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Friday, June 28, 2024

Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University Honors Mr. Baljinder Singh Ji, His Collogues and Students with his Greater Contributions with the R&D Team in Global Seal of Biliteracy and Global Classroom Pair Share 2024 with AVANT Assessment Tests

Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University Honors Mr. Baljinder Singh Ji, His Collogues and Students with his Greater Contributions with the R&D Team in Global Seal of Biliteracy and Global Classroom Pair Share 2024 with AVANT Assessment Tests

Image: This is an Image of Global Seal of Biliteracy as Earned by Mr. Baljinder Singh in Gurmukhi Punjabi and English with the English as the Tested Language and this Image is also taken by Mr. Baljinder Singh and Shared at ResearchGate Image for Simplified Math Foundation for Global Biliteracy Seal for All World Languages with Chomsky's Universal Grammar with Special Research Case of AVANT Tests as well

An Image of Global Seal of Biliteracy, which has been earned by Mr. Baljinder Singh, who took this image and has also become the First Government Indian College/University Teacher/Lecturer/Professor to Get this Prestigious Award and Certificate for Global Seal of Biliteracy for Gurmukhi Punjabi and English with English as the Tested Language from AVANT Assessments and the 3 Free AVANT Tests were awarded to Teachers and/or Students for 3 Months of Global Classroom Pair Share 2024 as well.

While 2 of his Students also received all of these Honors, Awards and Certificates, while he thankfully conducted it all with Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University (The First Rural, Suburban and Urban Indian Candidates Receive Global Seal of Biliteracy for Gurmukhi Punjabi and English by Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University, as well.

He also joins Mr. Harmandar Singh, who earned Global Seal of Biliteracy for Gurmukhi Punjabi and English with the English as the Tested Language also by AVANT Assessments, which was also offered for Free for his being the First Indian Candidate to get the Global Seal of Biliteracy as the First Non-Government Independent Researcher as well.

While, for Mr. Harmandar Singh, the Certificate of Global Seal of Biliteracy was Received by Respected Sister Kuldeep Kaur Ji (with her B. P. Ed. in Physical Education and Sports, Masters in Theater, TV Film and Media Streams and B. Ed. in Yoga) with Respected Sister Jasvir Kaur Ji (with her Masters in Music and Past Teaching Experience) and with Greater Help from Respected Sister Noni Kaur Ji (with her Masters in Music and Many Other Professional Degrees including in Health and Physiotherapy) and Other Family Members (with Multiple Degrees and Work Experiences) for the Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University and for him as also its Founder, while the Family Members also worked in Family Dairy Farm in their Almost Entire Education of School, College and University as well.

In all of it, both Mr. Baljinder Singh and Mr. Harmandar Singh also share Contributions in Noam Chomsky's Universal Grammar for Bilingual Languages and thus also for Biliteracy as well.

Relevant Blogging Research Post: [1] Gian Health, Yoga and Meditation R&D Khoj Center in Collaboration with Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University MSME (Registered) with Gian Yoga, Joga and Zoga with Sphota Universal Grammar and Cymatics Classes with Sister Kuldeep Kaur Ji and R&D Team (

[2] Schism, Heresy, Dominions and Published Book of Proposed Journal for Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University with 100 Damdami Streams, Collabs and WIPO TK, WIPO Green and UNESCO Safeguarding (

Then Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University also arranged the Global Classroom Pair 2024 in Punjab in India with Other Global Class Pair Share from Nagaland in India with Special Thanks to Mr. Baljinder Singh ( with YouTube Channel of Back to Home with Handle of for his Greater Contributions in English, Gurmukhi Punjabi and Hindi Languages, while Proposed EK Gurmukhi R&D University congratulates them all with thanks for their participations and contributions in the Biliteracy and Bilingual Streams with even Multilingual Approach as well.

In all of it, the Manipulations and Corrections in Gurmukhi Punjabi Theory of Elements, Alphabet, Language and Music with Cymatics is also considered for Greater Efficiency and Effectiveness as well.

