The Quantum Qubit Systems that has brought the Paradigm Shift in the Modern World are based on the "Most Innovative Vowel and the Consonant Theories of Ancient World". The World Religions and Faiths has been working on the Waves and Vibrations that give humans insight, visions and the sacred wisdom. The humans recorded it all in the form of the religion, faith, spiritualism, yoga, meditation and all that we see as the Quantum Systems and has transformed it as the Nano Superconducting Systems. The Quantum Qubit Systems are the "Mann, the Creative Intelligence Theory of All Times".
The Most Ancient Religions recorded it as the Theory of Vowels as in the Hinduism, and the Jewish Religions recorded it as the Theory of Consonants. All other world religions and faiths are blends of two major world theories of vowels and the consonants. In my Scientific Hypothesis of Philselfology, I have made an attempt to embrace all of single theories of modern world as the "Most Ancient and Primitive Theories of All World Civilizations".
The "Single and the Simple Models of Everything" are all the "Philosophy of Science of Religion in Every World Religion and Faith" based on the "Theory of Elements in Ancient World Civilizations", and its the base and the basis of "Philselfological Model of Everything".
We can start it either from the Jewish Religion as the Old Testament for the "Theories of Consonants" that describe everything as the Genesis or we can start everything from the Hinduism as the "Theories of Vowels" and it describe everything in that way that is the "Secrets of the Universe".
When we move further in this hypothesis, we notice that the "Vowel Theory is Classical Theory" and the Consonants is the Quantum Theory" at many gestures of the modern single models of everything.
The "Consonant Theory" describe the "Nano Systems" that we can easily trace from the Jewish, Christian and Muslim Civilizations and far away from the western civilization who adopted these "Sacred Systems of the Consonants" from the "Jewish Religion Based Systems". What we study as the "Modern and the Western Systems" are mainly the "Consonant Theory of the Jewish Systems".
The Muslim World Civilizations added the "Theory of the Pressure that in the Consonants of Jewish Sacred Systems is the "H", the "SAHA" Theory of Light and Sound" and it influenced the Indian Civilizations of the "Vowel Theories of Yoga, Meditation and Art of Focusing", and thus the "Consonant Theories" came to Indian through Muslim and Islamic World Religions and Faiths into the Modern World."
The Indian Sacred Systems are based on the "Vibration Theory of A', the A as the Vowel". It deals mainly with the "A" as the Classical Wave Theory and goes as the "A, E, O, and the AE", which gives the 4 Positions of All that we study as the Pulsars, Spirals and Chirals based on the Indian Astrology and Other Sacred Systems.
While we notice that all systems that we notice as the "Quantum Qubit Computer Systems" is the "Sacred Blend of Hinduism and Jewish World Religions and Faiths" and it gives the "Sacred Theory of Most Common Theory of Vowels" and that is the "A, E, O, AE" as the "Real and Virtual Vowel Theory" and it follows the East in which the "Hinduism is Prominent and thus as the A and O Vowel System" and the Western Sacred Systems as the "E and EA" Systems as the Jewish Religion Based Prominent Sacred Systems.
Thus, we have the "Modern Quantum Qubit Systems" as the "Photons that make the Nano's" as from only 4 Primal Vowels in which two vowels are real and two virtual.
For this reason, we notice that world religions and faiths describe the "Modern Quantum and Qubit Theory as the Husband (A, O) and Wife Systems (E and EA)", and gives everything in world religions and faiths as the "Quantum Science and System of Male Photon and the Female Photon with the Child as the Quantum Qubit Systems", and this theory is well empowered by the "Christian Theology and Philosophy" when we read the "Son, Holy Spirit and Father Philosophy and thus the Sacred Systems". It goes close to the "Indian Evolution Theory of Ganesha", the Hindu God whose birth is by the Mother and the Holy Spirit as the Paravati and the her spiritual powers but without her husband, she gave birth to a son, whose name is the God Lord Ganesha. In this context the Hinduism and Christianity almost same theologies and proposed theories of the "Quantum Qubit Systems" in this Philselfology Model of Everything.
Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and the Sikh Gurus has developed the Linguistic Structure of the "Vowel and Consonant Theories" and thus the Gurbani, the Sacred Teachings of Sikhism with its Sacred Language and Grammar all is put at one place that all transcripts of world religions and faiths are put for the Classical Vowel Theory of A, E, O and AE, the ONKARA Systems and the A, E, O, AE, and its relation to consonants as the "KARA Systems in the ONKARA Systems" that embraces the "Jewish Religion Based Systems" in the "Karta Purukh Philosophy". The Gurbani and the Gurmukhi puts all Muslim Linguistic Models of the Quantum Qubit and the Nano Systems as for fully insightful quantum systems.
How and why we seem a little reluctant to it is because the "Vowel and the Consonant Theories" are the "Basis of Theory of Elements" that was put on off tracks few centuries and we lost most of the sacred knowledge and wisdom from the education systems.
The Sikh Gurus challenged and proposed the "Gurmukhi as the Indian Theory of Elements" and called the Sacred Systems as the Quantum Systems and worked wonders for centuries and we notice now as its most emerging theory and philosophy of quantum systems with sacred math, geometry, grammars, arts, philosophy, music and so on coming back as pure human knowledge and wisdom in all world civilizations.
As we read such new quantum systems, it may seem either very easy to many and very difficult to many readers and even the musicians, and this is what we will notice during this year 2015 and next years as the easiest single model of everything say the music as the quantum science, studies and research.
In this and the next parts, we take how it, the "A'-0A'-0A'-A'" cures Human Health and DNA Systems.
To understand this series one need to know the Photon Qubit Theory or the Linguistic Systems as:
The above Linguistic Model for the Gurmukhi Languages makes the Gurmukhi Language behave as the Hebrew when we have the "K'+S+H" as it does not have the "Vowels in the K', the Consonant Systems". The Arabian Languages are the "Mastery of S, the Breath and H, the Breath Control" that is why in the absence of "S" but with "H" and "A", the Gurmukhi fully behaves as the Non-Indian Language at the extreme as with "No Consonants of A Systems that are the A, E, O, AE". We notice that the Hebrew and many other Arabian and the Israeli Languages may have no vowels but the "Breath Control" as the S/H, that is, "Breathe Length (S)/Breathe Duration (H)". This is the Egyptian, Arabian and the Hebrew Models of Quantum Qubit Systems. These may not discuss the "A', 2A', 3A', 4A'" Systems of the Indian Civilizations, but what gives the "4 Pressures as the X, Y, Z and K of the Bloch Sphere as the Quantum and the Qubit Systems". The "A'", the Vibration Theory of Vowels is well replaced with the "Pressure and Stress Levels of Consonants" in the Non-Indian Asian Models based on the Consonants as either "K'+S+A" or the "K'+S+H" and even the "K'+H" and all of these are the "Nuclear Models when we do not consider the Vibrations, the "A'" Models of Indian and or the Asian Civilizations and focus only on the Arabian, Hebrew and the Israeli Sacred Systems. For the said reasons, the "RAMA Model goes as the RAHEEMA or simply the RAHIM Model of the Arabian Civilizations" and it deals the "Pressures in the Bloch Spheres not just the Vibrations as in the RAMA Vibration Model". The Gurmukhi Languages and the Grammars well discuss and describe the RAMA Vibration and the RAHEEMA RAHIMA Vibration and Pressure Models" and both are "Pairs of Qubit Model and Constitute the Pair (RAMA) and Anti-pair (RAHEEMA, the RAHIMA) Models" as shown in the Image 102, and thus the "RAHEEMA Model is Pure Qubit WAVE MODEL of Pressure resulting in "EE" Systems rather than "AA" Vibrations.
