Inspired by Ancient, Traditional, Pseudo & Ikshvaku as EK Vaku Comparative Sacred Uni Streams with Geni's; the Hypothesis, Research and Project of EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems (Philselfology) with Proposed EK Gurmukhi Vaku World R&D Uni Streams with Cymatics also deals with EK Theory of All EK Comparative World Religious Studies with Interfaith; Metaphysics, Music and Math as in PoWR with Single Equation of Every Subject and System & Proposed WIPO Community IP for Humanity.
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Friday, October 6, 2023
Gian Health, Yoga and Meditation R&D Khoj Center in Collaboration with Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University MSME (Registered) with Gian Yoga, Joga and Zoga with Sphota Universal Grammar and Cymatics Classes with Sister Kuldeep Kaur Ji and R&D Team
Gian Health, Yoga and Meditation R&D Khoj Center in Collaboration with Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University MSME (Registered) with Gian Yoga, Joga and Zoga with Sphota Universal Grammar and Cymatics Classes with Sister Kuldeep Kaur Ji and R&D Team
The Gian Health, Yoga and Meditation R&D Khoj Center in Collaboration with Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University MSME (Registered) with Gian Yoga Classes has now been started by Kuldeep Kaur Ji, who has also done B. P. Ed. with Yoga and B. Ed. in Yoga (with Naturopathy) with Teaching Experience for Many Years in School to University Levels as well.
It is also to be remarked here that the Actual Name and Term is Yog (YOG) and not Yoga (YOGA) and it may usually refer to Patanjali Yog (popular as Yoga) and it is also Hatha Yoga and thus also known as Patanjali Hatha Yoga, which also follows Patanjali Universal Grammar of Yoga, where Sphota, the Memory, Recalling and Retentive Power Streams also play an important role as well.
The Yoga has also been Part of Physical Education in Schools in Punjab and in India in general, where the family members (with and including Kuldeep Kaur) also stood Third to First in State and National Level Yoga Championships from Mid 70's to 90's and even later with Many University Youth Festival Awards at State and National Levels.
Special Remark: In general, there are 3 Streams of Yoga, namely, the Yoga, Joga and Zoga (Vibration Energy as in Divinity, Choku Reiki and Cymatics), where Yoga is for Spirituality and Joga is for Religion and Faith, and Zoga is for Divinity with Faith and Belief, where Cymatics also keep the Singularity Dimensions for all of these 3 Major Streams, while in reality Cymatics splits, separates and spins these 3 Streams as Individual Streams on the Chladni Plates as according to the hypothesis.
Thus, all of it also proposes the Comparative Study and Research of Spirituality, Religion, Faith and Divinity, which also creates Additional Dimensions to the Comparative Study and Research of World Religion, Faith and Divinity Streams among Different World Religion, Faith and Divinity Streams, where even within Yoga, Meditation and Spirituality, all of it also exists as Yoga, Joga and Zoga with Cymatics, which also tells how, why and when Yoga is Compatible with the World Religion, Faith and Divinity Streams with Cymatics, which also guides Consciousness with Sacred Geometry, Design and Pattern and Music as well.
The Yoga and the Joga are Opposite Pairs, which can be balanced with Cymatics (Zoga) Vibration Energy Streams, where Yoga goes with Asanas, Postures and Positions of Animals, Birds and Plants or Trees, while the Joga uses the Sounds of Animals, Birds and Plants or Trees as in Sargam, the SA, RE, GA, MA, PA, DHA and NI, which are derived from the Sounds Spoken by Animals, Birds and Plants or Trees, where one sits in Human Asanas, Postures and Positions, while creating Sounds of Animals, Birds and Plants or Trees, and thus the Joga as in Singing, Music and Instrumental Music.
In all of it, the 3rd Stream is linked to Western Music and its GAMUT, where it brings Harmonics that are also present in the South Indian Dravidian Language and Music Streams as well, which also exist in-between Yoga and Joga and creates the Zoga with Zodiac Effects, where all of it also goes same-similar to Choku Juman Reiki Powers, which use both Yoga and Joga, and Western Music and GAMUT with Cymatics also expands it, where Cymatics plays the Key and Pivotal Role in all of it as well.
Thus, the First Yoga Approach is with Aryan Sanskrit (also includes Brahminic Approach), while the Second with Yoga as Joga Approach is linked more to the Kashmiri Sharda Sanskrit (also includes Khatri or Non-Brahminic Approach as used by Sikh Gurus, who also belonged to Non-Brahminic Khatri Communities) with Greater Priority to the 6th Chakra, where the Third Approach (Joga with Cymatics as Zoga) with Aramaic as used on Kashmiri Sanskrit also bridges the Eastern and Western Yoga Streams as well.
In all of it, the Third Approach is used by the World Artisan Communities, for example, Parmar, Tarkhan and Ramgarhia Communities, and it also includes the Pre-Brahminic Community Approach, which also brings Yoga and Joga as Zoga (Joga with Cymatics) and it is also known as Dasam Duar (Tenth Door or Gate) Streams, which also use the Skin and Hair Streams, while Dasam Duar (as believed to be present on the Frontal Top Part of Human Head) and it also bridges the Yoga (7th Chakra Based Streams) and Joga (6th Chakra Based Streams), where Cymatics alone also has its Special Yoga Streams, which use Jiomiti, the Geometric Streams for Human Consciousness leading to Proposed Triple Point Therapy and Other Streams as well.
Special Remark: All of these 7 Chakra Streams in Yoga and 14 Sub-Chakra Streams in Joga with Multiple Chakra and Sub-Chakra Streams usually 21 Sub-Chakras (IKIS or IKISH Approach) in Zoga with Cymatics are also studied as the Sapta Matrika, the 7 Rows of Indian Continental Alphabet Systems, where 7 Rows of Alphabet also represent the 7 Chakra Biovortex Energy Levels, which are thus also treated as 7 Goddess Levels and also the 7 Holy Spirits of the Universe, where Para, Apara and Parampara (Traditional) Shakti Streams are also linked to it as with Yoga, Joga and Zoga Conjectures and Streams as well.
Furthermore, in all of it, the Sacred Indian Alphabets especially Gurmukhi Alphabet also represents the 64 Yogini, Jogini and Other Yoga and Yogic Streams of Yoga, Joga and Zoga with Akshara (Phonetic), Akhara (Phonemic) and Achhara (Allophonic) Streams, which thus also makes the Sacred Alphabets with Special Research Case of Gurmukhi Alphabet as Sacred, Precious and Information Grid of Yoga, Joga and Zoga Conjectures and Streams, where 1st and 2nd Rows of Vowels with 5th Column as Special Row of Vowels is also linked to Vowels of Yoga, Joga and Zoga Conjectures according to the hypothesis, where Vowel Holders and Consonants are also linked to EK Singularity Dimension, where EK Onkar also represents Gurmukhi Alphabet Matrix of 7 Rows and 5 Columns as well.
Special Remark on EK Singularity Dimension: Well, the Prose, Poetry and Music in Gurmukhi Language like Other World Languages uses the Vowel Symbols on the Vowel Holders, which are further linked through 8 Cases of Universal Grammars, which are also represented by the Vowel Holders, where all of it also maintain the EK Singularity Dimension in Prose, Poetry and Music, where thus Letters of Gurmukhi Alphabet also maintain this EK Singularity Dimension in Prose, Poetry and Music with Cymatics as well.
In general, the Gurmukhi Sacred Compositions of Poetry and Music also represent the Noam Chomsky's Universal Grammar with its Musical Version, where Pingal Rupak Universal Grammar of Prose and Poetry can be used while in case of Prose it represents Chomsky's Universal Grammar as Bilingual Universal Grammar, where Bharthari Universal Sphota Grammar can also be used, and thus the Gurmukhi Prose, Poetry and Music Streams get the EK, EAK and EKK Streams with Cymatics, which also represent the Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams with Cymatics as well.
Even when we discuss the Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams, these are also linked to Fire (Burning Hydrogen), which then also converts into Water (Burnt Hydrogen Ash) and it is also Reversible Process, which is maintained by the Electrolytes of Hydrocarbons and even Sugar as well, and thus Yoga, Joga and Zoga most exclusively uses Burning Hydrogen (Fire), Burnt Hydrogen Ash (Water, Liquids, Fluids and all as also Plasma) with Hydrocarbon Electrolytes as well.
In general, the Sun also represents Burning Hydrogen (Fire), Moon also represents Burnt Hydrogen Ash (Water) while Earth also represents Hydrogen and Hydrocarbon Electrolytes as well, where thus Yoga, Joga and Zoga with 3 Streams of Hydrogen and its Derived Products also represent WIPO Green with Solar System as its Source while using Sun, Moon and Earth as Cycle of WIPO Green and we can also put it all as follows:
Thus, the Yoga, Joga and Zoga with 3 Streams of Hydrogen and its Derived Products also represent the Ideal WIPO Green Streams, where Yoga is also linked to WIPO Classic and Joga is also linked to WIPO Traditional while Zoga is liked to WIPO Green and we can also put it all as follows:
So, we can easily use Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams even in WIPO Classic, WIPO TK and WIPO Green Streams, where WIPO stands for World Intellectual Property Organization, which manages the World IP Streams with Copyright, Trademark, Patents and Many Other IP Streams with IP, AI and Creative IP Streams, where 3 WIPO Community IP Unit-Unitary Streams are also proposed and submitted as well.
It is also to be remarked here that the Classical Yoga goes into Brahma-Asthana at the Top of the Human Head, which is also known as the Brahamlini Stream, while the 6th Chakra with Bi-Chakra Approach also maintains the Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams and instead of Braham Lini Streams rather gives Braham Gyan (Gian) Streams, and thus one may also understand and comprehend it all as Braham Gian, which is also in addition to Braham-Lini Streams, for example as in Sunn and Samadhi Streams of Meditation as well.
Thus, people, who practice Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams from the 6th Bi-Chakra Levels also get Greater Insight into what is Braham, Para Braham and Abraham Conjectures and Streams are as well, where Classical Yoga gives Greater Insight into Vindu Pure White Light, but Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams give Greater Insight into Spectrum of Vindu Pure White Light as Bindu Light Stream (as in Sunn and Samadhi) with Sound Energy, while Joga gives it Jindu with Sound and Vibration Energy (as in Simran, Sunn and Samadhi Streams) as well.
While, the Zoga gives it Greater Name and Insight of Zindu Light Streams (as also in Iranian and Persian Streams with Avesta and Gatha with Ablaut Stress, Skroke and Calligraphy Streams) further with Sound, Vibration and Cymatics for example with Surat, Simran, Sunn and Samadhi Streams, where Surat and Simran are also linked with Safurna, the Process of Furna, the Ideas, which flow most of the time and need Let Go to have Surat, Safurna, Simran, Sunn and Samadhi Conjectures and Streams in Greater Balance to Care and Cure Stress, Stroke and Shear Topos as well.
