IKIS as Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Master Mantra and Poetic Meter and the Master Quantum Equation for the Sacred Mantras (Sacred Math) and the Sacred Kava (Sacred Music), the Sacred Poetry, the Quantum Auto-flow of Mantras and Poetry and the Higgs Boson God Particle Systems (as based on Theory of Grace, the Gurparsadi with the Hypothesis of Philselfology. ):
The Philselfology is the Hypothesis and Research on the General and or the Pseudoscience, Languages, Math, Music, Grammars, and all that we term as the "Sacred Subjects" as thus the Pure or Sacred Subjects. The research also aims at the following global education research, development and the welfare problems:
"Free energy suppression (or new energy suppression) is a conspiracy theory that technologically viable, pollution-free, no-cost energy sources are being suppressed by government, corporations, or advocacy groups.[1][2] Devices allegedly suppressed include perpetual motion machines, cold fusion generators, torus-based generators, reverse-engineered extraterrestrial technology and other generally unproven, low-cost energy sources..." (From the source with thanks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_energy_suppression_conspiracy_theory)
Most of the Indian, Asian and or the International Sacred Subjects may not be considered as scientific by the modern education systems: "...Criticism of pseudoscience, generally by the scientific community or skeptical organizations, involves critiques of the logical, methodological, or rhetorical bases of the topic in question." (With thanks from the source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_topics_characterized_as_pseudoscience)
According to the Hypothesis of Philselfology, the Concept, Theory and Philosophy of Master Mantra and Poetic Meter and the Auto-flow of IKIS: There are 4 Pada Philosophy in the Indian and International Sacred Systems, which are based on the 4 Auto-flows of the Position, Velocity, Acceleration and the Jerk that it brings to the individuals, who use the Sacred Systems in any language. The Position Based Velocity is called the Tamo Guna (1-D Systems), the Velocity Based is Rajo Guna (2-D Systems), the Acceleration Based is Sato Guna (3-D Systems and the Jerk Based is the Turiya, the 4th Dimensional Systems. The Auto-flow beyond the 4 Quaternion Pada, the Sacred Position is the Free Auto-flow, which is called the Mukta Auto-Flow, which is something that we can call the Simultaneous use of the 4 Pada without binding to one given individual pada.
The 4 Padas of Auto-flows can also be consider as almost same as what we know as the Black Holes with 4 Positions and the 5th Position, which we consider as the Mukta Position is what makes the 4 Position Based Black Hole as the Black Ring, which then is said to break the Theory of Relativity, which is thus the Singularity and Symmetry Breaking Philosophy as thus also the Art of the Universe, the Creative Art of the Universe as the Free Auto-flow that designs and crafts the universe. We can also consider the ONE Consciousness as the Free Auto-flow of the Sacred Universe, where the one consciousness also represents the black hole based black ring! :)
One of the great contribution from Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is based on the Sacred and the Divine Synthesis of the Sacred Vedas (Light, the Photon Systems) of the Pure Knowledge and the Sacred Up-vedas (Sound, the Biophoton and the Phonon Systems) of the Applied Knowledge is the Action Theory of the Action Based on the Pure and Applied Knowledge as thus either the Light M and Sound N or the N, the Sound and M, the Light Balanced by the Vibrations of Chanting, the "A" as thus either M-A-N or the N-A-M, where he has preferred the N-A-M as thus the Vibrations of Names of the Universal Systems as the Sacred Dipoles that we can also put as the Black Rings to be spun by chanting, and thus the Sacred Theory of NAMA, which is the Essential of the Net, Beyond Knowledge Theory among all sacred systems of the world.