The above linguistic structure based model for "light", the RAMA Quantum Qubit Model, and the "Casimir Pressure and Effect" as the "RAHEEMA" Quantum Qubit Model goes as shown below:
Image 101: The RAMA Light Systems as the "-0, (-0,0, +0 Dipole), +0" Life Consciousness for the Quantum Qubit Systems
Image 102: The "RAHEEMA" Pressure Systems as the "-H, (-H, H, +H, the Pressure Dipole), +H" for the Quantum Qubit Systems
The Gurbani and the Gurmukhi Sacred Systems when talk and discuss about the Zero Point Energy Systems, it goes with the Indian, Arabian and the Hebrew Systems as the Veda and the Kateba that deals as the RAMA, RAHEEMA and when we discuss the "K' as the Matter and the Element Theory", we have its setup in and as the "KAREEMA", and the "KAREEMA" here means what is the "RAMA in the K Matters", and the K-Matter is the "CHI Energy Systems". Thus, the KAREEMA Systems goes for the "Thermal Energy System that the Quantum Vacuum and Free Energy Systems" can produce. We see the "KAREEMA" as the "Extension to the Indian KARA Systems as in the ONKARA" and the same Kara goes as the Kareema. In other words as the ON is "Prefix World to KARA, so is the RAHEEMA and the KAREEMA to the KARA as the Suffix Worlds", and Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji calls it as the "KARATA Purusha, the Living God in the Visible World", and that "Frame of Reference in the Shabada Energy" and this Sacred System is called the Para Systems in the Arabian, Israeli and the Hebrew Worlds and the Civilizations. We see it as the "KAREEMA Sacred Quantum Qubit Model" as shown below:
One of the great thing about the Arabian Civilization is the "Theory and Philosophy of Sacred Word Allah", and the Allah in the Gurmukhi Systems of Language gives the "Set of Two Vibrations of A" with the "Pressure Based Vibration of H", and is as thus the "Vowel Format as the "A, A, H" and thus the "Photon 1 (A), A (Photon 2) and Quantum in the "H", the Pressure in the Vacuum", and its the "LAHA" that is opposite to the "HALA" Systems in the Indian and the World Civilizations", the "HALA" is the "Force Required to Speak A Letter" and is present in the world languages as:
"K'+S+H+A", and that means that in the "ALLAH", we have the A, A, H in which the "S" is covered with the "HA" Systems and the "L" as the "LAH-LA" in the Second Vowel Row in the Gurmukhi Languages give it as the 3rd Dimension to the YA, and the 2nd Dimension to the RA in which we have the 4th Dimension as the WA (or VA) and that Jewish Sacred Term of JEHOVAH has the JEEVA as the Second Observer as the Consciousness to the Light (RA) and thus popular words of RAJA and the JARA are also there as the SWAMI in the Hindi and Sanskrit as well in the Gurmukhi. The "LA" goes as the YA-H-YA, RA-H-RA, LA-H-LA, VA-H-VA (WA-H-WA), and the RAH-H-RA in the Gurmukhi Languages.
Thus according to the Gurmukhi Vowels and Consonant Theory, the ALLAH has the A' as the 4A' that split into two different parts with the "L" in the middle, and that the "L" is the "YA, RA, LA, VA, RAH-RA" Systems that give the "L" the "Next to R, the Light Dimension", and thus the 3-D Light Systems that if we split, we get the "2A'-Light (3-D)-2A'" and that creates the "Sacred Pressure in the Vacuum as the "H", and thus the ALLAH has the "Vibration, Light and Pressure Theory" of Zero Potential, the Source of Free Energy as the Quantum Sacred Systems of Infinite and Self-Illuminating Light that is 3-D (the "L" in the Allah, the ALLAH).
If we consider the "L" from the 3-D to the 1-D, we have the "YA" as the Prime word, and the Sacred Quantum Word for it is the "YAHWEH" that gives "1-Dimensional Light with Pressure and 4th Dimensional Conversion as into the W, and the "E" in it pronounces as the AE as YE" that indicates the 4th Dimension of Light and it also ends in the creation of Sacred Pressure, the H". The Sacred Pressure is the 5-Dimensional Setup of the 4 Major Forces and 1 Quantum Power that exists as the "H" in the Quantum, the Sacred Systems in the Theory of Elements.
