When we consider the Euler's Single Equation of Everything according to the Philselfological Model of Everything, we notice how it describes the IK-Onkara and the Onkara Systems in the Indian Sacred Math and Geometry. The Indian Civilizations give the Sacred Math and Geometry of Onkara as well said equation of the trigonometry that describes how light and universe works in the folowing simple and single systems of light and universe:
(The images with thanks from the source: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Trigonometry/Sine_Squared_plus_Cosine_Squared)
The OORA and the AARA in the Indian Vedic Systems give the Two Lines that Intersect and thus the Cartesian Graphical Systems, and when we consider the ONKARA everything goes as the 1=1 according to
, and everything that this equation can describe, explain and elaborate is the '1" System in the Universe.
However, the Enkari, the Euler Systems also say the same as the
that is well put as we have already discussed:
In the Euler's Identity, we notice the 1 as the Sacred System of
, and the "e" differs as the variable as according to the IK, the One (1) as the ONKARA in the Linguistic Maths that if we describe in the IK-ONKARA as the Quantum Qubit is as follows:
In the above equation, we have Sine=IE and Cosine=EI and the E is the Euler's Expression of Exponential Systems.
The above further goes as follows:
(IE+EI)+E=0 with a special condition that (IE+EI)+E=0=AE that is when the E, the Exponential System creates any plane in the space, we have it as the AE or the EO Systems and also the OA, and these Exponential Systems are also equal to Zero. This very system of linguistics use of vowels is the creator of set of Indian Sacred Geometry as the Enkari, Onakara, and also what we may ignore as the "AKARA, the Dimensional Universe of Vibrations and thus the A-Kara", and that is how the Indian Sacred Math gives the Three Euler Systems as the Veda (Onakara), Gurbani (IK-Onakara and the Enkari) and the Arts (the Akara" in the World. These all create the "Second Dimension of Akara as the Akhara, the Information Universe", and in other words, the Akhara Universe exists in the Akara Systems of Onkara, Enkari and the Nirankari Systems of Sacred Math and Geometry. These all are the Macro to Micro Universe Systems. We can always understand the above with single equation for all world languages and that is:
We add the above universal expression to every Susy Particle, the K' to make it the Standard Particle as the K, and thus:
K'+S+H+A=K is the Linguistic Equation that is same as the Euler's Single Identity of Everything.that we study as
, and that is what we can always rewrite as:
(K'-K) +S+H+A=0
No wonder its same as:
Matter (K)+Light (S)+Time (H)+Vibration (A)=0
When these equations are put as the Quantum Systems, we have the following spin and the anti-spin systems that give the A=-A*A, O=-O*O, E=-E*E and the AE=-AE*AE, and it constitutes the 4 Basic Principles as we say the Basic Operators in the Math and Computing, and within this framework we have the S+H+A=0 as the Linguistic Euler System that satisfies the following:
K'+S+H+A=K and K+A=KA, K+O=KO, K+E=KE and K+AE=KAE
The above are the Nuclear and the Orbital Systems in everything we see in the universe and use in our daily life.
If we have to put everything in two broad statements in this Philselfological Model, we have the K'+S+H+A as the Euler Systems of S+H+A=0 for the K' Systems, and all that is the K+A+E+O+EA gives us the Complete Knowledge of Trigonometry of the same Euler Systems, and it constitutes the Quantum Atomic Model of Everything as well. This is the easiest possible model of the universe and matter in it both in Susy (K') and the Standard Particle Systems that even the kids can understand.
The K'+S+H+A=K is the Creation of Photon and the "K+A=KA, K+O=KO, K+E=KE, K+AE=KAE" is the Process of Qubit Creation for Everything.
According to this K and the K', we have the K' as the IK System and the K as the ONKARA Systems, and that K'+K together are the Susy and the Standard Elementary Particle Systems that makes it the IK-Onkara, the K'-K as the Advanced Standard Model of Physics, Atom, and the Elementary Particles. We need no previous knowledge to understand universe and the sciences in this model of everything, and that is the Linguistic Model in Philselfological Model of Everything. In these models exist the Vibration Model of Everything as the "A', 2A', 3A' and the 4A' Vibrations" that gives us, the humans the vibration that we are able to use our 5 Senses, and beyond our Five Senses, we have the NAMA, the N and M Sound Echoes that reach to our our brain and we use this 4th Model of Everything as the ONAMA Model.