We can consider the Simplest Sacred Languages Based Equation of Quantum Auto-flow of Sacred Mantras and Poetry as based on the Hypothesis of Philselfology as researched on Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Master Meter for the Mantras and Kava, the Sacred Poetry with our Research (Hypothesis of Philselfology) on the Case Study, Analysis and Research on the Right Brain Based Sacred Civilizations of the 4 Upa-vedas (Doctrines of Creative Intelligence), the Sacred Wisdom of Humanity as in the case study of the Extinct Himalayan Sindhu (Sindhi) or Indus Valley and the Sanskrit Sacred Civilization with its Original Brahmi, the Quantum Sindhi and the Classical Sanskrit Sacred Language Systems and about 1000 Subjects (an estimation) including the Sacred Ayurveda (which is said to be based on the Fifth or the First Veda, the Pranava (also known as AUM) or Shabada, the Sacred Veda of Quantum Sound), the Set of 4 Vedas of Right Brain (also popular as the Up-Vedas) in contrast to the popular 4 Vedas of the Left Brain while using the "Sacred Gurmukhi, the Punjabi Language Systems" as for the Hypothesis of Philselfology in its contrast to the Sacred Sanskrit, which basically promote the Basic 4 Vedas of the Left Brain as we discuss in this hypothesized research work the Emerging Quantum Systems and Civilizations of the Right Brain with the following simple equation:
Indian and International Sacred Systems=Left Brain Vedas (Sanskrit, the Languages on Light, the Photon)+i (Levels of Consciousness)*Right Brain Vedas (Gurmukhi, the Languages Based on Phonon and the Biophoton)
(From the updates to be available shortly at here: http://wingsforall.com/blog/emerging-quantum-civilizations-with-photon-phonon-and-phoneme-for-sacred-ma/)
P.S.: It's a regret that most of us may not know the name of the 4 Vedas (called the Upa, the Secondary Vedas) Based on the Right Brain, the Emerging Quantum Systems!
One can read more about it from the Wikipedia:
4 Upaveda's:
The term upaveda ("applied knowledge") is used in traditional literature to designate the subjects of certain technical works.[137][138] Lists of what subjects are included in this class differ among sources. The Charanavyuha mentions four Upavedas:[139]
Archery (Dhanurveda), associated with the Rigveda
Architecture (Sthapatyaveda), associated with the Yajurveda.
Music and sacred dance (Gāndharvaveda), associated with the Samaveda
Medicine (Āyurveda), associated with the Atharvaveda .[140][141] (With thanks from the source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vedas)
Now, these classifications of 4 Vedas, the Pure Knowledge and the 4 Upa-vedas, the Secondary Knowledge are same in every world sacred systems, and great thing is that people, who focused and researched rediscovered it all without reading it in all world sacred systems and the civilizations. The researchers of the right brain can reinvent or reincarnate it, and the one who can do it is called the Guru as for example, the Aadi Shankracharya is said to be the Jagat Guru if he can reinvent or belongs to the caste of the re-inventors (Reference: http://viswakarmasuvarnakar.jimdo.com/pranava-vedam/). The Sikh Gurus and the Bhagats are the great examples of the re-inventors, the ability to not only reinvent but develop and do advanced and the further research in the sacred information, knowledge and wisdom while giving great many sacrifices; the martyrdom and worst possible discrimination during last centuries while supporting this cause of greater good for the humanity!
This research is presented to support the right brain based communities, states, nations and the people, who have been treated as the martial's, terrorists, anti-social elements, not well educated, (shudras, the untouchables), and so on the intellectuals, who follow otherwise the left brain systems and have thus created all world systems of uno, governments, education systems, democracy, and all that we call "modern" based solely on the left brain theory and thus the great threat for the right brain of quantum and the sacred systems while causing as it seems the greatest genocides where victims may never resettle in their lives and are affected for generations, and that these sacred systems and the civilizations have been as it seems forcefully put to extinction particularly as when we do not have technology not in tune with the right brain. The Emerging Quantum Systems seems one of the greatest attempts to help the right brain people and the communities all over the world by the modern scientists, mathematicians and all other researchers. So, the Philselfology is a nonpolitical manifesto supporting this cause of greater good.