In the same manner, we have the "JEHOVAH", and the only difference is the it has the "JA" as the Key Point that deals with the "Consciousness, the Air Elements in the Vacuum" and it goes as the "O" System as the "ONKARA" as its dimension is the 5th as the "AO" that is mostly written as the "OU" in the Indian Sacred Systems that constitute the 5th and the Last Dimension of the Consciousness in the 6th Sacred Dimension Setup in which the "AN" is the "Sacred Dimension that Describe the 5 Sacred Dimensions" and thus the name of the Holy Bible as the "AN-JEEL" that gives the "Living WATER, the Amrit, the JALA, the Quantum Liquids".
The Sikh Gurus call the Arabian and Israeli Scriptures, the Kateba that is "Scriptures of Consonants, the K is the Symbol of Consonants" and the Veda and the Deva Systems are the "Sacred Quantum Systems of the Vowels, the Sura" in the Gurmukhi and the Gurbani Systems when we consider the Quantum Systems in the Jewish (Kateba, the Sacred Consonants, the Akhara, the Information Universe goes as the Dakhani Onakara in the Sikhims) and Hinduism (Veda, the Sura, the Swara, the Consciousnesses Universe goes as the Sidh Goshti in Sikhism) based Holy Scriptures.
This is how and why the WAHEGURU, YAHWEH, JEHOVAH and ALLAH, and other Sacred Words are the "Consonant and the Vowel Quantum Qubit Systems" are the "Sacred Free Energy in the Vacuum as the Quantum Qubit Energy Systems of YIN and YANG". The YIN and YANG are the two poles perform the Quantum Act of YONG, the Yog, the Yoga as the Quantum Activity that all world religions and faiths describe as the Bride and the Bridegroom Sacredness Systems as in the DNA Systems ! :)
The other major point in the Philselfological Model of Everything is that the "Standard Vowel Theory of A, E, O and AE" in it acts and works in the Quantum Qubit Computing as the 4 Major Algorithm Operators that are well used and described by the Grover's Algorithm for the Quantum Qubit Computing Systems.
We notice that when it says in the Grover's Algorithm: "Extension to space with multiple targets
If, instead of 1 matching entry, there are k matching entries, the same algorithm works but the number of iterations must be π(N/k)1/2/4 instead of πN1/2/4. There are several ways to handle the case if k is unknown. For example, one could run Grover's algorithm several times, with
" (With thanks from the source:
- We can understand it as the 2A'=N1/2, the Under-root N and its equal to the Pie and when we consider the 4A', its equal to the 2 Pie that is the 360 Degrees. For every completion of 180 Degrees we have the 2A', and we have the 4A' as the 360 Degree that gives the "A, E, O, AE" as the Qubit Metric System in which we have it as the "A=180, E=360, O=180, AE=520 Degrees as the A, E, O, and the AE Systems" that on the "Quantum Tree of Vowels as the Fibonacci Systems" solves almost all problems of the Quantum Computing in the Qubit Way!
Now, the "Philselfological Model of Everything" is on its way as in the Process of Patent with the USPTO offices, USA, and I am sure the works that it claims in the "Computing and Quantum Computing most significantly" may open new world of quantum computing that will be based fully on the world religions and faiths with its quantum languages and grammars for computer programming and making of quantum computers and other nano and super techs! If one has anything to say, please say so! Thanks!
The other major point is that the A=i, E=k and O=j in the complex and the imaginary systems and we notice the perpendicular pseudo-vectors as the AE that are perpendicular to the AE Plane that is the i-k planes in the same, and thus we have the following universal systems:
- (Image with thanks from the source:
in the above equation we have the A=e1, E=e3 and the O=e2, and when we consider the AE, it goes as follows:
- (Image with thanks from the source:
- Please note that e23=EO, e31=EA and the e12=AO Systems in the A, E, O, AE, EO, OA System, when we extend the 4 Quantum Dimensions to its full virtual and the real systems. This also consitutes the bases and the basis of the Quantum Computing and Algorithm. The A, E, O and the AE thus constitutes what we know as the Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), the Secret Vowel Theory to say as shown in the video:
Video: "A, E, O, AE" as the Top Secret of Quantum Computer Technology, the QKD!