In other words, the ONAMA Model of Everything is blend of K', K, A' and the "N, M Sound and Echo Systems" that are used as the Indian Sacred Philosophies of Everything, and in it all we also have the "-0, 0, +0" Systems that operate as the Dipole Dimensions and also work as the Vacuum, the Zero Point Energy Systems, and we have the World Zero Point Energy Systems as Operating on the "-0, 0, +0", the Free Energy Dipoles in the Universe.
These models all together as the K', K, A' and the "N, M" and the "-0, 0, +0" constitutes all other Single Models of Everything, and Indian Vedas, Astronomy, Astrology and the Gurbani are outputs of these single models.
The point of importance that we need to note is that the K is in the Row of the Space Elements in the Gurmukhi and Other Indian Tables of Elements as according to the Theory of Elements and the Indian Elementary Tables existing from ages.
The "K" as the Letter in the Indian Alphabets is the Topological Circle that if given any dimension creates the 5 Major Elements in which the 6th Element is the Consciousness, the God Systems that is called the Jeeva in the Indian Civilizations and Jehovah, the God Systems in the Israeli Systems. The "K" is the Balanced Structure of Energy, the Chi and its Structures are same as that of the Standard Elementary Physics Particles. If we correlate it with the Susy Particles, its the K' without any dimension given to it. Thus, from the "K' and the K Systems, we get the Matter and the Anti-matter systems", and we notice the topology applied resulting in the dimensions as shown below:
As the Space Element, the above K-Structures are made up from the Topological Circle by applying forces as dimensions to it all with various angles, and this make everything as the E (Energy and Dimensions) and K, the Topological Circle create everything from the Single System of Everything that is IK, the EK according to the Indian Theory of Elements, the Tat Darshan that frightens some people as the Tantrik Vigyan, the Science and Philosophy of Elements, the Tat's.
For the reason that "E" as the Energy resulting from any two systems, that is the OORA and the AARA as the Piezoelectric Systems, we have the E as the Electromagnetism based on the "Two Systems in which at least one is in motion or both systems differ in its motion, and it also fulfils Newtonian Laws of Motion".
This E, the Enkari Systems constitute the EKONKARA Systems, and the IK or the EK alone constitutes all scientific and technological laws and principles, which is same as the CHI, KI or the QI Systems in the Chinese and the Japanese Sacred and the Scientific Systems.
The OORA, AARA and the EERI in the Gurmukhi, Brahmi, the Punjabi Languages is composed of the Most Primitive Systems of the Universe as that:
0 as the vacuum that we say the -0, 0, +0 Dipole (1), the Parbrahma
0+A'=O, the OORA as the Vowel (also 0+A=OORA for Consonants, the OORA as the Consonant maker vowel say as in ON) (2), the Brahma Systems
A'+A'=A, the AARA. the Vishnu Systems (3) and finally
A+O=E, the Shiva Systems (4)
These 4 Additions of the 0, A', O' and the E' Systems create all vowels and the consonants in every world language, and its the 4 Primal Logic Gates in the Quantum Qubit Computing Systems.