Thus, the Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams at the 6th Chakra Levels with Bi-Chakra Approach also bring the Braham Gian (Gyan) with what is known as Gian Parabodha, the Greater Insight into Gian (Gyan) by itself, which also brings Wake as Vi-Wake or Vivek that also takes Wake to Vivek in addition to Awake and thus Awake, Aware and Beware (with Focus Ekagar and Alert or Beware Swadhan), which also seems to go as Bibek when Cymatics is used as in Householder Life, where one also needs to use Surat, Safurna and Simran all together, where thus Furna and Safurna (Dawn of Ideas from Thoughts, Emotions and Feelings) also play an important role as well.(End of Special Remark)
It is also to be remarked here that the 1st and 2nd Rows of Vowels with 5th Column as Special Row of Vowels is also linked to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd, the Bottom Columns and Row of the Periodic Table of Chemistry, where where Vowel Holders and Consonants, which are also linked to EK Singularity Dimension are present as the Rows and Columns of Metals in Periodic Table of Chemistry, and all of it had been successfully used by Great Chemist, Mendeleev, who prepared the Periodic Table of Chemistry while using Sanskrit Alphabet, where Gurmukhi Alphabet with Double Letters and Cymatics can also expand it all as well.
The Gurmukhi uses the Double Letters of Sanskrit as with Kashmiri Sharda Sanskrit Alphabet (as shown in Image 1 with Special Discussions) and thus it also brings Periodic Table of Chemistry with Elementary Particles of Physics as in the Advanced Physics Model of Elementary Particles and then Cymatics also brings Pseudo Atoms and Elements with for example Yang-Mills Mass Gap Based Atoms and Elements, which are linked to Periodic Table of Chemistry as with Biological Approach, where even Use of Cymatics can give it all as Alchemical Streams of Physics, Chemistry and Biology as well.
Thus, the Gurmukhi Alphabet with Akshara, Akhara and Achhara Letter Approach with Cymatics also seems to well express the Periodic Table of Chemistry with Physics Elementary Particles and Biological Approach with Pseudo Atoms and Elements with for example Yang-Mills Mass Gap Based Atoms and Elements, where the Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams are also linked to Physics, Chemistry and Biology, where Cymatics also bring it all as Alchemical Physics, Chemistry and Biology, which is also like Seal of Philselfology, the Philosophy, Self and Ology, the Science, which also uses Cymatics as well.
So, the Indian Continental Alphabets with Special Research Case of Gurmukhi Alphabet can not only reveal the Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams, but also how all of these Streams are also linked to Physics, Chemistry and Biology, where Cymatics also bring it all as Alchemical Physics, Chemistry and Biology, while then it also links it up as TOE, GUT and Fifth Force with Cymatics, which is One of the Most Essential Parts of New Paradigm of Modern World Education as well.
Special Remark: Even when we discuss the Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams, these are also linked to Fire (Burning Hydrogen), which then also converts into Water (Burnt Hydrogen Ash) and it is also Reversible Process, which is maintained by the Electrolytes of Hydrocarbons and even Sugar as well, and thus Yoga, Joga and Zoga most exclusively uses Burning Hydrogen (Fire), Burnt Hydrogen Ash (Water, Liquids, Fluids and all as also Plasma) with Hydrocarbon Electrolytes as well.
In general, the Sun also represents Burning Hydrogen (Fire), Moon also represents Burnt Hydrogen Ash (Water) while Earth also represents Hydrogen and Hydrocarbon Electrolytes as well, where thus Yoga, Joga and Zoga with 3 Streams of Hydrogen and its Derived Products also represent WIPO Green with Solar System as its Source while using Sun, Moon and Earth as Cycle of WIPO Green and we can also put it all as follows:
Thus, the Yoga, Joga and Zoga with 3 Streams of Hydrogen and its Derived Products also represent the Ideal WIPO Green Streams, where Yoga is also linked to WIPO Classic and Joga is also linked to WIPO Traditional while Zoga is liked to WIPO Green and we can also put it all as follows:
So, we can easily use Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams even in WIPO Classic, WIPO TK and WIPO Green Streams as well. (End of Special Remark)
In all of it, the 5th Column as Special Row of Vowels with the Vowel Holders and Consonants are also linked to EK Singularity Dimension also keeps the 20 Consonants with 5 Rows and 4 Columns with 5th Column as the Special Row of Vowels also seems to well depict the Hebrew and Aramaic Alphabet, where these 20 Consonants mixed with Special Vowels of 5th Column also bring the Hebrew, Aramaic and it Derived Arabic and Shahmukhi Alphabets, which also yield 4th Row of Vowels, which is present in the Extended Gurmukhi Alphabet with 8 Rows and 5 Columns as well.
This Highly Simplified Knowledge and Wisdom is also used as the Siddha, the Master's Key (Kunji) with One of its Most Ancient Uses as in the Sacred Durga Saptashati, where all of it is also present as the Sacred Siddha Kunjika (Siddha-kunjika) Sattotram, which also expresses how Indian Continental Sacred Alphabets with Prayers of Sacred Alphabet Streams with Rows and Columns are like Siddha (Master's) Kunjika (Keys), where Rows and Columns also represent Matrix of Nema, the Periodicity, which is also used as Sacred Nomenclature System of Naming People, Places, Things and Other Hundreds of Subjects, Systems and Streams as well.
While, Sacred Siddhakunjika Sattrotam alone is also considered as Equivalent to Sacred Saptashati Path Prayer, where 10th Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji also translated, edited and compiled Sacred Durga Saptashati as Sacred Chandi Charitra Ukti Bilas, where Sacred Dasam Granth Gurbani Composition of Deh Shiva Bar Mohe Ehai is also Essence of Sacred Durga Saptashati as Sacred Chandi Charitra Ukti Bilas, where Adhyaye (Chapters) are also like Ascending and Descending Orders of Rows of Indian Continental Alphabets in Gurmukhi Alphabet Stream as well.
Now, in all of it, the Gurmukhi uses its Double Letters with Kashmiri Sharda Approach with Cymatics of Aramaic, where Theory of Elements of Gurmukhi Alphabet as invented and founded by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji when he was in First Class of Primary School as in Sacred Gurbani Composition of Patti Likhi, which his Sikh (Disciple), Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji developed as Gurmukhi Script, which is also Official Script of Punjab State in India and also as Second and Third Language Stream in India and Worldwide as well.
It is also to be remarked here that Gurmukhi Language also uses Nagari, Devanagari and Nandi Nagari Versions of Kashmiri Sharda Sanskrit, and thus it also represents the Modern Version of Integrated Nandi Nagari, which was also National Language of Ancient India as Spoken by both the North Indians and the South Indians as well, where Gurmukhi also links it all to the Western and Other International Languages as shown in Image 1 with Special Discussions, where Cymatics also play an important role as well.
The above E=O+iA also represents the Ancient Version of EK Gurmukhi, where Dev Nagari also takes up Light Energy and Mukti Philosophy while Nagari is also linked to Sound Energy and Nirvana Philosophy in Buddhism while EK Gurmukhi takes it up with Vibration Energy and thus Nirbana Philosophy, which also links to Cymatics and Aramaic Language as shown in Image 1 with Special Discussions, and thus Gurparsad Philosophy, which maintains the Grace Philosophy of Gurparsad with Cymatics, while all as also the Yoga, Joga and Zoga Conjecture with Cymatics as also present in Choku (Juman) Reiki Power Streams as well. (End of Special Remark)
Furthermore, the EK Gurmukhi Alphabet takes up the 7 Rows as Yoga, the 14 Rows from Double Akshara (Akhara) as Joga while the Double Akshara (Akhara) are then also taken up with Cymatics as Achhara as in Zoga and thus the Gurmukhi Alphabet with 7 Rows and 5 Columns also represent the Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams with Letters (Akharas) that also create Phulkari with Gulkari and Khulkari Type Design and Pattern with Letters are Petals of Flowers, which are said to be at the Core of Chakra Biovortex at 7 Life Energy Levels with its Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams in Gurmukhi with Gurmukhi Akhara (Letter) Streams, where EK Onkar Symbol also represents the 35 Letters of Gurmukhi Alphabet in nutshell as well.
In general, the Indian Continental Sacred Alphabet with Gurmukhi as one of the Most Common Alphabet for all Indian Continental Sacred Alphabets, the Cymatics also bring the Classical Yoga and the 3 Streams of Yoga, Joga and Zoga as Hoga and Hota, where H, which also represents Sound, Vibration and Cymatics have it used in 2 Major Braham-Kavach Streams, where Classical Yoga is linked with 6th Sikh Guru's Braham Kavach with Hoga Streams and 3 Streams of Yoga, Joga and Zoga are linked to 10th Sikh Guru's Braham Kavach with Hota Streams, and one can link other Kavach (Light and Life Shielding) Prose, Poetry and Music Streams, which also express the Sacred Alphabets as Kavach (Light and Life Shielding) Prose, Poetry and Music Streams as well.
As discussed elsewhere, the Classical Yoga with "On" in Onkar with ISH or ESH Streams may not use the Kar in Onkar, where the Yoga, Joga and Zoga gives both EK and Kar to Classical Yoga with Om and thus bring it EK ONKAR Streams with EK ISH as EKISH (or EKIS) as with Classical Yoga, Yoga, Joga and Zoga with Cymatics, where World Alphabets with Phonetic, Phonemic and Allophonic Education with Prose, Poetry and Music with Cymatics are also used, where Gurmukhi Alphabet also creates the Sheaths of Classical Sanskrit, Kashmiri Sanskrit, Sahasakrit (with Pali, Prakrit and Gatha), Aramaic, Shahmukhi and Multiple Alphabet and Language Sheaths of Kashmiri Derived Alphabets as shown in Image 1 with Special Discussions, where it also shows the Evolution of Alphabets as well.
Special Remark: In general, the Classical Yoga has 3 Streams with Chakra, Nadi and Kundalini Conjectures, where 3 Nadis of Ida, Pingala and Sushumna, while the Bi-Chakra at the Forehead with 6th Chakra Approach uses 3 Nali (Tube as in Nanotube) Streams with Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams, where the Major Difference is between Nadi and Nali (Pipe, Tube and Capillary), where thus the Sushumna Nadi goes as Sukhmana Nali, which passes through the 6th Bi-Chakra and also maintains the Khechari, Holy Grail and Seasonal Changes Based Streams, where Sun's Motions from North to South (Summer to Winter) and then from South to North (Winter to Summer) are also important as well.
On the other hand, the Classical Yoga takes up the Moon's Lunar Phases from Full Moon to No Moon and then from No Moon to Full Moon, which are also uses in Philosophy, Science and Spirituality of Sankranti, the Sun Passing from One Sign to the Next Sign, where Sun's Motions from North to South (Summer to Winter) and then from South to North (Winter to Summer) also bring Sankranti as Sangrand in Gurmukhi Theory of Elements as well.
The Philosophy, Science and Spirituality of Sangrand not only maintains the Lunar Motion with Lunar Phases of Full Moon to No Moon and then from No Moon to Full Moon, but also Sun's Giving December to June and then June to December with December to Next Year June Cycles of 18 Months with Chalisa (40 Days) Month Streams, which also maintains Seasons of Asia and Australia in Greater Balance with Winter in Asia having Summer in Australia, where Seasonal Cycles of Asia and Australia make Shift After Every 48 Months as well.
