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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

How and Why Flip-Gate of International Progress, Prosperity, Development and Peacebuilding in Governing Body, Candidacy, Elections and Voting with Hypothesis of Philselfology

How and Why Flip-Gate of International Progress, Prosperity, Development and Peacebuilding in Governing Body, Candidacy, Elections and Voting with Hypothesis of Philselfology

In all of it, the Flip-Gate of International Progress, Prosperity, Development and Peacebuilding in Governing Body, Candidacy, Elections and Voting with Hypothesis of Philselfology is with the ith Point, which is also Spin, Flip and Flop with Voting and Creation of Ruling and Opposition Streams at Different Levels of Democracy with Elections Voting and Nominations, and the Spin, Flip and Flop of Every Vote, Voter and Candidate Stream thus also create the Flip-Gate of Democracy, Elections, Voters, Votes and Candidates, which can also be run in a Scientific Way of Flip-Gate[69], where Two Votes bring Flip-Gate of Democracy with at least One Voter and One Candidate bring the Flip-Gate, where Voter’s and Candidate’s Own Vote Makes the Greater Difference with at least 2 Votes as well.

Now, when we consider the Modern Democracy, Candidate, Voter and Vote System, all of it has, for example, Candidate Voting to Oneself and thus Getting at least 1 Vote, where Voter may give Plus Vote making Candidate’s Total Votes as 2, and the Voter may also give Negative Vote, which makes Candidates Own Vote and Voters Vote as 0, while Voter may also Vote to No Candidate is Right and thus Candidate just Getting One’s Own 1 Vote as well.

How all of it can be possible is from Elections among Two Candidates as Otherwise 1 Candidate may not need any Voting and Election and thus we need to consider Two Candidates and at least 1 Voter to ensure that either of Two Candidates having 1 Self-Vote get 1 Extra Vote to Make 2 Votes to Win the Election, where Candidate may still deny both Candidates with No Candidate is Right as well.

So, Two Candidates want Vote in their Individual Favor while creating the 1st Spin with their Self-Vote and thus Two Votes in Opposite Directions, where Voter may vote to either Vote Upward Direction (for example as Right Spin) or in Downward Direction (for example as Left Spin), where the Voter may also keep Vote as Neutral by not Voting to Any Candidate as well.

E=O+iA=(Right Spin Vote)+i[Voter’s Choice](Left Spin Vote), where ith Point is Voter’s Vote, which can be 1 or even 1 Million Votes, where Candidates may also Pair Up to 2 and even More than 2, where Candidates can be 10, 100 and even 1000 in the Given Round

E(A)=A+iA=(Count of Right Spin Votes)+i(Count of Left Spin Votes)

E=O+i(A+iA)A=All Votes Counted for Left, Right and Neutral Spin Streams, where all of it may Flip, Flop (Canceling Two Opposite Votes like Opposite Spins) and then Radiate or Transmit Results with both the Maximum Count of Votes with Percentage Votes as well

So, the ith Point is also like the Sacred Lotus of Democracy, where Every Vote is like Petal of the Lotus Flower and Candidates are like Filaments of the Flower, where Votes in Favor are like Petals while Vote Against Candidates are like Leaf's Under the Flower, while all of it is also like Artwork of Flower known as Phulkari, the Embroidery, where the Person, who makes it knows how many Vote Counts should be in Upward, Downward and Central Streams, which also makes Voting System like the Biodome, the Gumbad of Democracy, where Wheel of Progress, Prosperity and Development also runs it all at the ith Point, where all of it is also like Scientific Education of Flip-Gate with Cymatics with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) of Voting Systems as well.

Furthermore, in all of it, the Cymatics can also give its Unique Taxonomy in Every Election with its Results in Every Ward, Constituency, City, State and National Levels while also at the International Levels, where thus the ith Point also brings the Peacebuilding with Progress, Prosperity and Development Streams, where how Votes bring Left, Right, Upward and Downward Gains in Total Votes like Spin Density Gain or Loss also bring the Flip-Gate of Voting, Election and thus Democracy[65][66][67][68][69] as well.

All of it also includes the following Relevant Blogging Research Post at Bliss Planet with Social Network Language and Expression as well:

[1] The Great Need of Healthcare and Other Services Reaching Every Individual, Family, and Home by Government, UNO, Corporate Bodies or Systems: Escaping the Big Failures, Gurmukhi, TOE, GUT, Fifth Force, Cymatics, Life Dynamix and Be Happy Philselfologically

All of it is also discussed more in the following Research Publication with the Given References as well:

Research Publication Reference: [1] Flip-Gate of International Progress, Prosperity, Development and Peacebuilding in Governing Body, Candidacy, Elections and Voting with Hypothesis of Philselfology

Thanks again for your precious time!

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