Thus, we have the two protocols of QKD Quantum Security Systems as the "A, O" and the "E, EA" that we notice in the image below as the set of A', 2A', 3A' and the 4A' of 45 Degrees each as in the Grover Systems of Qunatum Computing as when its Pie/4, it goes as the 45 Degrees and thus the A' and we see its wonders as the QKD Systems:
"The relationship between quantum information and the foundations of quantum mechanics has been of interest to philosophers of science and physicists for at least two decades. This relationship has arguably been known at least since the middle of the last century (e.g., Rothstein 1951, Plotnitsky 2010) and is now well recognized. Recently a number of related bold theses and misconceptions have appeared, such as “information is physical,” “the world is a quantum computer,” and “physics is information theory.” Before considering theses such as these, and philosophical issues relevant to them, the nature of information itself must be clarified. Christopher Timpson does just this in his new book. This alone would suffice to make it valuable reading for those interested in quantum information theory. But, the book goes beyond this, demonstrating the work needed to establish such theses is far from having been done, and is in some instances impossible. By its end, a number of specific proposals for placing the interpretation of quantum theory on an informational basis are shown to be far from having been accomplished." (With thanks from the source and some details about the work:
Christopher G. Timpson
Quantum Information Theory and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
Christopher G. Timpson, Quantum Information Theory and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Oxford University Press, 2013, 293pp., $85.00 (hbk), ISBN 9780199296460 and as at:
We need to consider that the "A, E, O and AE" is the Quantum Science and Math of Quantum Qubit Systems and that is present as the ONAM and in the Indian Bhagati, the Quantum Sacred Systems is described as the ONAMAN, the Quantum State of the Consciousness as we discuss that the ONKARA is Classical Studies and the ONAMA as the ONAMANA. The ONAMA is the Information Universe, the Akhara Universe and the ONAMANA is the State of Consciousness as the Observer, and in it, the N, and M are the Most Primitive Sounds of the Universe that we have discussed as the Bindu and the Bindi Systems of the Indian and the World Civilizations. The ONKARA is the Theory of Light and the ONAMA is the Theory of Photons that we use as the Quantum Qubit Computer Systems. In other words, the ONAMA is the N, the First Photon and M, the Second Photon while the ONKARA is the KARA, the REIKI Systems as of Light and Wave Theory in the Classical Sciences as according to this research work of Philselfology, the Single Model of Everything.
She did not have any disease or neither she rested on any day of her life and had run the dairy farm for more than 30 years milking cows and buffaloes, educating her 5 Children who got masters in music and other fields.
Please pray for our mother, and our family, relatives and friends thank you in advance! Amen!
The most interesting point about the N and M as the NAMA Theory is that its also the Decimal, the N and the Zero, the M Sacred System and that the universes follow the Zero and Decimals creating the entire systems, and this Zero and the Decimal System creates what we know as the Euler's Identity in which we have the "E, the EERI Systems in the Indian Languages" as the Sine and the Cosine Systems around what we say the OORA and the AARA Dimensions of the Universe. The OORA, the First Vowel goes as the Imaginary Number as the 1st Dimension of the Universe, and the AARA as the Second Dimension of the Universe is real to us as we see the universe as the "AARA Universe" that the Gurbani calls the Akhara Universe as described in the Dakhani ONKARA, the ONKARA System of South India and the Sri Lankan Civilizations that describes the Universe as the ONAMA Akhara (ONAM Akhara Tribhavan Saar... the ONAM is the Essence of Universe as the Second Dimension as the A-Khara with thanks from the Gurbani in Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji).
The Akhara is the Akara in the ONKARA Systems, and that is the AKARA and the AKHARA is the expression of the KARA, the Light Dimensions and the the AKHARA is the A-khara, the Second Dimension of Light as the Particle. This KARA as the KHARA with A-Vibrations of 2-D is the ONAMA in which the O is 1-D and the NAMA is the 2-D and beyond it for simplicity. However as we have discussed the O in the ONAMA is the A, E, O, AE, OA and the OE that all make the 6 Dimensional Consciousness that alone is the "O" in the ONAMA, and this creates the Information as going from the O-NA to MA and that flow is the eternal as from NA to MA and then back as the MA to NA, and thus the O-NAMA and the O-MANA that in other words is the O-NA Photon and the O-MA Photon creating the Quantum Hole in the Universe that acts in Quantum Wormhole as shown below:
The ENKARI or the Euler Single Equation of Everything has it as the Single Equation of Everything as shown above.
