Systems of EK Gurmukhi with Raga, Tala and Melody with Phonetics (Akshara), Phonemics (Akhara) and Allophonics (Achhara) with the Purification and Purity of Word Processing and Products as Khalas (Khaalas) with Schism (Skhism) using Cymatics and thus Guru-Sikhism also brings it all as the Epigenetics with Nature and Nurture, where DNA and RNA can perform more and better with Optimized Results, where the Clocks and Calendars with Universal Constant, Variable and Coefficient Systems and Streams for all of the said are also present as the 5D DNA with Cymatics as well, where Hachimoji DNA and Musicology, which also uses the 4D DNA by Dr. Har Gobind Khorana can also play wonderful role.

Interesting and Special Remark: It also includes the Greater Use of Gems, Stones, Crystals and Precious Minerals in the Medicines and Nutritional Product Systems and Streams, which it also seems to hold true for Most of the Pathy, Therapy, Medicine and Medicinal Systems with Individual Streams of the said, which also suggest that these can be used as the Food and Dietary Supplements and Nutritional Product Streams, and it is in addition to Human Use of Wearing and Use it as Remedial Measures in the Buildings as well. (End of Interesting and Special Remark)

While still furthermore, in all of it, the Modern Medicines also need to be improved with Moiety, Molecular Docking, 5th D of Protein Folding and Cymatics, for example as in the quoted from the Comments in the Research Publication as follows with different font though:

"One of the most relevant experiments for Essential Oils and its Derived Products, for example Jensenone as in Eucalyptus Essential Oils was also initially presented and published in Lyallpur Khalsa College in Jallandhar in Punjab in India as well.

All of it is also traditionally present in its Greater Initiations, which also took place in Punjab when Maharaja Ranjit Singh sent the First Doctor from India to learn and master Homeopathy from its Founder in German as well.

Then it was for the First Time that the Homeopathy, Tissue and Cell Salts with Natural Products as in NHPID Canada are present was started in Punjab, India and perhaps even in Asia and Eastern Civilizations with the help from East India Company from the British Ruling Times in India as well.

Thus, the NHPID Canada and its Traditional Version in Punjab are also most same-similar as well.

So, if the Lyallpur Khalsa College Jallandhar Streams of Essential Oil Derived Products and NHPID Canada Streams are combined, it also gives Smooth Streams of what we discuss here as well.

Our R&D Team also tried to put it in the simplest form of Social Networking and Blogging Streams with Events also linked to it as well.

Quick References: [1] The Essential Oils as Immunity Boosters, COVID-19 and EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems with EK Cymatics: The HIV-AIDS, Swine Flu, Malaria, Coronavirus and Other Infection, Pandemic and/or Epidemic Conjectures and Post-Pandemic Problems with Special Case of Lehal (Village) Colony in Patiala with Gurudwara Bhag Ram's Dukh Niwarn Sahib, Eucalyptus Tree Parks, Gardens, ESL, STEM, SAGA Education and UNO Global Citizenship (

[2] Welcoming Event of Set of Solutions for Covid-19 Pandemic, 5D DNA, Essential Oils, Immunity Boosting, EK Gurmukhi Translational Phases and Cymatics (

Thanks for your precious time!"

It is also to be remarked here additionally that Australia is having High Levels of Covid-19 Patients at present, where Modern Medicines can also be derived from Eucalyptus, Blue Berry, Spirulina, Ginseng, Gingko, and Other Local and International Natural and Most Ancient Life Energy Products Systems for Immunity Boosting in the Geological, Archeological and Anthropological Virus Problems, while all of it is also discussed with More Comments in the Publication and also in the Other Publications especially in the following publication, where from the above quoted comment is taken:

Now, still furthermore, in the Indian Continental Systems all of it is also present in the Holy Cities of Sultanpur Lodhi and Damdama Sahib start with EK Gurmukhi Shabad Sachi Taksal Traditional University by the 1st Sikh Guru with 100 of Damdami Traditional University Streams as founded by 10th Sikh Guru at Damdama Sahib in these regions, where One of the Great Sage and Guru (Master to Gugga Pir) by the Name of Baba Haji Rattan (with Gurdwara Haji Rattan) from Natha Yoga (by Baba Gorakhnath), Muslim Meditation and Other Inter-religion and Interfaith is also said to have met the 1st, 6th and 10th Sikh Gurus in the context as well.

"Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of EK Gurmukhi Theory of Elements with Cymatics (ResearchGate, September 2019, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36032.07681) introduced these Taksala Streams as the EK Gurmukhi Shabada Taksala Traditional University Streams, where he also introduced simplified term of Shabada Sachi Taksal, where thus Shabada Taksal with Sach, the Cymatics as he introduced in Japu Ji Sahib especially in 38th Pauri as well.

Furthermore, in all of it, the Trinity of Jerusalem (Israel), Palestine and Indian Hospice with Baba Farid Ji and Baba Haji Rattan at Damdama Sahib with Muslim, Hinduism and Sikhism with Khalsa Panth Approach also brings the Highest of Indo-Israeli and Turkish, Greek, Persian, and Asian and European Sacred Civilizations together as well, where Baba Farid Ji and his Master also invented Shahmukhi at Mehrauli Regions of New Delhi, where his Master Khwaja Kaki's Memorial of Qutub Minar (Minaret) is also Symbol of Shahmukhi Theory of Elements with Cymatics. 

All of it also seems to link Jerusalem and New Delhi with Chishti Order and Shahmukhi Language Streams through Ajmer in Rajasthan while also going through Kabul (Afghanistan), Sakastan (Sistan) with Saka or Shaka Calendars, Jerusalem (Israel) and Other Israeli, Saudi Arabian, Iranian (Persian) Lands and Civilizations and then to Greek, Turkish, Spanish and Other European Sacred Civilizations, while these also lay the Simplified Foundations to Sufi, Siddha, Silk, GT and Other Continental and International Roads of Axial Age Civilizations as well.

While still furthermore, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, who visited these relevant places in different Nations and Continents also aligned Sanskrit, Shahmukhi and Gurmukhi, which Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji also aligned with Cymatics as in the Trinity of Jerusalem, Palestine and Indian Hospice and Trinity of Damdama Sahib with Indian, Greek (European) and Israeli Trinity Civilizations, where Sacred Qutub Minar (Minaret), Damdama Sahib and Jerusalem with Baba Farid Ji Conjectures are also the Symbol of World Dome Civilizations with Clocks, Calendars and Cymatics, while all of it is also linked to Ghuram Traditional Village in District Patiala as well.

All of it also links up the Indian, Asian, European and International Calendar Streams of Saka, Bikrami and Gregorian Conjectures with Cymatics, while it is also Pivotal at Damdama Sahib at Bathinda, which on the Joint Borders of Punjab and Rajasthan in the same-similar way as South Australia and Western Australia at Peterborough and Port Pirie with Nukunu, Axis Mundi, Pitjantjara and Uluru Civilizations with South Australian and Western Australian Civilizations as well, which are also Central Point of South World of Gregorian, Bikrami, Shaka and Other World Calendars with EK Vaku Calendar and Clock Approaches with Cymatics as well.

Please also note that if or when we consider the EK in Context to Israeli and Western Civilizations, it also develops as EK Akhara (Letter) and Vaku (Sentence), which uses the EK with Theory of Elements and Grammars, and thus all is as simple as EK Vaku, the Letters and Sentences with Grammars, which also have the Cosmic Clocks and Calendars linked to it, where Each Letter is assigned to the Phase of Signs and Constellations, and it is also put as with EK Vaku and its Remedial Measures with Raga, Tala and Melody as in the EK Kav, the Poetry and Music as well.

Thus, all of it is also with the EK Vaku Clocks and Calendars with EK Kava (Poetry) Care, Cure and Chromosome Based DNA, Peptide and Lipid Music EK Kava Musicology with Cymatics as One of the Best Solutions for Every Disease in the World including Coronavirus in Covid-19 as well.