Furthermore, the Greater Solar and Lunar Phases in all of it also carries what is known as the Mala Masa, the Months of Extra Months, which carry how Sun and Moon Emit the Cosmic Matter to Earth, which is also known as Axion Dark (Dharik) Matter, and it is also something, which has not been tapped, harvested and used in Humanity because its Dark (Dharik) Matter and Energy Flows, which can be tapped by using Common Connections at Australian and Asian Astronomical Labs as according to 48 Month Hypothesis, where Earth Axis Streams are to be used as East and West with North and South for Omnidirectional Cymatics as well.
Quick Reference: [1] Dark ( with Relevant Dher ( and Dhara ( References
Now, how all of it would appear is like Afghan Infinity Loom or like Eternal Infinity Looms, which also knit the Dark (Dharik) Matter in general, where it is also like Massive Cosmic Plant of 2D Materials with Yang-Mills Mass Gap Based Cosmic Materials, where the Greater Balance of Classical Yoga has 3 Streams with Chakra, Nadi and Kundalini Conjectures and 3 Nali (Tube as in Nanotube) Streams with Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams are coexist like the 4 Wheels, which are also like Static and Moving Zodiac Wheel, and all of it simply needs Cymatics to tap, harvest and harmonize it all as well.
Thus, all of it also gives Broader Scope for World Seasons and Profits from Cycles of 48 Months, where both the Sun Phases and Moon Phases are used together and Cymatics can also play an effective role, where Sun Phases bring Yoga, Joga and Zoga for the Classical Yoga with the Moon Phases as in the Chakra, Nadi and Kundalini Conjectures and Streams, where both are linked with Cymatics, which also taps, harvest and harmonizes it all as well.
So, these Classical Yoga and Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams with Cymatics also bring out the 2D Materials as in the Lignin (Source of Many 2D Products from Green World) and also in the 7 Energy Levels of Each of the Supersolid, Superliquid, Superdense and further with Supercurrent Streams with at the Central Part of the Human Body and the Living Systems, and all of it also makes Cymatics Playing the Greater Good in Nature, Natural World and Universe in general as well. (End of Special Remark)
Furthermore, the Gurmukhi Alphabet depicts it all simply with its Letters as Elements with Sacred Geometry, Design and Pattern Streams of Cymatics and all of it can also be verified with Experiments of Cymatics on the Chladni Plates and also on the Advanced Kundt Tube Experiment Streams, and as Calligraphy of Letters with Sacred Geometry, Design and Pattern Streams, all of it is also present in Printing, Publishing, Buildings and Other Sacred Geometry, Design and Pattern Streams in Different Ways and Means as used in these World Languages as well.
While still furthermore, all of it is also present as Phulkari, Gulkari and Khulkari Flower Artworks of Embroidery, and thus Phulkari Flower Artworks can also be used to represent it all, where Cymatics can also optimize it with Gulkari and Khulkari Flower Artwork Streams of Embroidery, where Yoga, Joga and Zoga Conjectures also have it all Moli and Mola Streams, which also connects Two Opposite Pairs of Nature and the Natural World as Moli as well.
Furthermore, for example, when we Inhale and Exhale, the Bandha of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide is also like Mola Point, which also maintains the Mole with Particle Count, Size and Density as in Physics, Chemistry and Biology with Cymatics and thus as Alchemy, the Mola, where Cymatics brings it all as Amola, the Mola (or Mole) with Cymatics, while what we eat, we excrete and so does the Green World with Mola and Moli Point of Reversible Streams keeping Nature in Mauli (Vismad), where thus Entire Nature and Cosmos follows it, for example Rain from Seas, which goes Back to Seas through Rivers with Blossoming (Basant) Streams with Chemical Reaction of Mole as Mola of Alchemy as well.
Furthermore, in all of it, we are also taking EK Gurmukhi Alphabet as Special Case Study, where 5th Column as the Special Vowel Column is of High Importance for all 7 Rows, where the 6th to10th Sikh Gurus also introduced the 8th Row, while its Matra, the Sound Quantities are managed by Baba Shri Chand, Bhatt and Baba Vadabhag Singh Traditional University Systems, where EK Bhat Sacred Systems are also linked to Pingala Rupak Grammar with Morning Trumpet (Jazz Kind or Type) Music Systems of EK Gurmukhi as also present in Holy Shri Sarbloh Granth Sahib Ji as well.
[3] Bhat, Bhatt or Bhatra Sikhs ( with Greater Contributions in Bhattan De Swvaiye (
All of it also developed the Indian Ayurveda and Alchemy with Greek, European and Western Allopathy and Alchemy as the Combined and Collective Approach, where the First 5 Sikh Gurus introduced as Joga (Yoga with Sound Energy Systems) with Naturopathy as Nurturing System, while the 6th to 10th Gurus introduced the EK Gurmukhi Alchemy, which is also known as Chemistry with Cymatics, and it is also Unified Allopathy from Greek and India with Turkish and Persian Civilizations also running it in Asia, Europe and Worldwide, where the Holy Grail Systems were also introduced for Greek Western and Indian Eastern Sacred Systems with Community Approach as well.
He, the 10th Guru also introduced Kavishri, which is also Excellence of Aramaic Theory of Element, Alphabet, Language, Grammar and Music Systems as with A cappella with the Gurbari Achhara Theory and Terms, and it is also present in Nihang Bola Language Systems and Dharna Music Systems as well, while all of it seems to be ignored, where our main concern is EK Theory of Elements with EK Cymatics.
For example, the Popular Sat Shri Akal has been like this:
Sat Shri Akal, Gurbar (Gur Bar) Akal
In the Special Case Study of EK Gurmukhi (Punjabi) Theory of Elements with EK Cymatics, which is also the 10th Most Spoken Language in the World, it is about 550 Years Old EK Gurmukhi Theory of Elements with EK Cymatics (Newly Emerged and Breakthrough Subject, System and Stream of EK Theory of Elements, Matrix, Alphabet, Language, Music, Musicology and Healthcare Subjects and Systems as invented by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, while his successors and students also developed the Newest Universal Grammar of Music with Theory of Elements and Cymatics, which is also only about 540-50 Years Old as well.
It is also to be remarked here that Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji for Gurmukhi Theory of Elements and his disciple (Sikh) Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji are credited for Gurmukhi Alphabet and Script, while as the Sikh Gurus, they are from the Bedi and Sodhi Dynasties, which descended from Luv and Kush, the Twin Sons to Sita Ji and King and Lord Rama, who were born in Amritsar Sahib in Punjab during Sita Ji's Second Exile at Valmiki Ashrama, and Maharishi Valmik from the Communities and Lineages of Pre-Vedic Era of Pranava Veda as well.
Furthermore, it is said that Goddess Sarasvati blessed him with the First Saloka (Shloka) in the Sanskrit Literature from Goddess Sharda (Sarasvati) and also wrote Holy Ramayana and educated it to Luv and Kush in Amritsar Sahib, and the Gurmukhi Language is said to have also emerged from it, while the said is also used as the Old Testaments of EK Gurmukhi as well. (End of Special Remark)
In general, the Yoga can also be linked to Yuga Theory of Cosmic Age while the Joga is linked more to the Juga Theory of Cosmic Age, where Zoga is linked more to the Cosmic Age with Eras, where Holy Saints are also considered with the Contemporary Age Based Philosophers, Thinkers, Researchers and Contributors, where these 3 Streams also bring the Contemporary Laws of Evolution, Revolution and Affinity further with Law of Attraction, where all of it is also proposed as Comparative Research and Development Education of Yoga, Joga and Zoga with Cymatics, which also represents how Aramaic Theory of Elements, Alphabet, Language and Music play the Key Role as well.
Furthermore, while also again, Cymatics maintain all of these Different Streams in Greater Compatibility with for example, Laws of Attraction, Affinity and Evolution with Law of Revolution as present in the Sacred Geometry, Design and Pattern Streams of Cymatics, where the Greater Education of Cymatics as also the World Education of Life Energy Flows of Consciousness as in Yoga, Joga and Zoga can also support with Greater Healing for Stress (Yoga), Stroke (Joga) and Shear (Zoga) Topos in the Stress, Stroke and Shear Topos in Health and Wellness Problems as well.
It is also to be remarked here that the Asanas, Postures and Positions of Yoga, which are also present as Sounds of Animals, Birds and Plants (Green World) and also in Sacred Geometry with its Expressions in Cymatics is also present in the Indian Classical Instruments, Dances, Traditional Cooking and Other Hundreds of Subject Streams, where Set of Asanas, Postures and Positions alters with Light, Sound, Vibration, Prose, Poetry, Music, Cooking, Costume and as Matra (Quantity) of Elements and thus in almost all of the Traditional Subjects, Systems and Streams as well.
Special Remark: All of it is also present in Sikhism with 3 Streams with the Bi-Chakra Approach as in Holy Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Holy Shri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji and Holy Shri Sarbloh Granth Sahib Ji, where the last Holy Granth Sahib, namely, the Holy Shri Sarbloh Sahib also records Other Two Main Holy Granth Sahib of Sikhism and Other World Religions, Faiths and Sacred Systems and Streams with Gurmukhi Theory of Elements with Cymatics.
Furthermore, in all of it, the Sikh Gurus have also used the Pingal Rupak Grammar of Poetry and Music with Bharthari Sphota Grammar with Baba Shri Chand Matra Grammar of Gurmukhi as given to him (Baba Shri Chand Ji) by his father, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, while it also brings Pingal Matru Meru Streams, and all of it is also linked to Seasons, Weathers and thus also Raga, Tala, Melody and Other Streams, where it is built from the Smaller (Laghu), Larger (Guru) and Superposition of Sounds (Pluta), where then Vowel Symbols also add up while creating Nirvana and Nirbana (Nirvana with Cymatics) Flow of Sounds (also known as 4th Pada of Nirbana Flows), where Use of Vowel Additions and Sargama also makes a Major Difference.
Well, all of it has also been used in Gorakhnath Natha and Nada Meditation and Vipassana Meditation Streams in Buddhism, where Sound Matra (Sound Quantities) also play a significant role, which also create the 5th Dimension, where Vowels are Added as in the Vowel Symbols, and these Features also seem to be common in Gurmukhi Vowel Symbols and Chinese, Japanese and Korean (Tibetan Sine especially in South Asia) Vowels as Elements, which also follow the 5th Dimension, which is also Beyond Alphabet and Language as it simply uses Sound Quantities, the Matra Streams, where Quantities with Mantra are like Laddu with Sweet Dots and Matra is like Laddu with just Sweet Laddu (Spherical Sweet) in Full as well.
While all of it has its Essence lies in Pingal Rupak Grammar of Poetry and Music, which is also Essence of Prose, Poetry and Music Streams of Ramgarhia Parmar Genealogies and Communities with Ikshvaku as the Son to Shraddha Deva Manu, First Human and Maternal Grandson to Baba Vishwakarma as in the Proposed Ek Vaku Ikshvaku Bikrami Jagdev Parmar Tarkhan Ramgarhia and Baba Vishwakarma World Genealogies, Languages, ICH & IDIL Streams, while the Pingal Rupak World Education of Poetry and Music is also recorded in Holy Shri Sarbloh Granth Sahib, while these Genealogies also have Ikshvaku as the First Human as the Son to Shraddha Manu, First Human and Maternal Grandson to Baba Vishwakarma as well.