So, accordingly the Equation of the Sacred Civilizations (Philselfology) based on the Quantum Systems is a humble attempt to restore and manage the endangered and or extinction facing world sacred systems, and thus the equation:
Indian and International Sacred Systems=Left Brain Vedas (Sanskrit, the Languages on Light, the Photon)+i (Levels of Consciousness)*Right Brain Vedas (Gurmukhi, the Languages Based on Phonon and the Biophoton)
We can also simply the above equation as Classical, Sacred and Quantum Systems based equation as follows:
Indian and International Sacred Systems=(Classical Languages based on Light, the Photon)+i (Levels of Consciousness, the Quantum Systems)*Sacred Languages Based on Phonon and the Biophoton)
The Entire World Sacred Systems of Light (Photon), the Singularity are called the E-E-K while Sacred Systems of Sound, the Shabada are called the E-E-S, the Ishwara (Jeeva), the Isaiah and if we combine both the E-E-K and E-E-S, we have the E-E-K-E-E-S, the IKIS as described by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji in the Japji Sahib in which the Two Quaternions of Light and Sound with 10+10 Dimensions create the 21st Dimension called the IKIS. It call also occur within the Single Quaternion as Scalar and 3 Vectors yielding the Light and Sound Systems. So, we can also simplify our equation as:
IKIS=IK+iIS or even IKIS=(IK)+i(IS), and thus accordingly, we have:
Indian and International Sacred Systems (IKIS)=(Classical Languages based on Light, the Photon, IK)+i (Levels of Consciousness, the Quantum Systems)*Sacred Languages Based on Phonon and the Biophoton, the IS)
We can also put it in context to the Vowels, Consonants and the use of vowels on the consonants in all developed civilizations of the humanity:
IKIS (User of Vowels on the Consonants)=Vowels (Creation of Mantras, the IK)+i(Ratios of Vowels to Consonants, the Maatra, the Sandhi)*(Creation of Sacred Poetry, the Kava, the IS)
Finally, the IKIS is also what we know as the Equation of Higgs Boson (God Particle) and the Quantum God Particle as we can put it:
IKIS (Creation of God Particles in Photon-Proton Systems)=IK (Photon Creation)+i(Higgs Particle)*IS (Proton Particle Creation)
It needs a little twist as when we consider the IK vertically, we have it as the 7 Levels of Energy Systems while IS is the Horizontal Distribution and in this kind of classification, the IK is Proton and IS is Photon in the IKIS as explained by the Frank Wilczek, the Noble Prize (2004) Winner in the Higgs Particle (God Particle) Mechanism:
"For example: In its basic equations, Newtonian mechanics postulates complete symmetry among the three dimensions of space. Yet in everyday experience there’s a big difference between motion in vertical, as opposed to horizontal, directions. The difference is ascribed to a medium: a pervasive gravitational field."
(With thanks from the source: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/blogs/physics/2012/06/the-higgs-boson-explained/)
For the Grace, the Gurparsadi Theory, we have the "Gur" for the 3-D Systems (Protons), the "Par" is for the 4th D (Photon) and the "Sadi" (Higgs Particle), and thus the IKIS as the Gurparsadi, the Sacred Theory of Grace.