It also includes Prose (Vak) and Poetry (Kav) together as in Kavishari, which was as invented and founded by Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, while it is also present in Dharna and Bola Prose, Poetry and Music as well."

One can read more about it as in the above quoted here:

Furthermore, the following is also one of the Quick YouTube Research Video References as well:

All of it also includes the Gateway from Holy City of Jerusalem to Kerala State, where Saint Thomas, one of the 12 Disciples of Lord Jesus Christ came, lived and even martyred during his Aramaic Based Christianity Streams that he introduced in India before Khwaja Kaki and Baba Farid Ji, who also later used it (Aramaic Theory of Elements and Alphabet with Cymatics), where one of the Pope to Vatican was also from Kerala State of India as well.  (End of Special Discussion)

It is discussed more in the following blog post:

It is also to be remarked here that Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji for Gurmukhi Theory of Elements and his disciple (Sikh) Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji are credited for Gurmukhi Alphabet and Script, while as the Sikh Gurus, they are from the Bedi and Sodhi Dynasties, which descended from Luv and Kush, the Twin Sons to Sita Ji and King and Lord Rama, who were born in Amritsar Sahib in Punjab during Sita Ji's Second Exile at Valmiki Ashrama, and Maharishi Valmik from the Communities and Lineages of Pre-Vedic Era of Pranav Veda blesses with the First Shaloka in the Sanskrit Literature from Goddess Sharda (Sarasvati) and also wrote Holy Ramayana and educated it to Luv and Kush in Amritsar Sahib, and the Gurmukhi Language is said to have also emerged from it as well. 

Furthermore, Lord Buddha also belonged to Lord Rama, Luv-Kush and Lord Mahavira (with 22 Tirthankara) Genealogical Lineage Systems of Ikshvaku Dynasty, and that is also where Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Other Nine Sikh Gurus were also born as their descendent as well."

One can read more about the Special Case Study of EK Gurmukhi (Punjabi) Theory of Elements with EK Cymatics in the following Research Publication:

In case of Meditation, Astronomy, Alchemy and even Astrology, please note that in all of it, one also needs to learn and master the Green and Magenta Color Energies with Yellow, Blue and Black and White Color Energy Systems as in the Chakra, Sephiroth and Dasam Duar Conjectures, which are also Light and Life Energy Tapping, Harvesting and Harmonizing Systems as well.

It is also discussed more in the Introduction, Hypothesis and Goals of the Project with Multiple Publications as well." (One of the Comments from the Project Updates:

All of it is also discussed more here: [1]

Furthermore, all of it also needs serious attention, where the 2022 also has brought the 2022 Hunga Tonga Eruption and Tsunami, where these kinds of the Cymatics Based Clocks, Calendars and Sensors are also required.

Quick References: [1] 2022 Hunga Tonga Eruption and Tsunami (

All of it can also be put as New Year Clock, Calendar and Creations with Tonga and Australia as Nations of New Year Rise and America (USA) as the New Year Set Continental Systems and Streams, where America can also be extended to Canada as well.

One can also read more about it in the following research project as well:

Furthermore, all of it can also be linked to the Proposed Foundations for Degree, Doctoral and PhD Courses in Physics, Human and Society as Philselfology in University of Adelaide, Punjabi University of Patiala and McLuhan Institute of Toronto University for Greater Contributions from Asian and Eastern Civilizations with EK Gurmukhi 100 Uni Streams, STEM Education & Cymatics, where the Philselfology is also linked to Australia, Japan, Canada, India, America and Other Nations with 12 AM - 12 PM Conjectures, which use the Earth Precession with North Polaris as well.

It is also to be remarked here that the 100 Traditional University Streams in the EK Gurmukhi Damdami Taksal Traditional University Streams is also built on the 4 Quadrants of Bikrami Calendars, which create the 16 Traditional Universities in Each of the 4 Bikrami Quadrants with Sura (Musical Notes) with Akshara, Akhara, Achhara and Cymatics.