Thanks for your precious time!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

A Little Effort of a Facebook Event of Happy Himalaya Earth Day Conference on Political Party, Scientific and Technological Peace Equation R&D Streams with Hypothesis, Protocol and Research of Philselfology, EK Gurmukhi and Cymatics

A Little Effort of a Facebook Event of Happy Himalaya  Earth Day Conference on Political Party, Scientific and Technological Peace Equation R&D Streams with Hypothesis, Protocol and Research of Philselfology, EK Gurmukhi and Cymatics

Well, when we consider Small Scale Industries and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) for R&D in Different Subjects and Streams including World Sacred and Minority Streams with World Languages, we can also consider how and why Human Civilizations have been surviving with Small Scale Industries with Special Skills, which save not only Individuals and their Families, but also Communities, where our R&D Team of Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University also proposed 3 Streams of WIPO Community IP Streams for the Small Scale Industries and MSME for Survival of Minorities, Sacred, Ancient, Traditional and Endangered Streams as well.

For all of it, we took One of the Simplest and Common Examples of Gumbad Biodomes as SME and MSME Stream, where these 3 WIPO IP Streams can be used with Business Plans for 3 Major Branding Systems, which also supports Facebook Social Networking with 3 Streams of Community Managers as well, while all of it also needs Greater Scope, and thus Proposed Happy Earth Day Model for both the Earth and Globe Streams is also proposed as well.

Thus, all of it also brings a Little Effort of a Online and Virtual Conference discussing the intersection of political party, scientific, technological and manufacturing streams in Himalayan Global Streams with Happy Earth Day Model, especially in Indian Continental Streams with a focus on the impact of the lack of scientific equations for tapping, harvesting, and harmonizing Himalayan and Asian ecology on the environment and society for Peace, Harmony, Togetherness, Unity and Other Peace Safeguarding Streams as well.

The conference will also address the need for new, breakthrough, and emerging equations with universal constant, universal variable, and universal coefficient systems and streams to prevent a potential or feared third world war as well.

The Himalayan Global Conference on Political Party, Scientific and Technological Equation R&D Streams is a Greater Option, which has been provided by Facebook on the following Facebook Page Post:

Facebook Page Post Reference: Facebook Page Event Discussion: [1] Himalayan Global Political, Scientific and Technological Equation R&D Streams

Thus Name and Term of Conference has also been suggested by Facebook while Posting the above Facebook Page Post with Two Options of Publishing the Original Post and Publishing with Event, where one can visit the following Research Publication as Part of this Event of Himalayan Global Conference on Political Party, Scientific and Technological Equation R&D Streams as well.

Special Note, Remark and Discussion: Well, these Proposed Himalayan Global Equation R&D Streams have also been published in First Research Monograph Journal Book Published by Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University, where all of it also discusses how Different World Languages, Religions, Faiths and Sacred Subjects, Systems and Streams use these 3 Streams of Equations with Cymatics as well.

Now, all of it should also lead to Global Peace Projects with Peace Safeguarding Approach with Scientific, Technological and Manufacturing Streams, where Political Parties represent Public of the Nation in the Government Systems, which are run and managed by Government Staff, Officials and Other Government Related Authorities and Agencies, where Politicians of Different Parties and also the Independent Candidates also represent Public Matters and Issues to the Government at Different Levels as well.

While all of it can also bring a Greater Milestone in WIPO Academy’s Specialized Course on the Hague System for International Registration of Industrial Designs (DL-304) with Hypothesis, Protocol and Research of Philselfology with R&D Approach for Research, Methodology, Technology and Manufacturing Streams as also submitted to WIPO and USPTO including USPTO Patents for Humanity, while this Special Course by WIPO Academy is Highly Useful, Effective and at the Backbone of WIPO Classic, WIPO TK and WIPO Green for Humanity, where these 3 Equation Streams with Cymatics can be used as well.

Special Research Publication References: [1] Proposed WIPO Green Triple Point Akhut (Inexhaustible) World IP Education and R&D Streams with E=mc^2 Equations and UNESCO ICH as Submitted in 3 USPTO PFH WIPO PCTs in 2013-14 & Onwards

[2] UNO UNESCO SDGs with Cymatics and Proposed New R&D Courses for Sustainable Education, R&D, Welfare, Empowerment and Common Future of World with WIPO IP Day 2024 and Hague Systems

One can read more about it here with the following Research Publication Reference as well:

[1] R&D Thesis on WIPO Academy’s Specialized Course on the Hague System for International Registration of Industrial Designs with Philselfology

All of it is also discussed more here:

Thanks for your precious time!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

How and Why Flip-Gate of International Progress, Prosperity, Development and Peacebuilding in Governing Body, Candidacy, Elections and Voting with Hypothesis of Philselfology

How and Why Flip-Gate of International Progress, Prosperity, Development and Peacebuilding in Governing Body, Candidacy, Elections and Voting with Hypothesis of Philselfology

In all of it, the Flip-Gate of International Progress, Prosperity, Development and Peacebuilding in Governing Body, Candidacy, Elections and Voting with Hypothesis of Philselfology is with the ith Point, which is also Spin, Flip and Flop with Voting and Creation of Ruling and Opposition Streams at Different Levels of Democracy with Elections Voting and Nominations, and the Spin, Flip and Flop of Every Vote, Voter and Candidate Stream thus also create the Flip-Gate of Democracy, Elections, Voters, Votes and Candidates, which can also be run in a Scientific Way of Flip-Gate[69], where Two Votes bring Flip-Gate of Democracy with at least One Voter and One Candidate bring the Flip-Gate, where Voter’s and Candidate’s Own Vote Makes the Greater Difference with at least 2 Votes as well.

Now, when we consider the Modern Democracy, Candidate, Voter and Vote System, all of it has, for example, Candidate Voting to Oneself and thus Getting at least 1 Vote, where Voter may give Plus Vote making Candidate’s Total Votes as 2, and the Voter may also give Negative Vote, which makes Candidates Own Vote and Voters Vote as 0, while Voter may also Vote to No Candidate is Right and thus Candidate just Getting One’s Own 1 Vote as well.

How all of it can be possible is from Elections among Two Candidates as Otherwise 1 Candidate may not need any Voting and Election and thus we need to consider Two Candidates and at least 1 Voter to ensure that either of Two Candidates having 1 Self-Vote get 1 Extra Vote to Make 2 Votes to Win the Election, where Candidate may still deny both Candidates with No Candidate is Right as well.

So, Two Candidates want Vote in their Individual Favor while creating the 1st Spin with their Self-Vote and thus Two Votes in Opposite Directions, where Voter may vote to either Vote Upward Direction (for example as Right Spin) or in Downward Direction (for example as Left Spin), where the Voter may also keep Vote as Neutral by not Voting to Any Candidate as well.

E=O+iA=(Right Spin Vote)+i[Voter’s Choice](Left Spin Vote), where ith Point is Voter’s Vote, which can be 1 or even 1 Million Votes, where Candidates may also Pair Up to 2 and even More than 2, where Candidates can be 10, 100 and even 1000 in the Given Round

E(A)=A+iA=(Count of Right Spin Votes)+i(Count of Left Spin Votes)

E=O+i(A+iA)A=All Votes Counted for Left, Right and Neutral Spin Streams, where all of it may Flip, Flop (Canceling Two Opposite Votes like Opposite Spins) and then Radiate or Transmit Results with both the Maximum Count of Votes with Percentage Votes as well

So, the ith Point is also like the Sacred Lotus of Democracy, where Every Vote is like Petal of the Lotus Flower and Candidates are like Filaments of the Flower, where Votes in Favor are like Petals while Vote Against Candidates are like Leaf's Under the Flower, while all of it is also like Artwork of Flower known as Phulkari, the Embroidery, where the Person, who makes it knows how many Vote Counts should be in Upward, Downward and Central Streams, which also makes Voting System like the Biodome, the Gumbad of Democracy, where Wheel of Progress, Prosperity and Development also runs it all at the ith Point, where all of it is also like Scientific Education of Flip-Gate with Cymatics with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) of Voting Systems as well.

Furthermore, in all of it, the Cymatics can also give its Unique Taxonomy in Every Election with its Results in Every Ward, Constituency, City, State and National Levels while also at the International Levels, where thus the ith Point also brings the Peacebuilding with Progress, Prosperity and Development Streams, where how Votes bring Left, Right, Upward and Downward Gains in Total Votes like Spin Density Gain or Loss also bring the Flip-Gate of Voting, Election and thus Democracy[65][66][67][68][69] as well.