The most interesting point about the N and M as the NAMA Theory is that its also the Decimal, the N and the Zero, the M Sacred System and that the universes follow the Zero and Decimals creating the entire systems, and this Zero and the Decimal System creates what we know as the Euler's Identity in which we have the "E, the EERI Systems in the Indian Languages" as the Sine and the Cosine Systems around what we say the OORA and the AARA Dimensions of the Universe. The OORA, the First Vowel goes as the Imaginary Number as the 1st Dimension of the Universe, and the AARA as the Second Dimension of the Universe is real to us as we see the universe as the "AARA Universe" that the Gurbani calls the Akhara Universe as described in the Dakhani ONKARA, the ONKARA System of South India and the Sri Lankan Civilizations that describes the Universe as the ONAMA Akhara (ONAM Akhara Tribhavan Saar... the ONAM is the Essence of Universe as the Second Dimension as the A-Khara with thanks from the Gurbani in Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji).
The Akhara is the Akara in the ONKARA Systems, and that is the AKARA and the AKHARA is the expression of the KARA, the Light Dimensions and the the AKHARA is the A-khara, the Second Dimension of Light as the Particle. This KARA as the KHARA with A-Vibrations of 2-D is the ONAMA in which the O is 1-D and the NAMA is the 2-D and beyond it for simplicity. However as we have discussed the O in the ONAMA is the A, E, O, AE, OA and the OE that all make the 6 Dimensional Consciousness that alone is the "O" in the ONAMA, and this creates the Information as going from the O-NA to MA and that flow is the eternal as from NA to MA and then back as the MA to NA, and thus the O-NAMA and the O-MANA that in other words is the O-NA Photon and the O-MA Photon creating the Quantum Hole in the Universe that acts in Quantum Wormhole as shown below:
The Upper Part is the N and the Lower as the M and in the center is the O of the ONAMA Theory, and the universe after completing one life circle simply goes from the NAMA to MANA and then MANA to NAMA and in this case, the NAMA is the Photon Universe and the ONAMA is the Information Universe and the "O" keeps it alive or the universe that "lives". Thus, we have the 3-D of the OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems in which the 4th Self-assembly systems are the SAHA and the AAEE Systems that are as the SAHA, the Universe as the Breathe Systems and the AAEE as the Universe as the Energy, the Shakti, the Durga Systems. In all Indian Sacred Systems, the SAHA as the Breathing Universe is the Shiva Systems and the Durga Universe Systems go as the AAEE that we know as the ENKARI Systems following the universe as the Euler Equation:
The "e" with its powers of pie and imaginary numbers constitutes the "ENKARI Systems" that we represent as shown below
(The e equations and the images are from the source with thanks:
This "e" as the "AE, the ENKARI or the AENKARI Systems" creates the most popular systems of the e as the "ie, ee, ea and the eeaa" that may seem 4 Sacred Vowels and we notice it creates the "Circles and the Spheres with the Imaginary Numbers" following the Euler Equation as the Single Equation of Everything as the Enkari, the Euler Systems that is what the ONAMA Theory uses.
Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has introduced the Enkari as the EAK in the IK-Onkara Systems. The IK or the EAK is the Energy (E, the Euler Way in Space, the K Systems) as shown in the video:
Video about the Theory of EAK, the Euler (E) and Space (K) Equations
What we discuss as the Gurmukhi as the EAK differs from Sanskrit and Hindi as it has the IK and the EAK, and the IK with EEK has the Major Electronic and the Euler Sacred Systems and this is the Modern Quantum Electronics and the Qubit Systems that follows the Euler General Angles as are between two photons, the OORA and the AARA as the Neutrons and the Protons as shown below:
(The image with thanks from the source:
In the image above, we have the EERI creating the arcs and the angles that the Gurmukhi Languages and the Grammars use as the IK not the EAK as in the 4th D as the Classical Studies. The great wonder is that the IK is the Quantum Studies in the 3-D Systems and in it the human is the 4th D!