While still furthermore, all of it is also built at the Pivotal Point of Cymatics as in the Gregorian Calendar with Omnidirectional Approach, which mainly deals with the Matra, the Quantity of Light, Sound, Vibration and Cymatics, and it also has 16 to 20 of Matra Traditional University Systems and Streams, while all about 100 Traditional University Systems and Streams, which are also like the 100 Traditional Blocks of Blockchain Systems and Streams, which also use the Traditional and Community Blockchain Systems as well.

The Communities and People, who have been linked to the Damdami Traditional Universities also founded the Punjab and Sindh Banking, Insurance and Corporate Systems, where its Main Founder, Late Bhai Vir Singh Ji is also considered as the 10th Head of Damdami Taksal Traditional University of Bhai Mani Singh Ji at Amritsar Sahib, where Bhai Mani Singh Ji (Martyr, Shaheed) also created the EK Gurmukhi EK Vaku Calendars with Clock Divisions and Bhai Vir Singh Ji wrote great many books in different genres of Gurmukhi and/or Punjabi as well.

"All of it can be combined with the 1-2 Years of Vocational Subjects, and if or when it is combined with the Scouting, Social Work, Community Work and Volunteer Work Systems, it can achieve most of the Minimum Requirements in Language Proficiency (Communication Skills),  Vocational Skill Work, and Social Work as well, and it is also present in ITI and TVET Streams as well.

It can also be highly optimized with the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Education Systems with Arts (as STEAM), where the UNESCO Based SAGA Projects can also be introduced with ESL, Vocational Subjects and Essential Oil Conjectures and Streams as well.

It can thus help one in migrating, living and earning anywhere in the world, while it is also present with Rich Cultures of Communities, where they collects funds in groups and then share it for their all needs in the Community Self-Help Groups that use Best of Direct and Wholesale Market and thus also Save and Earn in the Traditional Blockchain as "Committee" Systems as well.

Our Research and Development  Team also proposes it as the Essentials of UNO Global Citizenship, while it is also the Essentials of UNO Global Citizen Education Systems with STEM Education, where Community Education Streams can also be aligned with the Parliament of the World Religion (PoWR) Systems, and thus bringing the Secular and Sacred Systems in the Greater Compatibility, where PoWR also need to introduce some textbooks with Axial Age Civilizations, STEM Education and Cymatics for the World Education and Potential Proposals for the UNO Global Citizenship as well.

Thus, we also propose it as one of the Major COVID-19 Post-Pandemic Solutions as well.

It also proposes that the Pocket Money Earned in Early Age and Small Scale Income can be deposited and used in what is known as the Group, Community and/or Committee Systems, where Schools can also start the Self-Help Groups for Proposed Banking and Blocking Funds, Foods and Other Products, which can also be STEM Education for Block and Committee for Saving as Earning in the said manner or more as well.

As it may not require the Staff, Salary and Building, it is mostly profitable system, which benefits every member in the committee, community and/or group.

We have also proposed it with Essential Oils, which are most exclusive part of the Global Citizenship Systems, while all of it is also compatible and thus proposes the Common Grounds for UNO, PoWR (Parliament of the World Religion) and Axial Age Civilizations with the help of Cymatics, which is also Common (Sanjha) and Sway among all of the said as well.

All of it was initiated by Late Prof. Harnek Singh with the Modern and Western Versions of the EK Hypothesis of Philselfology for the EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems, and he was also the Former Asian Champion of Volleyball, 3 Times Decathlon Champion of India and also Retired Vice-Principal of Govt. College of Physical Education of Patiala in Punjab in India as well.