The IKIS is the Free Auto-flow Level, which one attains when one chants in the manner called the Repetition of Name and thus the Nama Theory, and it does not require the pure and the applied knowledge or any knowledge of the books, but simply chanting the "name". The Schools of Pure and Applied Knowledge also need one to learn how to "undo" and "forget" what one has learn in the same way as one learns how to "do" and "memorize", and in this context, we can put Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Theory of the Universe as follows:
One Universe (Consciousness, the Phoneme, the Quantum Vacuum)=N (Sound, the Biophoton)-A (Vibration, the Phonon)-M (Light, the Photon)
Now, with the Vedas as the Sat and the Upa-vedas as the E, the Enkari, the Bio-energy Based Systems, we have it as the SAT+E=SAT(I), the Theory of Nama adds to it as the N-A-M, yielding the Satinama Sacred Theory. Here, we need to note that the "Sat" as the 4 Pada and the "E, the Enkari Energy" runs it as the Black Ring as we can hypothesize, but it follows the Photon Light and Biophotonic Light Energy of the Nama. We also know it as when we consider things in the "Name of Lord or God", where the Philosophy of Quantum, the Consciousness Based God Systems are used in association with the 4 Velocities, the 4 Padas, and thus Guru Ji's famous Theory of Satinama as E-E-K Onkara Satinama. The great effects and the impact of it can be seen and observed in the Cymatics.
Here, the Vowel of "E" in the E-E-K and E-A-K differs as the E-A-K is the 4-Pada Based ONE System, which is comparable to the Black Hole with 4 Corners, the 4 Pada Quaternion Positions while the E-E-K on the other hand is the "Spins, Rotations, Orientations of the E-A-K Systems" as according to the Sacred Sound, Light and the Structures as according to the Indian Sacred Sounds, Alphabets, Languages, Linguistics, Grammars, Math, Geometry, Music, which is based on the E-EE and EA-EEAA, the Two Major Enkari (Life Forces of the Universe). In this context, one vowel, which is as EA-EEAA manages the central sound energy systems, while the E-EE manages the circulations, the spintronics of the circular (black hole) systems as we have been discussing with the Hypothesis of Philselfology. These language and linguistics based phonotic systems are the moolmantra of the given language, which do not change in the the standard world languages no matter ancient or the modern ones.
We can also note a great and interesting point in the Indian Sacred Systems that the M-A-N is related to the 4 Pada Systems, which we can represent with the EA-EEAA while the N-A-M is the Rotation, Spin, Circulation, Revolutions and so on that are present in the chanting in the repetitions. We can also notice in the daily life as the M (Photon)-A (Vibration)-N (Biophoton) is the SAT, the Intellect or Thought Based Systems and the N (Biophoton)-A (Vibration)-M (Photon) is the Sach, the Feeling and Response (Reaction) Based Bio-Systems from the indicated "sat and sach" systems, which we can further hypothesize as the Black Hole of 4-Dimensions (the SAT Sacred Systems as in the Atoms) and the Black Ring of 5-Dimensions (the SACH as in the Vortex Spintronics) of the living thing as when one reacts to the name given to one or the individual living identity. In other words, the "E" Based Systems as in the E-A-K run the Dipoles, the Vortex Systems while the "E" as the E-E-K deals with the Vortex, the Dipole Direction, the UP or DOWN Motions of the Vortexes, the Sacred Dipoles, which we can configure in any language with the E=O+iA and or the EE=A+iO kind of vortex, the spiral systems of the universe, which people of sacred civilizations have been using from ages.
The M-A-N (Photon) and the N-A-M (Biophoton) are also present as the TAO and DAO and that all world sacred civilizations have these two doctrines of left and right brain, which have been coexisting in the developed civilizations, and it's a great regret in the modern times that the Quantum Civilizations are emerging late as most of the right brain based communities, cultures, and their art, architect, languages, and all that we can discuss as the sacred systems are almost in the endangered condition of extinction where political systems seem excessively supporting the left brain theories and thus the intellectualism. The world now seems full of interpretations, the intellectualism and we seem to have minimum level of innovators and the researchers, who follow the right brain, the quantum creativity and innovation. In my hypothesis and research of Philselfology, I have discovered them in the worst possible conditions, which at times seems even below the animal levels as when we compare our pets, the dogs and or cats, the researchers seem living far below than the standards of cats and dogs and they are treated as if untouchable kind of people, where the systems consider their works not good enough to pass the tests, examination and or the research levels in the academics as particularly in Asia and or the developing nations. In the underdeveloped nations, the conditions are worst, and most of the researchers of right brain, the quantum chaos and creativity seem to be victims of genocides and or political oppression! :(
The great global depression seems to be present when the government is comprised of the right brain users and the public is comprised of the right brain users, and what a good name we have for this compromise, yes it's something like what sounds as the "demos"! We can notice more than 50 departments using most abusive language to demoralize, control, and manage the right brain people all over the world, and that is where once a senior doctor asked me if I mean that the criminals should not be punished, my reply was that they should be given all penalties with due respect to the human identity because we seem to be struggling with the lost identity and or the approval of their actions, behavior and or the presentations as the modern systems lack enough grounds to convince the users of the right brain that they are approved and accepted in the modern world particularly in the developing nations, where social approval is of the highest priority in the presence of great "dikhava" (outer appearance, posts, status, riches, and the possessions overpowering persons, the people) as most of the left brain users are well recognized.
