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Saturday, August 12, 2023

World Health Organization WHO and Proposed Single, Comparative, Common and Collective Akhut (Inexhaustible) Theory of Every WHO Ancient, Traditional and Modern Pathy, Therapy and Medicine

World Health Organization WHO and Proposed Single, Comparative, Common and Collective Akhut (Inexhaustible) Theory of Every WHO Ancient, Traditional and Modern Pathy, Therapy and Medicine

Well, what we discuss here also seems to well serve the WHO, the World Health Organization Streams as the Single, Comparative, Common and Collective Akhut (Inexhaustible) Theory of Every WHO Ancient, Traditional and Modern Pathy, Therapy and Medicine and it is also relevant to WHO Conferences, Summits and Workshops with Generalizations for Holocene 6th Extinction with Inventions of Medicines for Chimeric Pandemic and Epidemic in addition to Existing Vaccinations and Other Medicines.

While, all of it is also a Medical Education Model for Everyone in Different WHO Pathy, Therapy, Medicine and Medicinal Systems and Streams as well.

Furthermore, it also supports and promotes all WHO Pathy, Therapy, Medicine and Medicinal Systems and Streams with Comparative, Common and Collective Approach with Translational Phases among Different WHO Pathy, Therapy, Medicine and Medicinal Systems and Streams as well.

It also offers Courses for All, while it also takes up the Ancient, Traditional and Modern Medical, Health and Wellness Streams together, and thus it also aims for Ideal WHO Streams for All as well.

Then, all of it also proposes 3 Major WIPO IP and Patent Streams for All WHO Pathy, Therapy, Medicine and Medicinal Systems with WIPO Community Unit-Unitary IP Streams, where All Patents can also be classified as WIPO IP Community of Allopathy, Ayurveda and Alchemy (for example Homeopathy) as well.

Furthermore, all of it also takes up FDA, AYUSH and WHO together in Greater Harmony, where it takes up 5D DNA and of course it also takes up DNACIL, the DNA Collective Intelligence Language by Dr. Frederic and the R&D Team, while it also takes up 100 Traditional Universities in Different World Religions and Traditional Healthcare Systems and Streams as well.

These WHO Models are also Evidence Based Streams, which are in addition to Classical Medical Education, where for example Essential Oils, Cymatics and STEM Education can also be combined for making it the Ideal Role Model of WHO for Humanity as well.

All of the World Modern and Traditional Medical, Health and Wellness Streams can also be simplified as the Spacetime (Philosophy), Space-Volume (Science) and Space-Density (Cymatics and Alchemy, the Chemistry with Cymatics) of Homeopathy, Tissue and Cell Salts with Essential Oils with 3 Streams (Heteropathy and Allopathy) and the Drops, Nosodes and Vaccines, which also creates 3 Streams in this context, and it is also Simplified Philselfology (Philosophy, Psychology and Ology, Science) of Homeopathy, Essential Oils and Drops, which drive the 5D DNA as well.

It is also to be remarked here that Homeopathy is also bridged to the Electro Homeopathy, where the Essential Oils with Hydrophobic, Hydrophilic and Amphiphilic Streams also lays down Foundations to the 5D DNA Bioelectric Flows with Biphotonic and the Biophoton Electric Streams and that is where it also created New Foundational Approach for the Homeopathy, Electro Homeopathy and Bio-Photonic Homeopathy with 3 Hydrophobic Solution Stream Approach as well.

So, it is also proposed as the Homeopathy, Electro Homeopathy and Bio-Photonic Homeopathy with Cymatics, which is also present with 0th, 4th and 5D and Higher Dimensional and Hyper Dimensional DNA Bioenergy and Bioelectric Currents, where Janus Particles Based Propulsions also play an important role especially in Chromosome, DNA and Genome Health and Wellness during the Covid-19 Pandemic and even otherwise as well.

To initiate it all with Modern Medicine (Allopathy), Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Traditional Alchemies for Doctors, Patients, Nurses, Caretakers and Medical Store Owners, all of it also needs Practical Example, where for example, Tablet of Calcium in Milk mixed properly also gives Allopathy Product (Calcium) with Ayurveda (Milk) and Proper Ratio of Calcium Tablet and Milk (as in Homeopathy) as Triple Point of Allopathy, Ayurveda and Homeopathy Alchemy Conjectures, where Other Pathy, Therapy, Medicine and Medicinal Systems can be added to this Triple Point as Single and Collective Medicine Streams as well.

All of it not only brings Single, but also Comparative, Collective and Common Theory of Every World Pathy, Therapy, Medicine and Medicinal System with Modern TOE, GUT and Fifth Force Conjectures with Cymatics as well, while this kind of Medical, Health and Wellness Education can be provided to Every Related Person in Doctors, Patients, Nurses, Caretakers and Medical Store Owners alike, where all of it is also Supporting to Modern Medicines known as Allopathy with Proposed Triple Point Therapy Streams with Cymatics as well. 

It is also to be remarked here that all of it also includes Kashmiri Sharda Sanskrit and Ayurveda Alchemy with its Alphabet as Theory of Elements with 35 Elements as Letters, which are also used as Parent Alphabet in Gurmukhi Theory of Elements, Ayurveda and Alchemy with Cymatics as also used in Aramaic Theory of Elements and Alchemy, where this Kashmiri Ayurveda is not only compatible with Indian Aryan Ayurveda and Alchemy, but also with the Western Unani and Allopathy in general.

In all of it, the Sikh Gurus combined the Indian Ayurveda to Western Alchemy Allopathy by Hippocrates and Galen with Translational Phases with Cymatics, while earlier all of it was developed by Arabian People and Civilizations especially from Spain with Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and he is also considered Father of Early Modern Medicine, who also founded Modern Laws (Canons) of Medicines and also started Modern MBBS and MD Streams, and he also invented Essential Oils, which are also proposed as Foundational 5D DNA (Sutra) Streams with Dr. Khorana’s DNA as the 4D DNA as well.

All of it also focuses on the following Research Keywords as well:

WHO Global Evidence-to-Policy E2P Summit 2023, EVIPNet, First WHO Traditional Medicine Global Summit 2023, India, FDA, WHO, GCTM, TCI, Single Theory of World Medicines, AYUSH, Artisans, Minorities, Kashmiri Ayurveda, Panthak Sant Samaj Bharat, Mata Sahib Kaur Ji Ayurveda Bhawan, Life Foundation, Triple Point Therapies, Akhut (Inexhaustible) Therapies, Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University, Cymatics, Chimeric Pandemics, Holocene 6th Extinction

One can read more about it in the following Research Publication:

As you know, the Emerging World Education Paradigm or New Paradigm needs TOE, GUT and Fifth Force together with Cymatics.

E=O+iA=TOE+i[Fifth Force](GUT)

Thus, all of our Research Articles and Publications mostly satisfy it all, which is also presented with E=O+iA, where O is Light Energy, A is Sound Energy and ith Point is Vibration Energy Phases and Streams, where all of it also satisfies TOE, GUT and Fifth Force with Cymatics and this hypothesis was presented in Seminar in University of Adelaide in 1990-91 as well.

Thanks for your precious time!

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