He was also honored as the Best Student and Roll of Honor by Arya School Barnala, Mahindra College of Patiala (also honored as Living Legend and Living Glory), Physical Education College of Patiala, NIS of Patiala, Khalsa College of Amritsar Sahib and DAV College of Jallandhar in his lifetime, where he was also honored by Punjabi University for his Lifetime Achievements as well." (Quick Reference 2)

Please also note that if or when we discuss EK as the 1, the Singularity Dimension, it is also built 01 and 10, where the Singularity of 10 is also reflected in 0 of 1 as in 01, and that is also how and why EK is also Dasam, the 10th Place and Position Based Derivatives of Light, Sound and Vibration Energy with Cymatics, where thus EK Onkar also follows the Sound of G as in Anga, the Parts at On as Ong, which also represents the EK Singularity with Dasam Singularity, where as otherwise EK as 1 may not bring meaning and sense of Singularity Dimension without 10th Decimal Place and Position as well.

Special Remark: The EK as 1 is thus also 01 and Onkar also achieves the 10th Position, where EK gives the 10th Place and Position as in the Lie or Infinitesimal Algebra, and we can also understand it as EK O=1O=10 Variable Systems and Streams that also depicts the 10 Human Senses or Gates that also accompany the Human Glands (Granthi's) and Sphincters, which then also follow the EK O or 1O as EK Akhara, the 10th Place and Position as achieved with Lie and Infinitesimal Algebra  as well, and it is also Part of Hypothesis of EK Akhara, the 1-Letter as the 10th Place and Position, where Letters, the Akharas derive the Tenth Place Based Gateways of Dasam Duar as well. 

As also stated earlier or elsewhere, the EK Akhara as the Number and Letter, which also create the New Math Foundations with 2 Places as 10th Place and Position also streams out as the EK Gurmukhi Dasam Math with Homotopy, Topology and Lie Algebra with Infinitesimal Algebraic Math Approach, which is also used in the Math and Music with Euler Math as in the Indian Classical Raga, Hindustani Traditional Tala and Gurmukhi Melody as well. 

In general, the EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems, which deal with Bilingual and Multilingual while also Number and Letter Based Math as Lie or Infinitesimal Algebraic Math also deals with Axial Civilization Math as Bi-Axial Math Systems with Cymatics, while in all of it, the Silk Road with GT Road while also as the Siddha Road as goes as the Afghan Infinity Loom Road Conjectures, where Infinity or Eternity Looms are also present on both sides of the Silk, GT and Siddha Road with Sufi Road Conjectures, where EK Gurmukhi also balances the Sanskrit and Shahmukhi from East to West with Aramaic and Siddha Theories of Elements with the help of Cymatics as well. (End of Special Remark)

Furthermore, all of it is also proposed with the Journals for the Researchers, Developers and Contributors, while it also needs Database, Reference and Repository Systems and Streams, where every contributor can also save and store one's contributions especially for the next and future generation as well.

"It is Highly Simplified and Proposed Journal for Starting Points and Initiations at Parent's Open Dairy, Garden and Home Science School with Diary, Journal, TK and TEK, while individual research works can also have Simplified Journals and the Books published by the Researchers and Contributors as well. We may tell a lot about Schools, Colleges and Universities, but in many parts of the world, the Parents may also have the Parent's Open Dairy, Garden and Home Science School Systems and Streams with TK and TEK, where they also educate about the Traditional Knowledge with Ecological Knowledge Approach (TK with TEK), which also leads to Natural, Non-Prescription, Traditional, Sacred and Ancient Community Streams as well."

All of it is also discussed at the Facebook as the Life Event for How Family Members Started at Parent's Open Dairy, Garden and Home Science School with TK and TEK as well:

"We may tell a lot about Schools, Colleges and Universities, but in many parts of the world, the Parents may also have the Parent's Open Dairy, Garden and Home Science School Systems and Streams with TK and TEK, where they also educate about the Traditional Knowledge with Ecological Knowledge Approach (TK with TEK), which also leads to Natural, Non-Prescription, Traditional, Sacred and Ancient Community Streams as well."

All of it ends up into the beginning of the following as well:

"To achieve any greater success in all of it, we also need to include, study and research the Moving Frame of Solar System with the EK Hypothesis, we also need to include the EK Moving Frame of EK Earth, Sun and Moon Systems, which is Moving with Average Speed (Velocity) of 828,000 km per hour around the Milky Way (EK Akash Ganga) Galaxy Cluster of About 40 Galaxies.