So, according to our Philselfological Equation, we need a kind of constitutional amendment all over the world that the people of right brain or the right brain users should be given more respect, which is also indirectly more respect to the consciousness based systems:
Indian and International Sacred Systems=(Classical Languages based on Light, the Photon)+i (Levels of Consciousness, the Quantum Systems)*(Sacred Languages Based on Phonon and the Biophoton, the Consciousness)
Here, the problems seems to exist that the Right Brain Users descend to the Physical World, and the Left Brain Users ascends to the Central Nervous Systems and goes back to the Left Brain of Logic and thus remains the intellectual throughout life. Both users avoid each other's regions of left and right brain in which even the physical body is ignored because the left brain user avoids physical works. On the other hand, the User of the Right Brain avoids using the Left Brain as well as the Central Systems. For it, the balance of the equation is put as follows:
Indian and International Sacred Systems=(Saint, the Light, the Photon)+i (Levels of Consciousness, the Quantum Systems)*(Soldier, the Sound, the Phonon and the Biophoton)
In the Saint-Solider Model, the Left and Right Brain are both used equally. In other words, it can also be the Spirituality-Martial Arts. However, as the spirituality may favor the left brain and thus the right brain of the soldier and about the 1000 subjects of the Sacred Systems may be ignored as these are part of the right brain theory where the Spiritualism in the Indian and International Sacred Systems are connected and concerned more about the Central Nervous Systems where both the Left and Right Brains may have lesser importance. So, the Spirituality and Martial Arts are the "i" factor in the Quantum Equations.
Unfortunately, the Left Brain users are called the Devas and the Right Brain users as the Danva's (Rakshas, the Demi-gods or the Gods of Lower category called the Rudras) in almost all civilizations and it's one of the greatest regret in humanity as the Right Brain users are put as complete opposition to the Left Brain users, the Deva (Gods) even though the world and the universe cannot run without both of them as both are known as the children of the same mother or father for example, the Diti and Aditi or the Sura and the Asura as the Children of Kashyap Rishi of Kashmir. In this context, the proposed Theory of Nama by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is for Sides of Human Brain, the Deva and the Danva (Dainta). This little but great difference is present in use of "Rama" and "Shri Rama", where the Shri links more to the Right Brain, and for this reason the Male (Left Brain) and Female (Right Brain) may find yet another great difficult problem in the human development and evolution, and that the Left Brain is General Intelligence and the Right Brain the Creative Intelligence. This also seems one of the major reasons that such theories or proposals may be hindered by both sides of the brain communities, and thus one ends up only with the Nama Theory (User Based Single Theory of Everything), where otherwise the oppression seems to be present throughout human history and civilizations in general. The rise of Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and other derivatives of left and right brain theories seem to be based on the contemporary oppression's, crises, needs, etc. and it also seems in almost all world religions, faiths and the branches of the spiritualism, while the Modern Civilizations due to various reasons seem to have put humanity in one of the greater threat or perhaps failure due to modern non-quantum education systems (for example the Mesmerism Based Education Systems) as discussed in the previous parts of the series, for example:
Big Failures of Contemporary Civilizations and Success of Sacred Civilizations: Need of Introducing Quantum Systems and Updating the Classical Systems for One World, Integration of Ancient and Modern Civilizations for Unification of East and West - Be Happy Philselfologically 181a
Now, the Hypothesis of Philselfology is a humble attempt to contribute towards betterment of humanity while supporting the Emerging Quantum Civilizations as a great solution to all of these said major world problems, while these said, researched and the discussed "Theories" are silent, but when the humans are subjected to it may find great difficulties. In such cases, it's not Inventor's Fault, but user's fault and problem, which the Emerging Quantum Civilizations seem to solve well with restoration of the World Religions, Faiths and Spiritualism in its True, the Quantum Form as discussed in the Series of Be Happy Philselfologically and or the Hypothesis and Research of Philselfology in general.