This Up Manu (Shraddha Deva Manu), who stands in-between Manu (India and Eastern Civilizations) and Adam (Israel and Western Civilizations), where, he is also Ancient Founder of Ramgarhia Parmar Artisan Communities with Baba Vishwakarma Streams with Baba Hardas Singh Ji and his Grandson Jassa Singh Ramgarhia as its Modern Founders, while these 3 Streams are also linked to Light (Manu), Sound (Up-Manu) and Vibration (Adam) Streams, where Adam also known as Baba Adam in East is also linked to Sacred Manna Foods from Heaven, and thus Manu, Up-Manu and Manna Conjectures as well.
Now, in general, while the Sacred Manu Streams are linked to Braham Streams with Light Energy, the Sacred Up-Manu Streams are linked to Para-Braham (Parbraham) Streams with Sound Energy, where Sacred Manna Streams are linked more to the Abraham Streams with Vibration Energy Streams, where Cymatics is Common Among All of the Sacred Braham, Para Braham and Abraham Streams, where thus Cymatics seems to take up the Greater Role of Ham Part in Sacred Braham, Para Braham and Abraham Streams as well.
In all of it, the Cymatics as also used Common (Sanjha) Stream in Gurmukhi with Artisan Approach plays on Ham as Hansa, the Swan as according to hypothesis, where the Human Forehead with 6th Biovortex is also Center for Hansa Swan Activity, where All Sacred Streams of Human Body are Common (Sanjha) with EK Singularity Dimension as well.
"At the end, especially in this Special Remark, one may also ask how and why Flip-Gate is important, and the simple answer is that Flip and Spin with Flop, Freeze and Radiate is also present in the 21-CM with 1420 MHz Radiations, which is also used in the Broadband Streams and Tapping, Harvesting and Harmonizing Radiation Energies from the Universe as well.
Thus, all of it can also launch One of the Simplified Streams of World Education through Social Media while using the Flip, Spin, Flop and Radiation Conjectures, which can also help in Tapping, Harvesting and Harmonizing the 21-CM with 1420 MHz Radiations as well.
Furthermore, all of it also brings the Light, Sound and Vibration Energy Travelling in the Universe for Local, Regional and Daily Use, where even when we discuss how Light Passes through Universe in Millions of Years, which are also present as Yuga Cosmic Ages with Different World Civilizations using these Cosmic Calculations from Light Years with Sound and Vibration Cosmic Years as also Yuga, Juga and Age with Era Intervals of these Cosmic Energy Flows, which we also tap, harvest and harmonize everyday on Earth as well.
Thus, to achieve any greater success in all of it, we also need to include, study and research the Moving Frame of Solar System with the EK Hypothesis, we also need to include the EK Moving Frame of EK Earth, Sun and Moon Systems, which is Moving with Average Speed (Velocity) of 828,000 km per hour around the Milky Way (EK Akash Ganga) Galaxy Cluster of About 40 Galaxies as well.
Furthermore, the World Education of Cymatics seems the Most Common Among All 3 Major World Education Streams, and thus needs Greater Attention to Prioritize the TOE, GUT and 5th Dimension with Cymatics, where it also accompanies the Chemistry with Alchemy and STEM Education and what is also proposed as the World Flip-Gate Education Systems and Streams, where Cymatics can be used most exclusively as well.
In case of Indian Continental and International Artisan Education Systems and Streams, the 3 Streams of Baba Vishwakarma, Tarkhan and Ramgarhia Conjectures of Artisan World Education also represent the TOE, GUT and 5th Dimension with Cymatics, where the Cymatics makes distinction, differentiation and even integration of TOE, GUT and 5th Dimension as also present in 3 Streams of Baba Vishwakarma, Tarkhan and Ramgarhia Conjectures, which also represent the World Phonetic, Phonemic and Allophonic Education Streams with Theory of Elements as used by the Artisan Communities with Most Exclusive Use of Cymatics.
While, it also extends to Light, Sound and Vibration Energy Streams, where Cymatics may be used in lesser or in decreased order, and in order to study, research and develop, one need to consider all of these 3 Streams of Light, Sound and Vibration Energy with the Artisan Communities, where Most Exclusive Use of Cymatics is also present with Theory of Elements especially in use with Cymatics, which is also Essence for Creating Matter out of Void with Omnidirectional Approach, which also makes it unique as well.
It is also to be remarked here that Light, Sound and Vibration Energy Streams are usually linked in analogies with Spirituality, Religion and Divinity, where Cymatics has more to do with Faith, Belief and Grace Theories, which may differ a lot from Classical Light, Sound and Vibration Energy Streams, for example having Spirituality, Religion and Divinity may not ensure that one has faith or believe in it by heart, and thus Cymatics differentiates the 3 Streams of Light, Sound and Vibration Energy Streams as the Swan (Hansa) would split Water Mixed Milk into Milk (Light) and Water (Sound) while Getting the Essence of Vibration, where it also creates Matter out of Void as well.
Thus, the Light, Sound and Vibration Energy Conjectures with Theory of Elements, Cymatics, Alchemy, STEM and Flip Education Conjectures and Streams, and it also brings the Greater Good with UNO Global Education and Citizenship, where Scouting, Social Work, Community and Volunteer Work are also used, while these also seem to be most exclusively linked to Cymatics for Hierarchy with Non-Hierarchy Approach, which seem to work and function as the Swan (Hansa) would split Water Mixed Milk into Milk (Light) and Water (Sound) while Getting the Essence of Vibration, which may otherwise remain hidden in Hierarchy of Light and Sound or Dual Systems as well."
The above quoted remark is discussed more in the following Blogging Research Post and Research Publications as well:
In all of it, the Cymatics bridges all of these 3 Streams with even the 4D, 5D and 11D Streams, and as also discussed elsewhere, all of it is also linked to 4D, 5D and 11D DNA Streams, where Cymatics also takes it up to Beyond 11D while also creating Matter from Void as created by Cymatics as the Matter Created by Cymatics, and thus the Cymatics is also like the Human Forehead Activities, which manages the Human Body with Particle Count, Size and Density, and it is not just Inside Human Body but also present Outside Human Body as in the Real, Practical and Daily Life as well.
Special Remark: All of it also has been successfully used by Maharaja Ikshvaku, Maharaja Bikramaditya, Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Maharaja Jassa Singh Ramgarhia with Maharaja Jassa Singh Ahluwalia and Sardar (Maharaja) Baghel Singh as well, while all of it has also been taken up in New World Education and Governing Model by British Empire, where most of these Streams were also passed as Bills in Parliament of England (Britain, British) as well, while all of it is also present in the Axial Age Civilization Model by Karl Jasper, and thus all of it has been a Successful International Model, where Silk Road, Sufi Road and GT Road also play an important role as well. (End of Special Remark)
Thus, the Aramaic Theory of Elements also plays an important role in all of it including the Kashmiri Sharda Sanskrit Derived Languages with Cymatics Sahaskrit (with Pali, Prakrit and Gatha Language Streams), Gurmukhi and from Aramaic and Arabic, the Shahmukhi, which also brings Many New Indian Continental Languages, where Ishwar, Ishar (Isher) and Isar (Isra) Streams with Cymatics are also included, while it also links to Static, Moving and Dynamic Zodiac Wheel Streams with Akshara (Phonetic), Akhara (Phonemic) and Achhara (Allophonic) as well.
Furthermore, the Akshara (Phonetic), Akhara (Phonemic) and Achhara (Allophonic) Streams are also tapped with Cymatics as Vakhra (Letter and Word Splitter, Separator and Spinner) of Akshara (Phonetic), Akhara (Phonemic) and Achhara (Allophonic) Streams, which also brings Greater of Sound or Word Cloud (Shabad) Tapping, Harvesting and Harmonizing with Cymatics, which also empowers the Memory, Recalling and Retentive Powers and all of it is also like Defragmentation of Human and Computer Data, Information, Knowledge and Database Streams as also shown in Image 1 with Special Discussions as well.
All of it is also vivid on the Chladni Plates, where Cymatics can also shows all of it as even as EK, EAK and EKK Singularity Dimensions as well, while all of it is also like the Cosmic Plate of Cymatics as in Sacred Composition of Gagan Mein Thaal Aarti by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, while all of it can also become the Indian International and World Anthem, Language of Music and Message of World Peace in UNO and Worldwide with Parliament of the World's Religion with WIPO Green Approach as suggested by Ravindranath Tagore, the Nobel Prize Winner as well.
Our R&D Team with UCV Production House also made Pilot Episodes on it with Gagan Mein Thaal (the Cosmic Plate of Cymatics), which Nobel Prize Winner Ravindra Nath Tagore also called Anthem of World even Universe as well, where it also starts with Ancient India as the Brahmvrata Desh, where it focuses on Bhagat Dhru (Dhruva), while due to Payments not done by the Channel for Other TV Serial and also due to Lack of Funds, we could not complete this TV Serial as well.
It is also to be remarked here with thanks that the present research work with Hypothesis of Philselfology for EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems with Cymatics, all of it was initiated by Late Prof. Harnek Singh with the Modern and Western Versions of the EK Hypothesis of Philselfology for the EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems, and he was also the Former Asian Champion of Volleyball, 3 Times Decathlon Champion of India and also Retired Vice-Principal of Govt. College of Physical Education of Patiala in Punjab in India as well.
When he won the Award of Best Volleyballer of Asia in Japan, he handed over it to the Prime Minister of India requesting and hoping that it would be kept more honorarily, safely and securely then at home, and it is still kept in the Prime Minister Offices, and he was also the Youngest Player in the Indian Volleyball Team (and he was also honored as the Living Glory and Living Legend of Govt. Mahindra College of Patiala, which he represented then), and then he also won the Decathlon Championship of India 3 Times while also setting the National Record of Javelin Throw in the Interuniversity Championships as well.
He was also honored as the Best Student and Roll of Honor by Arya School Barnala, Mahindra College of Patiala (also honored as Living Legend and Living Glory), Physical Education College of Patiala, NIS of Patiala, Khalsa College of Amritsar Sahib and DAV College of Jallandhar in his lifetime, where he was also honored by Punjabi University for his Lifetime Achievements as well with the Quick Reference 2 as well.
"While furthermore, our father, Late Prof. Harnek Singh Ji also remained as the Bed-Ridden Patient with Enlargement of Heart and Brain Clot for more than 12 years, where he received less than half of his due pension, which too went into debits and loans taken for making the 30 Episodes of the First Punjabi TV Serial in the Category of Bhagati and Devotion, where winning in the High Court of Bombay (Mumbai), we have not received any payments (our dues) from more than 12 years, but rather the dangerous and grave kind of threats from the Politicians, Officials and kind of Underworld People, who then have been asking to Pay Chanda (Donations) to the Political Parties to get the Payments.
Prof. Gill (Retd. Principal of Government College) helped our family to get the Due and Full Pension after about 12 Years, which seems to one of the for first time money that came to him and the family as he struggled for money for throughout his life and thus could not buy even new bicycle in his entire life for his own father and family nor his own children, but he was contented, while also sending his children to study in the government schools as he was not able to afford anything more than that, it was so sever that one of his son and our brother left family and then became a Sikh Granthi (Priest) and Preacher, where the family had to live hand to mouth taking bread and butter with salt and pickle (and thus not with butter) for many years."