The EK is also 1 as in the Euler Identity as well."

Please also note that the EK Gurmukhi Theory of Elements with Cymatics is usually managed and run by Sikh Sant Samaj, the Holy Sikh Saint Societies with about 84 Traditional Universities and about 16 Universities of Cymatics, and thus about 100 Traditional Universities, which are also Decentralized University Streams as in Community and Blockchain Systems, while SGPC is its Centralized System, while it is also an example of Schism and Heresy as used in All World Religions, Faiths and Sacred Systems, which also have about 100 Dominions that are also managed in the same-similar way as well. 

Quick References: [1] Schism

"... we are also discussing about how Every Traditional University in Every Language, Religion, Faith and Sacred System is also having the Modern, Traditional, Community, Cultural and Indigenous Streams as well.
In all of it, we are mainly discussing about what Inventors and Founders of EK Gurmukhi Theory of Elements with EK Cymatics also started 4 Major Traditional University Systems and Streams, which is also like Traditional STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Education Systems, which are pivotal on 5th & 6th Streams of Music and Cymatics, which these 4 Streams tap, harvest and use.

The EK Gurmukhi in its Evolution has also developed from its Ancestors with Parent Alphabets as well."

Special Remark: As Punjab State in India is having Gurmukhi Script, which was invented by Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji as the Official Script of Punjab State and SGPC also manages it in the Gurudwara Systems and Streams, it also includes the Chief Minister of Punjab as the Governor of SGPC from last about 100 years, where they, the SGPC selects their President, while initially CM of Punjab was also Governor of SGPC for Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and  Haryana with Chandigarh, and it may have changed in the recent years.

It is important in context to the World Gurdwara Management Committee Systems and PoWR Parliament for Sikhism Chapter and recent develops in the UNO, PoWR and Blockchain Systems and Streams, where in most of the Gurmukhi is also Official Script for the said, and as it is EK Theory of Elements, Periodicity, Alphabet and Matrix, it also carries the Basic, Fundamental and Common Information, Knowledge and Wisdom for more than 1000 Subjects, Systems and Streams as well.

Furthermore, the UNO also gives it with the World Management Systems for it, for example, the World Gurdwara Management Committee Systems and Streams with its World Reference, Database and Repository Systems for even the EK Gurmukhi Theory of Elements, Metric Systems with Cymatics, while PoWR also gives it the World Parliament of Sikhism, and it is also Special Chapter of World Religions, where, the Sikhism is present with the Phonetics (Akshara), Phonemics (Akhara) and Achhara (Allophonics) Word Processing Streams as also EK Gurmukhi, Gurbari and Cymatics Based Streams.

Furthermore, all of it has developed a lot during the Covid-19 Pandemic and Post-Pandemic at National and State Levels worldwide, where more than 6 Million People have died, while People Helping People with Communities Helping Communities, where World Communities are supporting their own communities in the Problems Caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic and Post-Pandemic in the Feared Lost Decade of 2021-31 while all of it further supports the Survival of the Natural World, which also faces and suffers from Holocene 6th Extinction, which affects Almost All Living Systems as well.

Thus, all of it has also brought it all at the UNO, PoWR and Community Levels further at State and National Levels have also emerged with Blockchain and Community Systems and Streams for Every World Language, Religion, Faith and Sacred and even Secular Systems and Streams, which also lay Foundations to World Cultures, Communities and Civilizations as well.

In all of it, we also discuss, for example, the Punjabis all over the World with State Languages and Citizenships, who live all over the world with the proposed UNO Global Citizenship at the State Levels with UNESCO Indigenous Language Decade 2022-32, where Facebook, Twitter, Google and Other Social and Research Networks, Universities, Multi-Universities and Diversity Systems and Streams can also play Greater Role through Social Networking, where the Emerging Blockchain Streams can also play an effective role among the communities as well. (End of Special Remark)

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Thanks for your precious time!