All of it also includes the following Relevant Blogging Research Post at Bliss Planet with Social Network Language and Expression as well:

[1] The Great Need of Healthcare and Other Services Reaching Every Individual, Family, and Home by Government, UNO, Corporate Bodies or Systems: Escaping the Big Failures, Gurmukhi, TOE, GUT, Fifth Force, Cymatics, Life Dynamix and Be Happy Philselfologically

All of it is also discussed more in the following Research Publication with the Given References as well:

Research Publication Reference: [1] Flip-Gate of International Progress, Prosperity, Development and Peacebuilding in Governing Body, Candidacy, Elections and Voting with Hypothesis of Philselfology

Thanks again for your precious time!

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Research Report with Set of Solutions for Indian Elections 2024 with Problems of Covid-19 Pandemic Caused Feared Lost Decade 2021-31, Rains, Agitations, Floods and now there seems a Greater Need of Feared Re-Elections

Research Report with Set of Solutions for Indian Elections 2024 with Problems of Covid-19 Pandemic Caused Feared Lost Decade 2021-31, Rains, Agitations, Floods and now there seems a Greater Need of Feared Re-Elections

Focus of Research: Research Report with Set of Solutions for Problems of Elections 2024 due to High Temperatures in India 4th June Blue Star '84 as Date of Election Results with Request and Appeal Submitted to Election Commission of India with Nanometric Covid-19 Pandemic Caused Feared Lost Decade 2021-31 and Feared Third World War, Crops and Rain Damages and Recent Flood Problems in India with Special Research Case of Punjab and North India as well

While all of it has also been Submitted to Election Commission of India as well:

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due respect, please receive the following updated request, which was initially made on Facebook on 24 May, 2024 at about 9:54 PM with the Weather Data with the Reference of Weather in Jalandhar, Punjab, India as well:
Well, it seems that as the Heat Waves are Too High in Punjab and even Other Parts of India, where Elections 2024 are to be held, for example, above 40 Degrees, so should Elections 2024 be held while Temperatures are so high or some time adjustments should be made to avoid the High Temperatures, for example, on 31st May, it is about 48 Degrees even when it says 42 Degrees on 1st June, the Day of 2024 Lok Sabha Elections in India as well.

It may not only affect Children, Women and Aged People, but also Young People as well.

So, it is sincerely requested to Election Commission of India to consider it all. Special Link to Facebook Page Post: [1]

Special Link to Facebook Page Post: [1]
Special Remark: Well, due to High Temperatures Above 40 Degrees and in Range of 40-48 Degrees, the Voters may lose their Temper and Temperament and thus may also Vote Against the Ruling Parties due to High Levels of Frustration with Lack of Water, Electricity and Coolers and AC's, where Opposition Parties may also take Full Advantage of this Free Opportunity to Agitate Over Voters just due to High Temperatures with Covid-19 Pandemic Caused Feared Lost Decade 2021-31 and also recent Floods in North India with about 5 Sequences of Heavy Rains on Crops as well.

Thus, the Elections 2024 in India need to be considered and reconsidered due to these Heavy Problems, where High Temperatures are one of the Major Causes (in Ranges of 40-48 Degrees), where we are neither discussing any Ruling or Opposition Party, where Voters have to Decide whom to Vote, but such Factors of Abnormalities like High Temperatures above 40 Degrees and even Beyond should be considered without considering who Wins or Loses as well.

Quick Weather Research Reference: [1]

Relevant Blogging Research Posts and Publications: [1] Proposed R&D Solutions for Floods in Ghaggar-Hakra Link Rivers in Patiala Punjab North India, Australia, America and Other Link River Regions in World with Proposed R&D Courses with Ancient, Modern, Eastern and Western Approach with Proposed EK Gurmukhi R&D University with Theory of Elements and Cymatics (

[2] Simplified WHO Prioritizing Diseases for R&D in Emergency Contexts in Covid-19, Chimeric Pandemics & 6th Holocene Extinction with Solutions from STEM Ed, Euler Equations and Educating Citizens with Artisan Practical Approach of Applicants, Offices, Social Networks, Teams & Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D Uni (

Additional Request and Appeal: It seems that the Declaration of Elections 2024 on 4th of June, 2024 may have Serious Affect on its Blue Star Date of 4th June, 1984, where instead of Paying Homage to Victims of Blue Star 84's and its Related Problems, the People with their Elected Candidates are likely to celebrate the Victory on Same Day as 4th June, 1984, which is likely to hurt their Feelings, Emotions and Wounds of Victims of 1984 with even Anti Sikh Riots in 1984 with Homages also paid to
5th Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Arjan Dev Ji's Martyrdom (Shahidi) as well.