"These Genealogies are also linked to Ikshvaku (EK Vaku) Genealogies, where Lord Rama, Luv-Kush, Lord Krishna, Lord Mahavira (with 22 Tirthankara), Lord Buddha, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Other Nine Sikh Gurus were also born in Ikshvaku-Parmar Genealogy Conjectures, where it is also said that the Future 10th Reincarnation of Lord Vishnu as the Kalki Avatar will also take birth as well, while these Parmar Genealogies also end up in Bikrami, Jagdev, Tarkhan and Ramgarhia Genealogical Streams, where the Tarkhan Genealogies are also linked to the Tarquin Genealogies from Greek and Western Civilizations as well.
It is also to be remarked here that King Ikshvaku was son to Present Manu, who is Juga Manu or Vartman Manu (with Lord Vishnu's Matsya Avatar) with Up-Manu Approach with Up-Yuga as Juga, while he was also husband to Baba Vishwakarma's Daughter (Mata Shraddha) and he differs from Yuga Manu with Mata Shatarupa as his wife and Bhagat Dhru (Dhruva) and Bhagat Uttam were their Grandsons, and they are also said to have Reincarnated as Mata Kausalya and King Dasharatha, the Parents to Lord Rama in Ikshvaku Genealogical Streams , where they were also Grandparents to Luv and Kush, the Twin Sons to Mata Sita Ji and Lord Rama as well, and they were linked more to the Aryan Sanskrit Civilizations before their this Reincarnation in the Ikshvaku Streams as well.
It is also to be remarked here that as Manu is the First Human in the Yuga Streams, the Ikshvaku is the First Human in the Up-Manu, the Juga Streams with Matsya Avatar while with Cymatics, the EK Vaku of the Ikshvaku also goes as the EKK Baku, where Noah with the Noah Ark goes with Adam as the First Human, while these 3 Streams of Man, Woman, Human and Family Conjectures also represent the Humanity with 4D, 5D and 11D Streams, where Manu, Ikshvaku and Adam Conjectures with Cymatics (and thus Age and Era Theories contemporary to Yuga and Age Theories) also exist, and the Gurmukhi Theory of Elements uses these 3 Streams of Manu, Ikshvaku and Adam Conjectures of First Man, Woman, Human and Family Conjectures and Streams as the Common (Sanjha) Streams especially with Artisan Community Conjectures and Streams as also discussed here as well."
Special Remark: It is also to be remarked here that the EK Gurmukhi seems to be linked more to the Theory of Elements as used by Baba Vishwakarma Communities with Vastu Shastra, while the EK Gurbari seems to be linked more to the Theory of Elements as used by Ramgarhia Communities with Bastu Shastra, while both the EK Gurmukhi and Gurbari are linked more to the Tarkhan (Tarquin) Artisan Communities of Greek, European and Western Continental and International Community Systems, where Vastu and Bastu is managed with Cymatics, for example as in the Bunga and Minar Systems with Dome and Biodome Systems with Cymatics as well. (End of Special Remark)
While still furthermore, all of it also uses Bikrami Calendar and Clock Streams of Artisan (Parmar, Ramgarhia and Vishwakarma Communities), and these are developed commonly in Sikhism and Buddhism and all of it was studied, researched and developed in Himalayan Regions between Sutlej (Tributary River to Indus River) and Holy Yamuna (Tributary River to Holy Ganga River) and all of it also extends to Mount Kailash, where Holy Indus and Holy Ganga Rivers follow in almost directions, where later also takes up the Patanjali Yoga Streams with Patanjali Universal Grammar of Sphota as also present in the Bharthari Sphota Grammar, where Pingal Rupak Grammar is also used by Sikh Gurus, Baba Gorakhnath and Buddhism Based Streams, while all of it is recorded and educated in Holy Shri Sarbloh Granth Sahib as well.
"Sri Sarbloh Granth Sahib Ji is a complete treasure trove of knowledge of all imaginable fields. Music, poetry, Pingal, Ayurvedic, Sanskrit, Arabic, Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Pashto, Persian, Quran, Upnishads, Gita, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Aad Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji , etc. Granths have been summarised in Sri Sarbloh Granth Sahib Ji. The fact is, every Granth that has been composed before Sri Sarbloh Granth Sahib Ji has its reflection in it." (With thanks from the Source: Sri Sarbloh Granth Sahib (
Here, one may ask how Patanjali Yoga Streams with Patanjali Universal Grammar of Sphota is linked to Yoga, Joga and Zoga, and simple answer is that Patanjali Hatha Yoga with Chakra Biovortex Streams also has Bi-Chakra Approach from the 6th Chakra Bivortex Levels, which links to the Dasam Duar (Tenth Gate or Door) at the Frontal Part of Human Head, and it also operates on the Frontal Parts of the Human Body with Yoga of Bi-Chakra Biovortex with Bi-Chakra Yoga, Joga and Zoga of Bi-Chakra Streams with also Bi-Chakra, Sephiroth and Dasam Duar Streams, while Patanjali Hatha Yoga is linked more to the 3 Spinal Cord Streams at the Backbone Levels with Chakra, Nadi and Kundalini Streams.
Thus, we also may end up with Yoga of Chakra Biovortex with Bi-Chakra Biovortex Based Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams while all as the 4 Major Streams of Classical and Traditional Yoga, where all of these 4 Streams also surround the Central Fifth Yoga of Cymatics, which also brings the Alchemy of All Kinds from Naturopathy to AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy) and further All Pathy, Therapy, Medicine and Medicinal Systems and Streams, where the following was one of the earlier blogging research post as well:
Now, one may also wonder how and why Classical Chakra, Kundalini and Nadi Streams with Ida, Pingala and Sushumna Nadi Streams further with Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams are required with Cymatics, where the simple answer is that Classical Yoga deals with Glands, while the Yoga, Joga and Zoga deals with Hormones, which support the Gland, the Granthi Streams, where Glandular Secretions and Hormones Streams also need Cymatics for 2D Matter and Material (Lignin Type) Shaking, Mixing and 5th Dimension, where 5D, Protein Folding, Molecular Docking and Other Supporting to Gland Streams are also required in the Hypothesis of 3 Major Streams of Classical and Traditional Yoga with Cymatics as well.
Furthermore, the Classical Chakra, Kundalini and Nadi Streams with Ida, Pingala and Sushumna Nadi Streams deal with the Chakra Biovortex Streams, while the 3 Streams of Yoga, Joga and Zoga deals with Chakra Biospiral Streams, where the Cymatics as in the Cymatics for 2D Matter and Material (Lignin Type) Shaking, Mixing and 5th Dimension, where 5D, Protein Folding, Molecular Docking and Other Supporting to Gland Streams deal with the Chakra Biospin Streams, while the 3 Streams at the Forehead Level 6th Bi-Chakra with Cymatics coexist as the Junction of Chakra Biovortex, Biospiral and Biospin Streams as well.
All of it is also used at the Base of Yuga Theory, for example, Sat Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapra and Kali Yuga are represented with Gold, Silver, Copper and Iron, where it is not possible to take up the 100000, 10000, 1000 and 100 Year Spans in Kali Yuga and thus the Axial Amplitudes of 4 Yugas are taken and mixed with 4 Different Periodicities, the Nema Streams, and the 4 Axial Amplitudes create the 5th Dimension with Cymatics, where then Cymatics is also like Panchayan, the Ion of 4 Elements giving 5th Element as Special Ion, which is also comparable to what is known as Amio Rasa Streams in Sacred Gurmukhi with Cymatics, which brings Khema and Al-khema, the Alchemy or Chemistry with Cymatics in the hypothesis as well.
For example, 4 Soups Boiled at Room Temperature also create the 5th Mixed Juice with Radiant Heat Energy Based Juice Element, while it can also be taken up by 4 Salts, Tastes, Sizes and 4 Dimensions in general, while all of it is also present as the 4 Matra Meru in Sacred Prose, Poetry and Music, where 4 Axial Amplitudes of Sounds are mixed to create the Sacred Prose, Poetry and Music with 4 Axial Amplitudes in Each of 2 Lines and thus 8 Axial Amplitudes in 2 Lines, where 5th Axial Amplitude links 1st and 2nd Lines, where it also decides Raga, Tala, Melody, Season, Thought, Emotion, Feeling, Rasa and so on as well.
Now as a Set of 8 Axial Amplitudes in 2 Lines, where all of it also creates 5th Axial Amplitude and links 1st and 2nd Lines also create the Set of Set of Asanas, Postures and Positions alters with Light, Sound, Vibration, Prose, Poetry, Music, Cooking, Costume and as Matra (Quantity) of Elements and thus in almost all of the Traditional Subjects, Systems and Streams, while these 4 Axial Amplitudes are commonly present in Indian and Israeli Sacred Streams, where Gurmukhi also uses it as Common (Sanjha) System and Stream as with Manu, Up-Manu and Manna Conjectures, where Cymatics also plays an important role as shown in Image 1 with Special Discussions as well.
Special Remark: In all of it, the Set of 8 Axial Amplitudes in 2 Lines, where all of it also creates 5th Axial Amplitude had also been derived from the Sacred Tetragrammaton in Gurmukhi with WAHEGURU with Vowel Holders of W, H, G and R and A, E, AE, O with U and OO Vowels, which are also the Primal Vowels of First Sign of Aries and the First Constellation of Kritika, which are placed on 4 Axial Amplitudes of 4 Yugas with W, H, G and R, for example as Wasudev (Vasudev), Hari, Gobind and Ram, which are used in Hebrew Derived Language Streams with YHWH or JHWH as well.
All of it is also like adjusting the 4 Yuga (Light Energy) with 4 Juga (Sound Energy) Streams, which also maintain Non-Perishable (Antimatter) and Perishable (Matter) Streams, which are balanced in Two Lines, for example, the First Line is with Non-Perishable (Antimatter) Stream and the Second Line with Perishable (Matter) Stream, which are also connected with Vowel Holder and Symbol Additions, which also decide the Age or Era, the Durations of Two Lines in Prose, Poetry and Music with Vibration Energy Streams, and it also acts as the Panchayan 5D Arc between Two Lines, where all of it is also further guided by Cymatics as well.
In general, the First Line, which is also Non-Perishable (Antimatter) Stream and the Second Line, which is also Perishable (Matter) Stream are also reversible, where Non-Perishable (Antimatter) and Perishable (Matter) Streams continuously change reversibly, where Cymatics also maintain this Reversibility of Non-Perishable (Antimatter) and Perishable (Matter) Streams, and thus Cymatics also represent the Mukta Vowel Free Flow, which is also represented as A, the AARHA Mukta Vowel in Gurmukhi and Other Indian and International Languages, while it also creates the Free Flow of Vowels in Prose, Poetry and Music, which thus then also creates Nirvana and Nirbana Streams as well.
Thus A, the AARHA Mukta Vowel also represents the Fine Structures in World Languages, which are also vivid in Stress, Stroke and Calligraphy Streams and also in the Cymatics, which also indicates how the Fine Structures move in Prose, Poetry and Music Streams in Different World Languages, and that is also what one may also visualize in Meditation in Classical Yoga and Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams, which are also Traditional Yoga Streams for the Classical Yoga Streams as well.