I should also mention that I am vegetarian, nonalcoholic who avoid the discussions about the armies, weapons, petroleum use and abuse and love nature and nonviolence and believe that the modern systems after say two world wars may have paid the least possible attention to what frees the world from pollution and weapons.
Now, when we consider the ONKARA Philosophy, we consider the Euler's Systems as the mathematics of the Sacred Universe as
(With thanks from the source:
The mathematical expression as the Euler's Formula constitutes what Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji modified and did it so by adding "IK, the Euler Systems" in the Vedic Mathematical Formals of ONKARA. He gives the great and most simplified equation of the universe that we study Euler's Space and Universe as the IK-ONKARA.
The IK-Onkara is the "
" with 1 as the IK and E, the Euler Systems as the ONKARA Systems, and both togther create the Vacuum, the Shoonaya Universe and thus what we study as the
Equation of the Universe, and that is the IK-ONKARA Mathematical Philosophy of Sikhism and its Quantum Doctrines based on it that are known as the Gurbani, the Quantum Theory of the Black and White Hole Theories. Here again we have to notice is that the Zero is the Most Balanced Dipole with Zero Rotation inside. The ONKARA Math deals with the Square outside the Circle, and the IK-Onkara deals with the "Circle inside the Square" Theories that follow the Euler's Systems of Space and Universe. The IK-ONKARA Philosophy can be best put as the "Two Circles Joined with Two Arcs intersecting". The Area that Intersection of Two Circles create makes two circle systems if added giving the
, and that is how Gurbani gives the Quantum Studies a great ease.
(The image of
is with thanks from the source:
For the above reasons of IK and EAK, the Sikh Gurus modified All Indian Languages according to the Gurmukhi Script that describes the IK Philosophy of EERI, the Euler Systems as the 3-Dimensional Universe inside the ONKARA 4-D Classical Geometry of the Square, and thus the IK-Onkara as the Circle inside Square Philosophy, and they recorded the Indian, Arabian and the World Civilizations with almost all languages and grammars describing the ONKARA Theories with IK, the Euler Systems and it is now present as Holy Shri Guru Granth Sahib and various scritures of Gurmukhi Script, and thus the Gurmukhi as the Brahmi Language goes as the Great Pair to the Sanskrit Languages. We can see it in the image below:
When we consider the Ayurveda that deals with the Ishwara, the Jeeva, the Living Systems, the A, E, O, and the AE give the Vata, Pita, Kapha and the Ojasa as the Quantum Qubit Programming of the Living Systems and the Brains with the Ishwara as the Human Psyche and the Jeeva, the Biological Systems as the "Two Observers of Living Systems, the Ishwara and the Jeeva". Here we notice that while the ONKARA deals with the Light Systems in the Universe, the IK deals with the ISH, the Ishwara Systems, and thus it also deals with the "Shree Systems of the Indian Civilizations", which may be little ignored in the Pure Veda Systems of Light. Thus, we when want to understand the "Ishwara, the Parmeshwara Systems", we may better use the IK-Onkara Systems that is the Ishwara-Onkara Systems. Thus, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism added the Philosophy of Ishwara, the Living God, the Consciousness as Observer to the ONKARA, the Light, the Light as an Observer. The other world religions that believe in the IK, the Ishwara Philosophy are the Christians and the Muslims and that is why these religions and the Ishwara Philosophy of Hinduism is well integrated as the Old Testament of Ik-Onkara Philosophy of Gurmukhi and the Gurbani.
Thus, we notice that the IK, the Ishwara is the NAMO Systems of Bhagati and the OM as the Gyana, the Parkash, the Light is the OM System of the ONKARA Systems, and that the IK-Onkara is the NAMO-Onkara Systems that gives the Gurmukhi and Other Brahmi Languages a better insight in the Gurbani. The IK and NAMO do not differ in its applications, and that the NAMO Theory is far better understood as the NAMA and the ONAMA Theories of the Indian and the World Civilizations that we study as the Quantum Sciences and the Systems in the Western and the Western Ancient and the Modern Systems.
Please read more about it from the link:
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