Thus, earlier, the First and Second Weeks of June is also linked to 5th Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Arjan Dev Ji's Martyrdom (Shahidi), who founded Holy Shri Harmandir Sahib and also wrote Shri Sukhmani Sahib there as well, while his son and 6th Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji founded Shri Akal Takhat Sahib with Tuvan Throat Music, which assists 5th Sikh Guru Ji's Main Ragi's Kirtan, the Devotional Music, where Main Ragi and Assistant Ragi (Devotional Singers) sing 5th and 6th Guru Ji's Sacred Music in Mouth by Main Ragi and in Throat (Tuvan Throat Type Music) by Assistant Ragi as well,

"In all of it, the First and Second Week of June is usually linked to 5th Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Arjan Dev Ji's Martyrdom (Shahidi) Gurpurab Days while the Individuals, Families and the Congregations do Path, Prayer and Kirtan with Shri Sukhmani Sahib and also serve Cold Water with Squash and Sweet in all of it known as Chhabeel as well."

Thus, all of it may also defame Sikhs and also Punjabis and Others, and thus the Date of Declaration should be Postponed to Ensure that both the Candidates, Voters and People are respected for their Religion, Faith and Sacred Systems, while they are also Victims of Pandemic and Epidemic (Black and White Fungus) in Covid-19 Pandemic Caused Feared Lost Decade 2021-31 and also recent Floods in North India with about 5 Sequences of Heavy Rains on Crops, where all of it also includes Farmers' Prolonged Protests and Agitations of about One Year as well.

"Here, first of all we can start with the Modern Democracy, Government, Intergovernmental and UNO Systems and Streams with what also seems need to be present should be Public Salute Day at Frequently, for example at Least Once a Week (or whatever is decided by the Local Bodies) to Ensure that the Real Ownership of Governments and Intergovernmental (as at UNO) Systems, the People or Public (Citizens) get some respect, where the Senior Citizens deserve it more and additionally.

It is also to be remarked here that when we discuss, share and communicate about Patriotism, Dedication, Education, Religion, Faith, Sacred Systems and Many Other Aspects of Human Life and Humanity, there is almost least problem among one's dedication, devotion and patriotism as most of the people would like to help their Native Communities, Cultures, Religions, Faiths and Sacred Streams, where Asking for Vote may differ from Discussing, Sharing and Communicating, where Modern Democracy also needs Revisiting and Reviewing, where Asking for Vote needs to be Special Issue for Living Together without Voting, where in Real Life, we do not have Mothers, Fathers, Grannies, Uncles and Others due to Votes, but we have it for Elections for Terms of Durations of 2-5 years as well.

While it seems to weaken the Life Long Posts of Human Relationships and One's Running Shop, Business and Other "Posts and Positions" for Lifelong without Voting, where Granny is Senior to Parents, Kith and Kin, and slowly the Everlasting and even Long Lasting Human Rights, Properties and Assets and Other Bonds seem to get weakened, where Projects of Genealogy are also required to ensure that Human Life Streams are not merely based on Voting alone to ensure that Seniors, Elders and Ancestors also get due respect, where Fair Voting is also focused as it can also contribute in all of it as well.

For example, the Friendships and Sharing Rights, Properties, Assets also differs, where, friends may say that they have nothing divided, but one would not go to court and give half of the rights, property and assets to one's friends and that is also same-similar when we vote, and thus we may also lose friends when we ask for votes and may also have candidates with voters against us, where discussing about Democracy and Voting also needs Special Attention, where as we ask for Votes, we also ask like Friends asking for Share in Rights, Properties and Assets, and thus some people would not like to go for losing friendships in politics and voting, which may also end up in violence and riots as well.

As you know, in the Modern Democracy, the People or Public, the Citizens are the Real Owner of the Government and the Government Owned Subjects, Systems and the Streams.

It can also be a one of the good reliefs in the COVID-19 Pandemic Stress Problems, where the Public Servanthood now needs Greater Role to Avoid the Feared Lost Decade of 2021-30 as well."