In general, the Classical Yoga deals with Matra Streams while Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams deal with Amatra, the A-Matra, where A also represents Mukta Vowel Free Flow of 5th Dimension of Sound Densities (as in Nirbana Akhanda Sound Streams) rather than Sound Quantities (as in Nirvana Sound Streams), where the SARGAM also maintains the Akhanda Part of Nirvana and Nirbana Music Streams, while Nirbana is simply Nirvana with Cymatics, where Infinite, Undivided and Continuous Energy Streams are tapped as Finite, Divided and Discrete Energy Streams in Distribution, Division and Channeling of the Infinite Energy as in the Infinity or Eternity Loom Streams as well.
Thus, all of it also brings the Raga (Mode), Tala (Node) and Melody Streams, for example with Rabab, Tabla and Harmonium, while the Letters of Alphabet (especially the Gurmukhi) are also linked to Elements of Light (First Row of Vowels), Sound (Second Row of Vowels) and Vibration (Fifth Column as Special Vowels), where Cymatics also derives Vowels Out of Consonants as Fifth Row of Vowels, and all of it also represents 7 Levels of Elements in Rows, which also include Space, Air, Fire, Water, Solid and Wood, Coal, Charcoal, Lime and Other Metal Elements, where Cymatics is important for Getting Omnidirectional Matter Out of Void, where all of it also has Greater Scope as well.
So, all of it is also present with Yoga, Joga and Zoga with Time Dimensions, Durations and Domains, while Sun, Moon and Earth Motion Around Sun is also successfully used in all of it with Yuga, Juga and Age (Era) Streams, which also follow Beyond Size, Limit and Other Parameters with Conformal and Self-Similar Streams, where Ratios are like 4 Yugas in Millions of Years as Self-Similar to Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night, which are also set in Prose, Poetry and Music with Cymatics as well. (End of Special Remark)
Thus, 4 Streams of Yoga with Cymatics may also end up as the Flip-Gate Stream, where Flip and Spin with Flop, Freeze and Radiate Streams may also influence it all, and that is why Flip-Gate Streams are also important in all of it, while one may also ask how and why Flip-Gate is important, and the simple answer is that Flip and Spin with Flop, Freeze and Radiate is also present in the 21-CM with 1420 MHz Radiations, which is also used in the Broadband Streams and Tapping, Harvesting and Harmonizing Radiation Energies from the Universe as well.
Thus, all of it can also launch One of the Simplified Streams of World Education through Social Media while using the Flip, Spin, Flop and Radiation Conjectures, which can also help in Tapping, Harvesting and Harmonizing the 21-CM with 1420 MHz Radiations as well.
Furthermore, all of it also brings the Light, Sound and Vibration Energy Travelling in the Universe for Local, Regional and Daily Use, where even when we discuss how Light Passes through Universe in Millions of Years, which are also present as Yuga Cosmic Ages with Different World Civilizations using these Cosmic Calculations from Light Years with Sound and Vibration Cosmic Years as also Yuga, Juga and Age with Era Intervals of these Cosmic Energy Flows, which we also tap, harvest and harmonize everyday on Earth as well.
Thus, to achieve any greater success in all of it, we also need to include, study and research the Moving Frame of Solar System with the EK Hypothesis, we also need to include the EK Moving Frame of EK Earth, Sun and Moon Systems, which is Moving with Average Speed (Velocity) of 828,000 km per hour around the Milky Way (EK Akash Ganga) Galaxy Cluster of About 40 Galaxies as well.
"It is also to be remarked here that the Chakra Biovortex with Asanas, Postures and Positions of Yoga, which are also present as Bi-Chakra Streams of Sounds of Animals, Birds and Plants (Green World) and also in Sacred Geometry with its Expressions in Cymatics is also present in the Indian Classical Instruments, Dances, Traditional Cooking and Other Hundreds of Subject Streams, where Set of Asanas, Postures and Positions alters with Light, Sound, Vibration, Prose, Poetry, Music, Cooking, Costume and as Matra (Quantity) of Elements and thus in almost all of the Traditional Subjects, Systems and Streams as well.
Furthermore, the Chakra, Nadi and Kundalini Streams use the Mantra Streams, while the Bi-Chakra Streams with also Bi-Chakra, Sephiroth and Dasam Duar Streams with even Kabbalah, Amarna, Vipassana, and Other Life Energy Streams use the Matra Streams, which are adjusted in Prose, Poetry and Music, where Raga, Tala and Melody with Prose, Poetry and Poetic Prose (Kavishri) also use the Matra Meru Streams as with Pingal Matra Meru Streams, which are also present as Domes, Minar (Minaret), Gumbad, Bunga, Pyramid and Other Biodome Streams as well."
Special Remark: The Bi-Chakra at the 6th Chakra Level as Joga, which also opens at the Frontal Part of Human Head as Dasam Duar (Tenth Gate or Door) had been mainly introduced by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, who had introduced it while also laying the Foundations to 14 Chakras of Light and Sound as the 14 Hatnale with Sun and Moon as the Light and Sound Energy Systems, which vibrate it on Earth Systems as well. He also linked it to the 6th Chakra Based or Related Khat Mat Dehi in Raga Ramkali with Akshara as Bi-Askhara Word Processing as thus with the Akhara Theory with Cymatics (Achhara Theory), where we present it with Euler, Chladni and Jenny Conjectures as well.
Meanwhile the 6th to 10th Sikh Gurus also introduced Holy Grail Systems as in EK Gurmukhi Allopathy, Alchemy and Ayurveda Systems as well in the 6th Chakra Based or Related Khat Mat Dehi as well.
The 14 Chakra Biovortex Systems with Light and Sound Energy making it 16 Chakras for Earth Vibration Energy Systems, while all as the 17 Chakars, the Biorhythmic Biocycles, which also make it same-similar to Hachimoji 8 Letters Based DNA Systems, where it also links to 4 Letters of O, A, E and AE in the First Constellation of Kritika with Sun and 4 Letters OAU (or OU), VA (or WA), VI (or WI) and VO (VU or WO with WU) of Constellation of Rohini with Moon, which also makes the Two Rows of Vowels in 27 Constellations with 12 Signs in the Indian Continental Astronomy, Astrology and Alchemy as well.
In all of it, the EK Gurmukhi with Theory of Elements also extends to the Dual or Bi-Euler Identity Systems with even the Light Energy Systems with 14 Light and Sound Energy Levels, which are also known as the 14 Hatnale or Hutnale, which are also like Huts, Shops and Stalls, where Dual Euler Identity is also like Two Lamps, which are further linked to Sun and Moon, which run and manage the Natural Cycles with Day and Night Shifts with Sunlight and Moonlight with Biorhythms with Seasonal Changes, which also create the 5th Dimension as well.
It also has the DNA Strands with Peptides as the DNA House of Music in the Human Body, where the Matra Meru, the Axis of Sound Densities in the Music and even Prose, Poetry and Human Communications; the use of Cymatics on all of it also brings Theory of Elements with Elementary Particle Approach while also using Chemistry with Cymatics as Alchemy in the World Theories of Elements, Matra with Matra Meru (Axis), Matrix and Matrices, Alphabets, Languages, Grammars and Music Systems and Streams with the Special Case of EK Gurmukhi as EK Gurbari especially for Covid-19 Pandemic with UNESCO Indigenous Language Decade 2022-32, and it is also discussed in the Facebook Guide Systems as well.
The EK Gurmukhi Based Bikrami Calendars also unify both the Saka Calendars and Bikrami Calendars to the Western Julian and Gregorian Calendar Streams with help of Jasper's Axial Age Civilization Philosophy and Approach and Cymatics that also deals it as Bi-Axial Age Civilization as well.
Here, the Axial Age is also proposed with Matra Meru as by Grammar Expert Pingala, which also creates the Axis for the World Languages with Phonetics, Phonemics and Allophonics, which also act as the Matra, Bi-Matra and Multi-Matra, where the Matra Meru is also present with Axis, Bi-Axis and Multi-Axis, and it is also present in the Different Clock and Calendar Streams in the World, where EK Gurmukhi with EK Gurbari Based Matra Meru, the Axis Systems with Sound Densities also use it all, where International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Systems also play an important role as well." (End of Special Remark)
In general, the Yoga deals with Upward Life Energy Flows, while Joga deals with its Opposite Pair of Downward Life Energy Flows, where Zoga brings Balance for both the Upward and Downward Life Energy Flows, where it is believed that Life Energy Flows Upward among Males while Downward among Females where Zoga brings Balanced Upward and Downward Life Energy Flows among Males and Females and all of it still needs Cymatics, where Sphota Universal Grammars also click on M, N and A Sounds as Sphota (Memory, Recalling and Retentive) Powers among humans and even other Living Systems and Streams.
The Cymatics is Omnidirectional, which also makes it helpful for Everyone, Males, Females and Others, where it also brings Matter Out of Void, which is also known as Khema with Khemistry as Chemistry with Cymatics, which is also Root Word and Term for Alchemy as Al-Khemy, where this Sacred Alchemy also has Common Origins in Yoga, Joga and Zoga and it is possible with Cymatics (Kymatics, 1967, Hans Jenny), where Yoga goes with Naturopathy, Joga with Nurture-Pathy and Zoga with Alchemy, which brings Matter Out of Void as well.
Furthermore, Every World Language, Religion, Faith and Sacred System have it all in its Sacred Theory of Elements, Periodicity, Matrix, Names and Nomenclatures in Individual World Languages, where Gurmukhi uses Sanjha (Common) Language Streams with Cymatics and these are furthermore managed with Schism, Heresy and Dome and Dominion Streams in Every World Language, Religion, Faith and Sacred System and Stream as well. (End of Special Remark)
"Sri Sarbloh Granth Sahib Ji is a complete treasure trove of knowledge of all imaginable fields. Music, poetry, Pingal, Ayurvedic, Sanskrit, Arabic, Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Pashto, Persian, Quran, Upnishads, Gita, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Aad Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji , etc. Granths have been summarised in Sri Sarbloh Granth Sahib Ji. The fact is, every Granth that has been composed before Sri Sarbloh Granth Sahib Ji has its reflection in it." (With thanks from the Source: Sri Sarbloh Granth Sahib (
"The Foundations of Parmar, Tarkhan and Ramgarhia Communities with the Approach of Ek Vaku Ikshvaku Bikrami Jagdev Parmar Tarkhan Ramgarhia Families and Genealogies takes up the Middle or Superposition of Manu (Yuga) and Manu (Juga), where the First Manu is with Aryan Approach and the Second Manu also keeps the Arihant (Arahant) Approach, where Anahat and Anahad goes as the Middle or Superposition of the Aryan and Non-Aryan (Arihant, Arahant) Approaches, which also brings the Infinite, Undivided and Continuous Energy Streams as Akhanda Streams with Nirban, the Nirvan with Cymatics, where all of it is also like Infinity or Eternity Loom as in the Afghan Infinity Loom Streams as well.
Thus, all of it is also present with AARHA Mukta Vowel, which takes Aryan Mukti and Arihant (Arahant) Nirvan (Nirvanic) Approaches as with Nirbana with Mokha and Mokhantra (Mokha-Antra), which also uses Cymatics as in Aramaic Languages, which then also aligns well with Aramaic, Sahaskrit (with Pali, Prakrit, Gatha) and Shahmukhi, and it also makes Parmar, Tarkhan and Ramgarhia Communities as distinct from Baba Vishwakarma Communities while also giving its (Baba Vishwakarma) Gurmukhi Version with Cymatics, where the Collective Approach of these 3 Streams is also present in Most of Crafting and Creation Systems among these Communities, and it is also like Triple Point Streams, for example as in Triple Point Therapies[14] and Embroidery with Flower Artworks with Phulkari, Khulkari and Gulkari Conjectures and Streams[13][15] as well.
