Now, all of it needs Abstracts, Research Articles and Journals with Independent Research, and we do not seem to have enough Journals for Independent Research with even the Evidence Based Systems, while most of these seem for Academics and Systematic Publications, which may help Teachers and Students of Science, but may not bring the Hidden Scientists among them out as it seems the case as well.
So, we may also call it Seal of Philselfology, which uses 3 Major Streams of R&D with Philosophy, Psychology, Science and Math , Science with Physics, Chemistry, Math and Bio Math and STEM Education Subject Combinations and Groups as well, where Cymatics manages all of these 3 Streams of R&D with thus Taxonomy of Cymatics as well.
It also seems interesting that many Researchers at ResearchGate seem to fully use the Proposed Seal of Philselfology as well.
Here, we discuss how and why the Academic and Journal Publication Streams need to have a Greater Approach with Independent Research Category in addition to Classical Category, which seems to follow the Systematic Approach while ignoring Chaos and Platforms for Cymatics with Evidence Based Systems and Streams.
So, our concern is to justify it all rather than considering whether we are accepted or rejected in Journal Publication and Other Review Based Publications in Academics and also in Media, Journalism, Publication and Broadcast in its Broader Sense, where all of it also needs to justify Philosophy, Self (Psychology) and Science (Ology), which is also named as Philselfology as well.
The Philselfology is thus also a set of Philosophy, Psychology and Science (with Physics, Chemistry, Math and Proposed Bio Math with Euler Math), while all of it is also present in South Australia with its Education Board of SACE, while in the Developing Nations including India, there seem Lessor Opportunities for Philosophy, Psychology, Science and Math Subject Combinations and Groups as well.
The Modern Academics and Journalism seem to ignore these Streams of Philosophy, Psychology, Science and Math Subject Combinations and Groups, which we have named and termed as Philselfology as well, while the present scenario seems to be present with Science, Psychology and Technology, where Technology seems to dominate Science, where Psychology seems to further suppress Science, and we may not represent Technology as Science, which seems to be pushed in most publications in an assumed way.
Now, even if we want to push these traditional ways (classical), we can also use STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), but even then at least 4 Parameters need to be satisfied, where it also need to follow Philosophy, Psychology, Science and Math Subject Combinations and Groups further with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Bio Math with Euler Math as well.
One of the Ideal Journal for all of it is also present as Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology (PPP) by the International Network for Philosophy and Psychiatry (INPP), and it is a quarterly international journal from the Johns Hopkins University Press publishing peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of interdisciplinary work in philosophy and mental health as well.
Furthermore, if we want it with Modern and New Paradigm, it needs Elements of Chemistry, Elementary Particles of Advanced Physics and Biology with Cymatics, which also seems to be absent, and thus it seems it is pushed in a systematic way and we enjoy the Presentation, Style, References and Approved Formats as well.
Now, I may be wrong in most of these ideas, but once I asked in Australia if we can do Research Work without References, and it was denied, and one of the teachers rang Education Board, who told that Basic Idea is without Reference, which are to assist and if one can prove the Idea, Equation and Rest of the Story, the References can be added for Further Reading and thus Ideas Derived and Developed from References as well.
Research Publication Reference: [1] The Law of Gravitation - Philselfological Review (For thesis work in 1st Year of Physics, Man and Society in 1990, where it is now Physics, Human and Society and also named as Philselfology by Student & Researcher of Thesis as also Published in a Research Based Book)
These Academic and Journal Streams of Philosophy, Psychology, Science and Math Subject Combinations and Groups with Physics, Chemistry, Math and Bio Math, which take Science with Physics, Chemistry, Math and Bio Math and then also use STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Education Streams also bring it all with 3 Major Streams of Research and Development, which also need to be included in at least both Academics and Journalism as well.
In case of Philosophy, Psychology, Science and Math Subject Combinations, we come up with Research and Development as 1st Stream, while Science with Physics, Chemistry, Math and Bio Math as 2nd Stream rather seems to bring Innovation and Invention from the Research and Development (R&D), where STEM Education also offers Frugal Invention and Innovation with Improvisations as 3rd Stream from Streams 1 and 2, namely R&D and Innovation and Invention, where Cymatics can balance all of these 3 Streams of R&D as well.
Now, all of it needs Abstracts, Research Articles and Journals with Independent Research, and we do not seem to have enough Journals for Independent Research with even the Evidence Based Systems, while most of these seem for Academics and Systematic Publications, which may help Teachers and Students of Science, but may not bring the Hidden Scientists among them out as it seems the case as well.
So, we may also call it Seal of Philselfology, which uses 3 Major Streams of R&D with Philosophy, Psychology, Science and Math , Science with Physics, Chemistry, Math and Bio Math and STEM Education Subject Combinations and Groups as well, where Cymatics manages all of these 3 Streams of R&D with thus Taxonomy of Cymatics as well.
Now, it is also proposed that the Emerging World Education Paradigm or New Paradigm needs it all as with TOE (Single Theory of Everything), GUT (Grand Unification Theory) and Fifth Force together with Cymatics.
E=O+iA=TOE+i[Fifth Force](GUT)
Quick Research Publication References: [1] How to Introduce New Paradigm Definitions, Concepts, and Systems with Hypothesis and Research of Philselfology: What is MindFlow-Life Energy-Power-Force Dynamix Systems with Newly Emerging Paradigm of Four Energy-Fifth Force, Euler Equations and Cymatics with Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University
Thus, all of our Research Articles and Publications mostly satisfy it all, which is also presented with E=O+iA, where O is Light Energy, A is Sound Energy and ith Point is Vibration Energy Phases and Streams, where all of it also satisfies TOE, GUT and Fifth Force with Cymatics and this hypothesis was presented in Seminar in University of Adelaide in South Australia in 1990-91 as well.
Quick Research Publication Reference by Relevancy: [1] The Law of Gravitation - Philselfological Review (For thesis work in 1st Year of Physics, Man and Society in 1990, where it is now Physics, Human and Society and also named as Philselfology by Student & Researcher of Thesis as also Published in a Research Based Book)
YouTube Research Video Reference: [1] "Law of Gravitation" Philselfological Review of Thesis with Distinction in Graduation in University
All of it may also use Hypothesis of EK Gurmukhi Theory of Elements as well.
Quick Research Publication Reference: [1] Simplified Seal of Philselfology with Philosophy, Psychology, Science and Math with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Bio Math and STEM Subject Combinations with Special R&D Case of ResearchGate, SACE, Muirden Schools and Colleges
Thanks for your precious time!
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