The above quoted remark is from the following Blogging Research Post:

Blogging Research Post Reference: [1] The EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems and How we can have all Voters and Candidates Voting to One Another with 5-10 Votes as Rated Voting on the Single Vote Ballot or Alternatively Public Representations in Government Body Systems without Political Parties in the UNO Democracy and Electoral Systems: Fair Voting and Need of Greater Respect for Candidates and the Voters with Greater Priority, Selectivity, Selection, Direction, Aim, Objectives and Voting with Cymatics - Be Happy Philselfologically Finalizing (

So, all of it is thus also Simplified Research Report with Set of Solutions for Elections 2024 with Problems of High Temperatures in India 4th June Blue Star '84 as Date of Election Results with Request and Appeal Submitted to Election Commission of India, while Punjab has about 13 Seats of Lok Sabha (Lower House) and Only 7 Seats of Rajya Sabha (Upper House) and thus Most of Candidates, who may wish to contribute in Upper House may have to take Routes of Lower House and thus Best of States with Upper Houses also need attention especially in Punjab with only about Two Cities having Department of Archeology in Shri Anandpur Sahib and Patiala as well.

Relevant Blogging Research Post: [1] The Essential Oils as Immunity Boosters, COVID-19, Holocene 6th Extinction and EK Gurmukhi and Gurbari Metric Systems with EK Cymatics: The HIV-AIDS, Swine Flu, Malaria, Coronavirus, LSD and Other Infection, Pandemic and Epidemic Conjectures and Post-Pandemic Problems with Special Case of Lehal Traditional Village Colony in Patiala with Gurudwara Bhag Ram's Dukh Niwarn Sahib, Eucalyptus Tree Parks, Gardens, ESL, Bilingual, Scouting, Floods, STEM, SAGA Education, Mother Language, Tongue, Dialect and UNO Global Citizenship with State Collaborations, SEZ and 5D Banking Streams (

After Results of Elections: Well, as there are Two Political Parties having almost Equal Candidates, while both seem to be in Opposition Party Streams, and that they are likely to Form Ruling and Opposition with Equal Candidates, and thus Running Democracy for Next 5 Years seems a Big Hurdle for the Nation, and thus Need of Feared Re-Elections seems a Sound Solution for all of it especially due to COVID-19 Pandemic Caused Feared Lost Decade of 2021-30 and Many Other Crises and Problems as well.


The President of India,

New Delhi,


Respected Madam,

With due respect, it is humbly submitted that as there are Two Political Parties having almost Equal Candidates, while both seem to be in Opposition Party Streams, and that they are likely to Form Ruling and Opposition with Equal Candidates (for example First Main Party with about 240 (with allied 292) and Second Main Party with about 232 Seats as well), and thus Running Democracy for Next 5 Years seems a Big Hurdle for the Nation as well.

Thus, it strongly seems that Elections 2024 should be done again to ensure that Government Runs smoothly for Next 5 Years especially due to Next 10 Years with the COVID-19 Pandemic Stress Problems, where the Public Servanthood now needs Greater Role to Avoid the Feared Lost Decade of 2021-30 and many other Problems, which seem to be present in Elections 2024 and its Future Prospects as well.

So, please consider it.

Thanks for taking time to read, review and consider it all!

Also thanks for considering the Present and Proposed Future Voting System in India with Set of Solutions for Elections 2024 and Greater Respect for Candidates and the Voters alike as well!


Thanks for your precious time!

With thanks and regards,

Harmandar Singh with R&D Team

Now, when we consider how different Political Parties and Others Use and Apply Ram or Rama Name and Term, all of it needs to be considered as Raja Ram with Vedic Civilization, while Bhagwan Ram with Up-Vedic Civilization, Atam Ram by taking both Vedic and Up-Vedic Civilizations especially in North India, where South Indian Civilizations and also Buddhism and Jainism takes Lord Rama's Wife Sita Ji's Real Father and Mother Raja King Ravan and Queen Mandodari (with Raja King Janak and Queen Sunayana, who brought Mata Sita Ji up), and thus gives Credit to King Ravana for his being Father to Sita Ji and Real Father-in-Law to Lord Rama, while the Persian (Iranian) and Other Asian and European Hindus and Muslims also use Ram as Rham, where all of it is also present in Kashmir Sharda Sanskrit with Nandi Nagari as One of the Most Ancient National Language of Indian Continental Language Systems, where Gurmukhi also descends from it, where all Names of Lord Rama are also used and explained as well.