Furthermore, it is also to be remarked here that these Artisan Communities, for example, Baba Vishwakarma Communities also consider themselves to be the Pre-Vedic and Pre-Brahminic Communities as well, where the Vedic Civilizations introduced Caste and Class with Ranks, while the Artisan Communities use the Community without Class or Hierarchy and thus they also seem to be Ideal Skilled Communities for Microfinancing Systems and Streams as well.
In the Post-Vedic Civilizations especially during last 5000 Years as said to be the Post Lord Krishna Era, the Hindi and Other North Indian Languages also emerged, where EK Gurmukhi combined it all as Sanskrit, Kashmiri Sharda Sanskrit, Hindi and Shahmukhi with Aramaic and Other South Indian Dravidian Languages, where thus it also keeps Pre-Vedic, Vedic and Post Vedic Civilizations with Cymatics of Shahmukhi with Aramaic and Other South Indian Dravidian Languages as well.
Now, the Simple Curiosity, Question and Answer also exists about How and Gurmukhi manages it all, where the Simple Answer is that Gurmukhi may not use Hierarchy of World Languages, but what is Common Among World Languages with Bilingual and Multilingual Approach with World Etymology, the World Santhiya Education, where All Languages exist as Parallel, Common and thus Sanjha Language Systems and thus Gurmukhi is also known as EK Sanjha, the Common to World Languages as well.
Thus, in all of it, the Pre-Vedic, Vedic and Post Vedic Civilizations are used with Prioritization of Raga, Tala and Melody, where thus the 3 Streams of Pre-Vedic, Vedic and Post Vedic Civilizations coexist in Greater Harmony with EK (Ikshvaku) Theory, and one also need to learn and master all of these 3 Streams to Master the Common (Sanjha) Systems with Parallel Approach, which also preserves it all as with Akshara, Akhara and Achhara Word Processing Systems and Streams, where Tatta-Tainka Manipulations and Corrections are also needed and proposed with solutions with Remedial Measures for these Long Standing Problems as well.
One may not easily understand how EK Gurmukhi differs from Reincarnation Theories with the Shabada, the Word Cloud Systems.
Well, EK Gurmukhi takes Two Opposite Pairs, for example Lord Brahma with Phonetics and Lord Shiva with Allophonics while also Phonetics of Lord Vishnu Systems with Primal Shakti with Music (Para Shakti) and Cymatics (Apara Shakti) and then synthesizes the Opposite Pairs, and thus it Praise and Opposes the same theories in the context, and it seems to be present in most of EK Gurmukhi Compositions even in Two Line Structures as well.
Thus, it also selects the Opposite Pairs of Seasons, Day and Night and so on, for example Two Dals, Two Vegetables, Two Raga, Two Beats, and brings the EK Gurmukhi Translational Phases, for about how Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva have Common Grounds, which manage with Lord Vishnu and Primal Shakti (EK) as well, and thus it also gives the Bi-Lingual with Cymatics as Multilingual as well.
The Ikshvaku (EK Vaku in Gurmukhi) Dynasty is where many Great Reincarnations of Lord Vishnu were born, for example, Raja Raghu, Raja Bhagirath, Lord Rama, Luv and Kush, Lord Krishna, Lord Mahavira, Lord Buddha and All of the Sikh Gurus, while Khatu Sham (Barbreek) of Mount Abu, who also belongs to these Communities with Bikrami Parmar Approach is said to be the Future 10th Reincarnation of Lord Vishnu as the Kalki Avatar, who will come at the End of Kali Yuga as well.
In general, the EK Gurmukhi Bikram, Jagdev, Parmar and Ramgarhia Conjectures are also linked to Mata Kaushalaya, who was also born in these communities at Ghuram Village in Patiala District in King Kohram's Family, and she also became King Dasharatha's Wife, Lord Rama's Mother and Grandmother to Luv and Kush, and Bedi and Sodhi Sikh Gurus were born in these Genealogies as according to the Holy Shri Dasam Granth Sahib.
Furthermore, the Khatu Sham (Barbreek), who is said to be Kalki Avtar also belongs to these communities, where we are also taking the Special Case of Raja Jagdev in 11th and 12th Centuries as well whose memorial is present at Jarg Sahib as well.
It also includes Raja Jagdev Senior Secondary School managed by Jagdev Communities and Rara Sahib Traditional University Trusts with Sant Baba Bhupinder Singh Ji of Rara Sahib Nirmala Traditional University Streams, while all of it is collectively present as EK Gurmukhi Vaku (Ikshvaku) Translation Phase Calendar Systems as well."
These 3 Streams also have Natural Philosophy, Psychology and Psychiatry Conjectures linked to it as well, where Light, Sound and Vibration Energy Streams also influence the Human Philosophy, Psychology and Psychiatry Conjectures with the Natural Approach, where Eastern Philosophy and Western Psychology also brings Greater Rapports with International Psychiatry with Neuroscience with Proposed Seal of Philselfology, where 5D DNA can also be used successfully as well.
One of the Important Points about Natural Philosophy, Psychology and Psychiatry Conjectures is that all of it can also be put as WIPO Green Streams with WIPO Classic, WIPO TK and WIPO Green, where all of it is also proposed with New Paradigm Equations, which can also justify what is Natural as in Natural Philosophy, Psychology and Psychiatry Conjectures and thus all of it can also justify Natural as WIPO Green Streams well.
In general, these 3 Streams also bring the Static Zodiac Wheel as used by Cartesian Communities, Moving Zodiac Wheel as used by the Artisan Communities and the Dynamic Zodiac Wheel as used by Crafting Communities, which also includes the Ramgarhia and Parmar Communities in general, where Cymatics is Beyond Zodiac Wheels, where it also splits, separates and spins it all as it does on the Chladni Plates of Cymatics, which thus also seem to represent the 3 Streams of Zodiac Wheel as Static, Moving and Dynamic Zodiac Wheel Streams as well.
It is also to be remarked here that people, who meditate also report this kind of Moving and Dynamic Zodiac Wheel Type of Motion at the Forehead, the Third Eye of Vibration Level, where all of it also follows the Magnon Thermal Energy Spins, while all of it is also like the Flipping Activity with Flip-Gate Approach, which also brings Flip, Spin, Flop and Radiate Energy Streams, which are simply proposed as Flip-Gate Streams, which can also be linked to how Flour (Atta) and Roti (Chapati, Fulka or Phulka, Parshada) is prepared with Flip, Spin and Radiate Energy Systems and Streams, which also resembles Third Eye with Thermal Energy Approach as well.
Furthermore, all of it also brings 3 Streams of Naturopathy with Cymatics, which also brings the Cosmic Plate of Cymatics playing Greater Role in Human Life, while these Yoga, Joga and Zoga Streams with Cymatics are present in Kashmiri Sharda Sanskrit as Parent Alphabet, Language and Music to Nagari, Siddha, Gurmukhi and Other Derived Languages including Tankari and Tibetan Streams, where Aramaic Language with Cymatics also bring the Balanced Languages and Music of Light (Yoga) and Sound (Joga) with Harmonics as in Western and South Indian Dravidian Language and Music Streams as well.
Thus, the Kashmiri Sharda Sanskrit has also been Common Language of North and South India, where it used Nandi Nagari with Nagari and Dev Nagari (Hindi) in Most Ancient Times with Greater Compatibility with Aramaic and Other World Language and Music Streams, which are present as Common Language and Music Streams in Gurmukhi Language Streams as well.
The Joga with Bharthari Sphota Grammar gets bridging to Yoga with Patanjali Sphota Grammar with Baba Shri Chand and then all with Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Universal Grammars of Gurmukhi Grammar of Music with Cymatics playing Key Role of Sphota (Sphotan, Sprouting), where Sphota also has 3 Streams of Memory with thus the Memory, Recalling and Retentive Power for Art of Memorization and Forgetting in Meditation with even Forget and Forgive Conjectures as well. (End of Special Remark)
The Sphota is S and Phota, which is also like Photon, which Electrons and Bioelectrons emit from the Bioelectricity in the Human Body, and thus Sphota is also like Spark of Memory, where the Sphota connects the Human Brain to the External World, where Sphota also has Two Parts, Photon for Light and Phonon for Sound and Biophoton for Vibration Energy Streams, and it is present in All Kinds of Yoga especially Yoga, Joga and Zoga, where Cymatics bring it out, where it also brings Chemistry with Cymatics as Alchemy as well.
In general, the Chakra Gate, Sephiroth and Dasam Duar Conjectures of Light, Sound and Vibration Energy Systems can also be aligned with the Choku (Juman) Reiki Power Systems, where these are also present as the Clockwise and Anticlockwise Orientations as well.
Furthermore, it is also to be remarked here that it may not discuss the Chakra, Chakra Gate, Sephiroth and Dasam Duar Conjectures of Light, Sound and Vibration Energy Systems with Cymatics as such, but rather how Akshara (Phonetics), Akhara (Phonemics) and Achhara (Allophonic) Word Processing Systems with Cymatics (Beyond Word) guide and manage it all, and it is also used in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Systems for Alphabets, Languages and Music Systems as well.
In general, the Yoga, Joga and Zoga is also like Bio-Vortex, Bio-Spiral and Bio-Spin Streams, which are balanced with Cymatics that also brings Alchemy, the Chemistry with Cymatics, while Yoga goes with M, the Bindu, Joga goes with N, the Bindi and Zoga with EK, the Singularity of Bindu (M) and Bindi (N), where Bindu also stands for Quantum Dot Streams, and all of these are also Common in Choku Reiki Power Streams, while all of it also follows the Theory of Elements as well.
Earlier, in all of it Apni Amchi Mumbai by Earlier, in all of it Apni Amchi Mumbai by Kuldeep Ji's Daughter-in-Law and Son, Komal Champion Singh and Champion Singh and their R&D Team also played a Greater Role with Google Verified and Approved Business in Patiala Punjab Regions in India with discussed R&D Collaboration and Co-Lab Streams.
While Apni Amchi Mumbai has closed their work in Patiala, but R&D for it is still going on in the Proposed EK Vaku World University from many years earlier, where Champion Singh and his wife are also kith, kin and relatives to the Founders of the Proposed R&D World University.
Furthermore, it is also proposed R&D Co-Lab and Collaboration System of Gian Health, Yoga and Meditation R&D Khoj Center with Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University with Proposed Tatta-Tainka Correction Courses, where Harmandar Singh has also done MD (AM) and PhD (AM) with 3 Streams of Yoga, Naturopathy and Multiple AYUSH Streams with its Modernization with Modern Allopathy, Healthcare and Wellness Streams with Translational Phases and Cymatics with Hypothesis of Philselfology.
His PhD (Philselfology) with 2 Published Books had also Completion of Thesis of PhD (Philselfology) in Mid 90's with Studying and Work in Family Dairy Farm Skill House with Garden (Naturopathy with Proposed Nurture-Pathy Streams as in EK Gurmukhi) for more than 20 years (overall 1970-2006 AD) and later with more than 20 Research Based Books published with Parental Blessings.