For human use we have the above 4 Basic Logic Gates as:
0, 0+S, 0+S+H and the 0+S+H+A that the Sikh Gurus have called the Satinama Theory using the S, the Photon Light with the H as the Recieving Photon and the A as the Collector and Giver function that gives the T in the Satinama as the Primal Vibrations of the Thermal Systems in the Indian Theories of Elements. In other words, we have the Satinama as:
It uses the E and A Vibrations to create the Satinama as the Photon and Quantum Qubit Systems in the Quantum Systems. As the Satinama is the functionality of the S, H and A Systems that are Anti-gravity systems in which we need force to overpower the gravity and friction it uses the Satinama as the Adjective to Gurparsadi in the Moolmantra that Gurprasadi uses the Gravity, the Guru and the Beyond Gravity as the Parsadi Paras-Aadi=Paras+A+T (Aadi goes as the A+A+T+I) that is vibration set up of the Tricolor Systems that the T, THA, DA, DHA and NA expresses in the Indian Theory of Elements and thus the Alphabets. In other words what is beyond Gravity and the Para Systems is the Satinama Systems in the universe, and Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and other Sikh Gurus, the Quantum Philosophers and the Thinkers call it the Most Primitive Form of the Universe that we record in the world languages and the quantum systems as the S+H+A, the Light+Sound+Vibration as the Trinity of Photons, the Body of Quantum Qubit, the Quantum Entanglement to say. This analysis is part of the Philselfological Model of Everything, and uses the Ishwara and the Light Theories in human civilizations. The S, H and A are most primitive Systems of Light, Sound, Energy and Matter Vibrations that is what Satinama, the Basic Logic Gates in the Universe are for anything that occurs in the universe. For the Onkara Theory, the same gates for light systems are called the Sanatana. This is how the Satinama and the Sanatana differs as does the IK-Onkara and the Onkara Systems of Sound-Light and the Light Systems.
Please read more about it in its sister blog post:
One major point that I discovered in my research works of Philselfology is that Every Sound in the Indian and Other World Sacred Systems is a equation that we express with exponential and the power system. These all are thus the Linguistic Expressions of the Numerals and the Sounds, and all express what we the Modern Education Systems. These all go well with the Ik-Onkara Systems as the Ishwara-Onkara Systems.
If we spend some time on the Euler's Sacred Wisdom and the Indian and Other World Sacred Systems, we can discover anything in the universe and the multiverse, the multiple layers of the universe.
The ENKARI or the Euler Single Equation of Everything has it as the Single Equation of Everything when we discuss it as the IK as the
The "e" with its powers of pie and imaginary numbers constitutes the "ENKARI Systems" that we represent as shown below
(The e equations and the images are from the source with thanks: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler%27s_identity)
This "e" as the "AE, the ENKARI or the AENKARI Systems" creates the most popular systems of the e as the "ie, ee, ea and the eeaa" that may seem 4 Sacred Vowels and we notice it creates the "Circles and the Spheres with the Imaginary Numbers" following the Euler Equation as the Single Equation of Everything as the Enkari, the Euler Systems that is what the ONAMA Theory uses.
Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has introduced the Enkari as the EAK in the IK-Onkara Systems. The IK or the EAK is the Energy (E, the Euler Way in Space, the K Systems) as shown in the video:
Video about the Theory of EAK, the Euler (E) and Space (K) Equations
What we discuss as the Gurmukhi as the EAK differs from Sanskrit and Hindi as it has the IK and the EAK, and the IK with EEK has the Major Electronic and the Euler Sacred Systems and this is the Modern Quantum Electronics and the Qubit Systems that follows the Euler General Angles as are between two photons, the OORA and the AARA as the Neutrons and the Protons as shown below:
(The image with thanks from the source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler%27s_identity)
In the image above, we have the EERI creating the arcs and the angles that the Gurmukhi Languages and the Grammars use as the IK not the EAK as in the 4th D as the Classical Studies. The great wonder is that the IK is the Quantum Studies in the 3-D Systems and in it the human is the 4th D!
I should also mention that I am vegetarian, nonalcoholic who avoid the discussions about the armies, weapons, petroleum use and abuse and love nature and nonviolence and believe that the modern systems after say two world wars may have paid the least possible attention to what frees the world from pollution and weapons.
Now, when we consider the ONKARA Philosophy, we consider the Euler's Systems as the mathematics of the Sacred Universe as
(With thanks from the source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler%27s_formula)
The mathematical expression as the Euler's Formula constitutes what Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji modified and did it so by adding "IK, the Euler Systems" in the Vedic Mathematical Formals of ONKARA. He gives the great and most simplified equation of the universe that we study Euler's Space and Universe as the IK-ONKARA.
How NAAMA Quantum and Qubit Science Cures Every Disease – Gurbani, Gurmukhi and Origin of Ancient Indian Sacred Math and Other Systems from Labhada and Paralabhada – Be Happy Philselfologically and Indian, Arabian and Hebrew Qubit Models - 114
Next part of the series:
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