It is also to be remarked here that Gurmukhi Language also uses Nagari, Devanagari and Nandi Nagari Versions of Kashmiri Sharda Sanskrit, and thus it also represents the Modern Version of Integrated Nandi Nagari, which was also National Language of Ancient India as Spoken by both the North Indians and the South Indians as well, where Gurmukhi also links it all to the Western and Other International Languages as shown in Image 1 with Special Discussions, where Cymatics also play an important role as well.

We can also put it all as follows:

E=O+iA=(Dev Nagari)+i[Nandi Nagari](Nagari)

The above E=O+iA also represents the Ancient Version of EK Gurmukhi, where Dev Nagari also takes up Light Energy and Mukti Philosophy while Nagari is also linked to Sound Energy and Nirvana Philosophy in Buddhism while EK Gurmukhi takes it up with Vibration Energy and thus Nirbana Philosophy, which also links to Cymatics and Aramaic Language as shown in Image 1 with Special Discussions, and thus Gurparsad Philosophy, which maintains the Grace Philosophy of Gurparsad with Cymatics, while all as also the Yoga, Joga and Zoga Conjecture with Cymatics as also present in Choku (Juman) Reiki Power Streams as well.

[3] Proposed ICH Safeguarding of Sacred Gurmukhi Gurbani Composition of Gagan Mein Thaal Aarti by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji as Indian International and World Anthem, Music & Message of Peace with WIPO Green

Well, as according to Hypothesis, Protocol and Research of Philselfology, we can study and research Indian Continental Government and Political Party Systems getting classified as according to the Equations of E=O+iA, E(A)=A+iA and E=O+i(A+iA)A, where we are not giving to Priority to Any Political Party and its Allies, where Upper House (Rajya Sabha), Lower House (Lok Sabha), Vidhan Sabha (Legislative Assembly) at State Levels with Municipal Committee and Corporation Streams with Mayor Systems with Mayor Systems from City, State and National to International Mayor Levels[54], where all of it depends on Total Votes in Favor of these Individual and Grouped Streams without considering who won, where Fair Voting[157] can also be supporting as well.

These 3 Streams of Equations with Cymatics also take up the Total Votes in Favor of the Individual and Grouped (Political Party) Streams without considering who won, and thus considering Percentage Votes, where Patiala Constituency seems to be a Role Model in Elections 2024, where the Political Parties, which are grouped in E=O+iA and E(A)=A+iA have been Ideally Voted in District Patiala, where Percentage Votes can bring the Ideal Democracy for All Elected Members, where they are prioritized as according to Percentage Voting in their Respective Constituency, States and in Nation as well.

While, all of it can also utilize Every Vote Casted without Considering Winners, who are Elected to Run and Manage the Percentage Votes in this context while also using Percentage Votes and Weights from Vidhan Sabha and Mayor (Municipal Committee and Corporation System) Streams, and thus Every Vote Casted can be Shown in Winning and Percentage Voting, where Winning is 4D and Percentage Votes are 5D, the Change in Momentum Based Community Power for Democracy in the City, State and Nation, where Winners take Public Issues to Government, but Public Lives as Percentage Votes as well.

Special Research Report for More Details and Discussions with the Given References: [1] Research Report on Indian Lok Sabha Elections 2024 with Set of Solutions for Pandemic, Political, Feared Lost Decade and Other Multiple Crises (Some Details and Discussions may differ in Blogging Research Post and Research Report Publication as well)

Relevant and Next Blogging Research Post: [1] How and Why Flip-Gate of International Progress, Prosperity, Development and Peacebuilding in Governing Body, Candidacy, Elections and Voting with Hypothesis of Philselfology

Relevant Blogging Research Post for Facebook Event: [1] A Little Effort of a Facebook Event of Conference on Himalayan Global Conference on Political Party, Scientific and Technological Equation R&D Streams with Hypothesis of Philselfology, EK Gurmukhi and Cymatics

P.S.: So, all of it is thus also Simplified Research Report with Set of Solutions for Elections 2024 with Problems as well. Thanks again!

Thanks for your precious time!