In the Indian Civilizations, the Lord Brahma is the Mantra, the words that is a set of vowels and or consonants in a scientific way, Lord Vishnu is the Science of Mantras by itself. For example, when one does the Puja, the Worship the set of all that is required at that place and the procedures that follow has Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva and there cannot be any conflict as they are the Lords of the same Mantra in the various forms. The Mantra by its science as what it can achieve is the Lord Vishnu and what mistake most the non-scientific mythologies have is the ignoring of the Puti, the Power of Mantras that anyone can use, but may not know as how to dispose it after use.
At Life Dynamix - Wellness for All with Wings for All, and I personally discuss about the disposal factors, which is the sure end product that nothing in the universes can stop. This seriously needs what we know as the Vi-surgeon, that is to say the proper methods that help disposing what seems say a little ugly in appearance, smell, shape, color, and in general whatever humans consider ugly. This is what Lord Shiva accepts and thus he is the most adored Gods and Lords in the Trinity of the Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha.
In the Puti, the Power of anything that Ayurveda or the Vedas produce we have an end product of strong medicinal object that we say is the Shri or Sri, and the Kulaxmi as we also know that comes first and with the help of Oxygen of plants and trees we help this product and say that Kulaxmi lives and dwells on the Peepal or Sacred Fig Tree.
The Oxygen is Laxmi and the trees inhale carbon dioxide, which is the Kulaxmi for the humans and the animals. We say that the trees, animals, birds and the plants worships means access the owner of Cyclic Processes of Oxygen and the Carbon Dioxide all the times, and humans learn it from them as well as observing other things including the sky.
In return, the Laxmi of humans that is the Oxygen and all that flows and swims well in air is great for humans and the animals, and the trees use it a little more at night than during the day time and that Vedas are the form of Pure, Applied and Action Sciences that deal with everything in the universe present on earth and embrace all sciences on our earth system. I wrote a book about how and why people worship peepal tree:
This is the Tree where Lord Vishnu sits as his Ninth Incarnation of Lord Buddha that helps all to understand that Kulaxmi is not bad and that we are ignorant solving the cause and effects of suffering that it causes. Thus, what Lord Buddha says is what Lord Shiva says, the welfare of all is the proper use of what one possess as the Gift of Suffering!
Entire of Indian Civilizations including what Vedas and the focus has been on the metals, elements, compounds and everything that deals with these and the bio energies and thus the carbon dioxide and oxygen and its relation to and with bio-energies and thus India is known for Tatva, the atomic things, Mantras, the software's and passwords Yantras, the technology that all of it can run. Many may assume that the following is a black magic video without knowing what it says about Laxmi and Ku-laxmi, the Mother of Black Energies and Powers that are nothing but the Carbon Dioxide and thus mostly the petroleum products, the hydrocarbons. The Ku-laxmi has a another name Kaula, which means that deals with the genetic lineage. The Kaula is the name for Kula, the Genetic Systems and how all can have better health and well, and why many feel doubt it and many have great many fears is what this video says:
The Puja gives the Puti as the end product what a very few people know how to use the Puti or the Potency say in the Homeopathy. I was studying and researching about Homeopathy in India about 25 years and even before saying that only 15% of Indian Homeopaths by then know how to practice Homeopathy as otherwise no disease can exist in India, and thus Puti is the Lord Vishnu of Medicine as the Mantra.
Its the great beauty of Ayurveda that no medicines are given without chanting the mantras and thus activations of Mahamrtyunjaya in Vishnu form.
The Lord Shiva as the products that must be disposed after use gets angry with the Trishul as many think and that is Vat, Pita and Cough attack by indisposed products harming the social health and wellness.
If the materials that are used in the Puja, and Puti making of anything are not removed and cleaned one is said to be doing a great Dosa, the Dosha of harming others, and thus one says invites wrath of Lord Shiva as Shiva means welfare of all and that is the proper Vi-surgen, the Visarjana as one says in India. When think of the end product, we go Eco-friendly as Lord Ganesha, Son of Lord Shiva loves natural world:
People usually do the Visarajana at massive scales after worship and thus that last point is called the Pati means one has attained the Trinity or masters by proper and due respect to all, and thus the Pati means one who has the right to use the Puja, Puti and Products one claims as being owner, the Pati and its female form is the Patni.
Now, we will discuss about how it works with Mahamrityunjaya. The Puja Procedures are well expressed in nutshell at here: and the video about it says:
The main focus in the Mahamrityunja have two key words: Pushti and Orva, and these have meaning that vowels that do the Pushati as the Puti in the Ayurveda needs practice of vowels through Singing, Kirtan and music in general and that the consonants that are the Pumpkin, which the body that remains after the soul leaves and thus is the Shiva-Mantra for Shri, the Physical Body that as Vishnu Mantra means the Possessions as the Shri, and the Brahma Mantra the Mantras by itself and thus the use of word Namey means salute to the Brahma - mantras for Shri.
The hub or clusters of consonants inside the body make it appear like a Pumpkin s and we may practice vowels, the divine vowels: "AA EE OO" that are associated with certain heavy words, the consonants which the chanting releases, and thus helps in O(m)-rava, and the words in the beginning and ending as O, A, E, I, U, and thus main set of Seven Major Vowels, which we will show by video and one can ask teachers and or the language experts.
The extraction of vowels from the consonants is the same as the petrolem products from the sea, the pumpkin and various methods help in getting water from the sea, the pumpkin and the goddess do the manthana, the making of butter from the yogurt the re-cyclic processes where everything is produced from the sea, and thus the sura's, the vowels of water and rainfalls and that goes back to it is the asura's, the rivers running to the sea and if the both work together that is called the manthan, and thus the Living Mahamrityunajaya on earth.
Thanks for your time and this blog post is from the main series of Be Happy Philselfologically:
Philselfology or Swaadhaya of Mahamrityunjaya Mantra: Puja, Puti and Pati: The One Philosophy of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha: Be Happy Philselfologically - Part 53
The relevant videos are most recommened in everything we learn online and offline nowadays. Thanks!
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