All of it also brings the Proposed and Submitted 3 Major WIPO IP and Patent Laws with Proposal of WIPO Community IP Patent Law Streams, which also most exclusively include Punjab State in India, which uses EK Gurmukhi as Official Language and Script and thus 3 WIPO Punjab State Community Unit-Unitary IP Laws with Proposed WIPO State Offices in Punjab, which also extend to Sindh and Puadha Regions for the Community IP and Patent Streams in the Bi-State, Bi-National and Bi-Continental Streams, and these were submitted to Indian Patent Offices, USPTO and WIPO Offices from 2013-14 onwards as well.
Thus, all of it is also Part of 3 Main Projects for 3 WIPO , USPTO (with PFH) and IPO (Indian Patent Office) IP, which in 2012-13 proposed these World Community IP & Patent submissions to WIPO Patent Streams with Database, Reference and Repository Streams as also submitted to USPTO and WIPO in 2013-14 and onwards, and in USPTO Patent for Humanity Streams with Late Kim Veltman (Canada), Dr. Frederic (Japan), Steven Ferrel (USA), Noni Kaur (Canada), Raji Seerha (USA) & others.
Furthermore, all of it also includes WIPO Triple Point with Einstein-Planck Equation of E=mc^2 which was generalized as E=mcv and E=c+iv with Theory of Elements as used in Elements in Periodic Table of Chemistry, Elementary Particles in the Advanced Model of Physics and the Pseudo Elementary Particles with Mass Gap and all 3 Streams with Cymatics, and thus E=mc^2 as E=mcv was generalized as 3 WIPO World IP and Patent Streams with Triple Point of WIPO Classical, WIPO TK and WIPO Green as well.
1. WIPO Equations are with E=mc^2
2. WIPO TK Equations are with E=mcv, where c=v with c<v, c=v and c>v Conjectures as well
3. WIPO Green Equations are with E=c+iv with using 1 and 2 as well
Thus, all of these generalizations especially for World Mass Education even for Holocene 6th Extinction with Simplified WIPO IP and Patent Streams with E=mc^2, E=mcv and E=c+iv as Generalized Equations for all with WIPO Community Unit-Unitary IP and Patent Streams as submitted with 3 WIPO PCT Applications through USPTO in 2013-14 and onwards, which may also benefit Sindh, Punjab and Puadha World Communities with their Genealogical, Ecological and Language Bi-State and Bi-National International Streams, where WIPO and UNO with PoWR, Blockchain and Community Streams can also be used for Greater Benefits as well.
Then, all of it was also used in Proposed IPO, USPTO and WIPO Community IP and Patent Streams, where the Common Marks can also play an important and significant role, while all of it also leads to E=O+iA or E=c+iv as with Gagan Mein Thaal (Cosmic Plate of Cymatics) with Gurmukhi Theory of Elements as well.
Quick Research Publication References: [1] Proposed 3 WIPO Community Unit-Unitary IP Streams, Artisan Communities and Genealogies with Focus on Gurmukhi Punjabi and WIPO World IP Day 2023
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