Just to remind again that the Sacred Vedas include all of the Scriptures, Doctrines and the Books on the Pure Information, Knowledge and Wisdom (Left Brain Theories), while the Sacred Upa, the Secondary Vedas (Right Brain Theories) include the same on the Applied Information, Knowledge and Wisdom. The Levels of Consciousness, which we deal as the Doer, the Karta is what finds the Action Theory Based on the Left (Pure) and Right (Applied) Brain Theories of the Sacred Information, Knowledge and Wisdom, and further that all cultures, civilizations and thus the sacred systems based on it differ only in the languages used to describe it all what we know as the Vedas (Sacred Books, Doctrines and the Scriptures on the Pure, Applied and Action Information, Knowledge and Wisdom, which also forms the Basics, Bases and the Foundations of the Laws, Principles and the Methodologies of the Formal and the Informal Education and Research of the Emerging Quantum Systems based on these Sacred Systems).
Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has thus presented it all as the E-E-K ONE), the Karta (Doer) Purakha (Personality) in his famous Moolmantra Based on the Sacred Poetics, Math, Language, Music, and the General Sacred Systems of the Indian, Asian and the World Sacred Civilizations as he has been one of the great masters in it all as he has also described it in the Indian Sacred Music Meters of Ragas such that it describes the Quantum Theory, Concept and Philosophy of Quantum Elements (Tat' Darshana), Light, Sound, Consciousness, Energy, Matter, Universe, 5 Basic Elements, Energy Transitions and Power Transformations, Water Memory, Cymatics, and most of the topics of the Emerging Quantum Systems.
The Philselfological Equation and its scope covers all world sacred and other international languages including the languages of the machines, computers and artificial intelligence (programming languages included).
One can also read, view and review more about it in the next parts as well:
[2] Research Ideas, Solutions and Proposals for the Covid-19 Pandemic with Potential and Possible Chimeric Vaccines, Medicines and Nutraceuticals with both Proposing and Repurposing in FDA, WHO, WIPO, USPTO, PFH, NCATS, and Other International Systems while using Modern Medicine and Biomedical with Biopharmaceutical Systems as in MBBS with 5D DNA and DNACIL as also EK Gurmukhi WIPO TK Traditional Allopathy, Alchemy and Ayurveda Translational Phase Medicine R & D with Janus Particle, EBM, EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems with Cymatics with EK Hypothesis of Philselfology
Thanks for your time to read it! :)
Please read the previous part of the series from the Wings for All - Life Dynamix with Bliss Planet unification and integration going on here: http://wingsforall.com/blog/emerging-quantum-civilizations-with-photon-phonon-and-phoneme-for-sacred-ma/
Thanks for your time to read it! :)
Please read the previous part of the series from the Wings for All - Life Dynamix with Bliss Planet unification and integration going on here: http://wingsforall.com/blog/emerging-quantum-civilizations-with-photon-phonon-and-phoneme-for-sacred-ma/
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