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Saturday, June 22, 2024

A Little Effort of a Facebook Event of Happy Himalaya Earth Day Conference on Political Party, Scientific and Technological Peace Equation R&D Streams with Hypothesis, Protocol and Research of Philselfology, EK Gurmukhi and Cymatics

A Little Effort of a Facebook Event of Happy Himalaya  Earth Day Conference on Political Party, Scientific and Technological Peace Equation R&D Streams with Hypothesis, Protocol and Research of Philselfology, EK Gurmukhi and Cymatics

Well, when we consider Small Scale Industries and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) for R&D in Different Subjects and Streams including World Sacred and Minority Streams with World Languages, we can also consider how and why Human Civilizations have been surviving with Small Scale Industries with Special Skills, which save not only Individuals and their Families, but also Communities, where our R&D Team of Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University also proposed 3 Streams of WIPO Community IP Streams for the Small Scale Industries and MSME for Survival of Minorities, Sacred, Ancient, Traditional and Endangered Streams as well.

For all of it, we took One of the Simplest and Common Examples of Gumbad Biodomes as SME and MSME Stream, where these 3 WIPO IP Streams can be used with Business Plans for 3 Major Branding Systems, which also supports Facebook Social Networking with 3 Streams of Community Managers as well, while all of it also needs Greater Scope, and thus Proposed Happy Earth Day Model for both the Earth and Globe Streams is also proposed as well.

Thus, all of it also brings a Little Effort of a Online and Virtual Conference discussing the intersection of political party, scientific, technological and manufacturing streams in Himalayan Global Streams with Happy Earth Day Model, especially in Indian Continental Streams with a focus on the impact of the lack of scientific equations for tapping, harvesting, and harmonizing Himalayan and Asian ecology on the environment and society for Peace, Harmony, Togetherness, Unity and Other Peace Safeguarding Streams as well.

The conference will also address the need for new, breakthrough, and emerging equations with universal constant, universal variable, and universal coefficient systems and streams to prevent a potential or feared third world war as well.

The Himalayan Global Conference on Political Party, Scientific and Technological Equation R&D Streams is a Greater Option, which has been provided by Facebook on the following Facebook Page Post:

Facebook Page Post Reference: Facebook Page Event Discussion: [1] Himalayan Global Political, Scientific and Technological Equation R&D Streams

Thus Name and Term of Conference has also been suggested by Facebook while Posting the above Facebook Page Post with Two Options of Publishing the Original Post and Publishing with Event, where one can visit the following Research Publication as Part of this Event of Himalayan Global Conference on Political Party, Scientific and Technological Equation R&D Streams as well.

Special Note, Remark and Discussion: Well, these Proposed Himalayan Global Equation R&D Streams have also been published in First Research Monograph Journal Book Published by Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University, where all of it also discusses how Different World Languages, Religions, Faiths and Sacred Subjects, Systems and Streams use these 3 Streams of Equations with Cymatics as well.

Now, all of it should also lead to Global Peace Projects with Peace Safeguarding Approach with Scientific, Technological and Manufacturing Streams, where Political Parties represent Public of the Nation in the Government Systems, which are run and managed by Government Staff, Officials and Other Government Related Authorities and Agencies, where Politicians of Different Parties and also the Independent Candidates also represent Public Matters and Issues to the Government at Different Levels as well.

While all of it can also bring a Greater Milestone in WIPO Academy’s Specialized Course on the Hague System for International Registration of Industrial Designs (DL-304) with Hypothesis, Protocol and Research of Philselfology with R&D Approach for Research, Methodology, Technology and Manufacturing Streams as also submitted to WIPO and USPTO including USPTO Patents for Humanity, while this Special Course by WIPO Academy is Highly Useful, Effective and at the Backbone of WIPO Classic, WIPO TK and WIPO Green for Humanity, where these 3 Equation Streams with Cymatics can be used as well.

Special Research Publication References: [1] Proposed WIPO Green Triple Point Akhut (Inexhaustible) World IP Education and R&D Streams with E=mc^2 Equations and UNESCO ICH as Submitted in 3 USPTO PFH WIPO PCTs in 2013-14 & Onwards

[2] UNO UNESCO SDGs with Cymatics and Proposed New R&D Courses for Sustainable Education, R&D, Welfare, Empowerment and Common Future of World with WIPO IP Day 2024 and Hague Systems

One can read more about it here with the following Research Publication Reference as well:

[1] R&D Thesis on WIPO Academy’s Specialized Course on the Hague System for International Registration of Industrial Designs with Philselfology

All of it is also discussed more here:

Thanks for your precious time!

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