This Completion of PhD (Philselfology) as also with First Non-Govt. School Teacher as also the First Registered Basic Scoutmaster and Social Worker on 14th of August, 1995 in the Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University MSME with Hypothesis of Philselfology now with its Proposed Seal in Muirden Colleges and University of Adelaide in South Australia while also ending up as 3 WIPO IP Streams.
All of it also developed the Learning and Study Skills with High Performance Skills from Chris Brooks now also Proposed R&D Uni MSME with its Ongoing Research Projects as initially submitted to PMs and President Offices of Australia, USA and India in 1990 as also Completion of First Research Project on World Ecology and Renewable Energy from School Text Book of Geography (1981-84) in Govt. Multipurpose Middle School of Patiala in Punjab.
In all of it, the Translational Phase Products are also discussed and at present it is in the Learning Level Phases of Translational Phase Product Streams with Different Co-Labs with R&D Approach with Greater Use of Different Modern and Traditional Versions of Solar, Lunar, Lunisolar, Seasonal and Thermal Calendar, Clock and Cymatics.
we also do some Special Discussion on EK Gurmukhi Theory of Elements, Alphabet, Matrix and Cymatics as well, and it is as follows:
--- Start of Special Discussion ---
How and why Punjabi with EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems is the EK Language Metric System of New Silk Road with One Belt and Beyond as in All Continental Language Metric Systems is due to its EK Gurmukhi Origins, Roots and Etymology as follows:
"The Punjabi Language uses the EK Gurmukhi Script, which has 35 Akhara, the Letters, which are based on the 35 Life Energy Based Elements of Light, Sound, Vibration and Life Energy Systems (, and that it, the Punjabi (Gurmukhi) uses the EK Gurmukhi Metrics with its EK Basic and Derived Equations of E=c+iv and the A+iA, the EK Tonal Channels of Cymatics. It was developed by the Disciple Musician and Grammarian Shri Guru Angad for his Master Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Great Musician and Grammarian of EK Gurmukhi Metrics, who also wrote the EK Gurmukhi Theory of 35 Elements in the Patti Likhi, the EK Gurmukhi (Gurbani) Poetry with the EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems
The 35 Akhara with 35 Elements are also discussed in the Kashmir Shaiv Theory of 35 Elements, where the 36th Element is the EK Light and Sound Duality as in the EK Photon-Phonon Duality as in E=O+iA, which also creates the 35 Akhara Sounds of the 35 Elements with A+iA, the Channels of Cymatics.
Furthermore, as also stated elsewhere, the 5th Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Arjan Dev Ji also extended the 35 Akharas (Letters) of EK Gurmukhi to the 52 Akharas (Letters) and thus the Bavan (52) Akhari (Letter) System as well. It may also include the 16 Vowels, for example with the Left and Right Spins, which can be collectively used on Two Letters and for EK Raga, Tala and Melody it may need Two Lines, which also give the Density Based Sound Amplitude Gains or Losses, while all of it can also be put as E=O+iA, E(A)=A+iA and E=O+i(A+iA)A as well.
The EK Gurmukhi Metric System thus also aligns the Indian and International Languages into the EK Nirukta, the Etymological Language Systems, which can be then also used in the EK Machine, Computer and AI Languages.
It also aligns to the Indian Continental Theories and Alphabets, which also uses the Wood, Coal and Metal Elements* as shown in the Image 1 as shown below:
Furthermore, while, in general, the EK Gurmukhi Parental Alphabet and Scripting Metric Systems also include the following with greater focus on western and modern Alphabets as well:
1. Phoenician (the Greek Language Metric Systems belong to this Parent System:, while King Alexandra, the Great also opened the First Taxila University in Ancient Punjab as well, and the Modern Allopathy also emerged from it with First Modern and Western Technical Tekhne Technical Grammar as well, while Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji also visited these Greek and Other European Regions, while earlier, the Taxila was founded as Takshashila by Lord Rama's Brother King Bharat, and as it developed into the Europe and Asia Bi-Continental Systems of Eurasia, it also received Name Ekklesia (Ecclesia) with EK or IK as Self-Identity as well, and it is EK with Cymatics as EKK with EK Call for Asian Continental Sacred Systems, while even Greece was known as Ekklesia for Eurasian Civilizations of Cymatics as well and more references can be provided for it
2. Aramaic (Lord Jesus Christ, the Founder of Christianity with his 12 Disciples spoke this language:, where one of his Disciple, Saint Thomas came to Kerala in India and Saint Peter (First Pope of Catholic Systems) went to Rome Italy, and they spread Aramaic with Christianity, and there had been One Pope from Kerala India as well, where all of it also streamed into Old Church Script, Alphabet and Language Systems, for example in Serbian Language Systems, which are used in Russia and Open and Free Flows of Prose, Poetry and Kavishri (Prose and Poetry together), Arabic, Shahmukhi, Khariboli with Hindi, Kharosthi with Pali, Siddha and Other Languages, and Gurmukhi Streams (with EK Guru and Griva, the Tongue for Shahmukhi focussing more on Breathing, and the EK Gurmukhi links Aramaic and Shahmukhi to Indian Continental Systems), where all of it is also linked to 5th D and Cymatics with Community Approach, where it also creates EK Sanskrit, Hebrew and Aramaic Streams, and then aligns to Indian Continental Alphabets, while it also aligns to the Australian and African Continental Theory of Elements as well
3. Brahmi (Lord Buddha and Buddhism is linked to this Parent Metric Systems:, while Lord Buddha was also born in Lord Rama’s Solar Dynasty, which is also known as Ikshvaku Dynasty as well
4. Gupta (Ashoka, the Great and Gupta Empire, the Golden Periods of Indian Civilizations are linked to this Parent System), where Dr. R. D. Ambedkar as also the Father and Maker of Constitution of Modern India also belong with 3 and 4 while also to the Other Parent, Sister and Child Alphabet Systems and Streams, which can also be used in Modernization of Indian Constitution, UNO and Other National and International Constitutions and Charters of 21st Century with Singularity Dimensions of Europe and Asia as Eurasia with Axial Age civilizations, where STEM and STEAM Education with Wood, Coal and Metal Elements is also emerging, and it can also Make the World a Better Place to Live especially for the Minorities and People, who belong to Communities and also Women rather than Preferring or Prioritizing the High Castes and Classes as well
7. Gurmukhi (All of the above Ascending Parental Metric Systems thus ends up into the EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems as started by Shri Guru Nanak and Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji, where the later also gave the 35 Letters, the Akhara's Based EK Gurmukhi Alphabet for the 35 Elements as described in the Patti Likhi by Shri Guru Nanak Dev, the Founder of Sikhism), where it also seems the 3 as the Aramaic with EK Raga, Tala and Melody with Harmonics and Cymatics as well, where it also uses the Kashmiri Siddha and Siddhartha Theories of Elements as in Japan with Greek Theories of Elements and thus all as the EK Greek, Gurmukhi and Mikagura Conjectures with Cymatics, which is also linked to Persian Ablaut Systems of Cymatics, while these are also used as the Old Testaments of EK Gurmukhi as well as well
Please also note that Shri Guru Nanak Dev, the Founder of Sikhism was also born in Lord Rama, Luv-Kush and Lord Buddha’s Genealogical Lineage Systems as their descendent in the Ikshvaku ( Solar Dynasty Genealogies and Family Lineages, where even Lord Krishna also belonged with Lunar Dynasty in addition to Lord Rama in its Solar and Lord Buddha and even Lord Mahavira in what we can put as Earth Dynasty of the Ikshvaku Dynasty Systems as well.
The IK or EK in Ikshvaku is also linked to IKH or EKH, which also means Sugar from the Sugarcane as well.
The EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems also have the Sister Parent Systems: Khojki and Takri
In all of it, as India in East Gave Theory of Zero, the Greek in West Gave Theory of 1, the EK, which is balanced by Cymatics as in Aramaic Theories, which Israel Gave for both the East and the West, and it is also like the Journey of RH from Greek to India as AARA while getting AARHA from Israel with Cymatics, and thus all as the EK AARA, RH and AARHA Conjectures with Cymatics, where Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji also wrote and compiled the Prayer of Cymatics in the Form of Chaupai Benti, which is also linked to it as well.
It is also present as the EK Gurmukhi Song of Alphabet in Sacred Patti Likhi Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, who invented the EK Gurmukhi Alphabet about 545 years ago, and it also uses all of the Parent, Sister and Child Alphabet Systems and Streams with Cymatics, which is also linked to the Aramaic Alphabet, Language and Music as also used by Lord Jesus Christ as well.
So, the Gurmukhi also follows the EK Evolution of World Languages, which we can determine and analyze with the help of EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems, and it does not miss the Etymological Evolution of World Languages."
Special Remark: The E=c+iv is also linked to Simplified Euler Identity and the Euler Math in general, while Euler also belonged to Basel in Switzerland from 1707 AD and onwards, and he also studied and researched in the University of Basel, which was founded in 1460 AD around when Bhai Mardana Ji was born, and he was about 10 years older than Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji as well.
In all of it, the Sikh Gurus also studied, researched and developed these Simplified Euler Equations and Math with Theory of Elements with Cymatics during 1469 AD to 1708 AD, and it now goes with Cymatics, which was also invented and founded by Hans Jenny in 1967, and he was also born in Basel in Switzerland as well.
All of it is also proposed as Einstein-Planck Equation Systems while using Euler Math with Jenny's Cymatics, while all of it also uses Ernst Chladni Plates and Math with Music, while all of it also represents the Western Language, Math and Music with Eastern Versions, where Chomsky's Universal Grammar also links it up with Bilingual Grammar Approach, where EK Gurmukhi Music is also like the Musical Version of Chomsky's Universal Grammar with Minimalist Program as well. (End of Special Remark)
In the UNESCO International Decade of Indigenous Languages, there is also a Greater Need of having the International Decade of Indigenous Dialects, and thus all as Indigenous Languages and Dialects or Indigenous Dialects and Languages, where it also includes Mother Tongue with Mother Dialect Streams, where the Mother Dialects seem to be more endangered and extinction facing as well.
The reasons for it include that Nations have Indigenous People due to Dialects, especially as the Mother Dialect, where Many Languages are accommodated in the Given or Selected Dialect for Every World Language especially the Indigenous World Language as well.
1. Indigenous Language Decade 2022-32
2. Indigenous Dialect Decade 2022-32
3. Proposed WIPO Indigenous Streams for 1 and 2
The 1, 2 and 3 also includes Indigenous Music and thus Indigenous Dialect, Language and Music Streams as also the Special Research Case for UNESCO Indigenous Language Decade Streams, where we also discuss the Endangered Levels of Indigenous Dialects, for example Majha, Doaba, Malwa and Puadha Dialects in Punjab with Gurmukhi Punjabi as the Official Alphabet, Language and Script of Punjab (East Punjab) in India as well.
In all of it, there is Need of Serious Attention for Indigenous Dialects, which also need Independent Research Works as well, where Indigenous People have Traces of Indigenous Languages with Endangered Dialects, and it can be saved through Images, Audio, Video, Documentary, Library, Film and Database, Reference and Repository Streams, where Language and Dialects may be treated separately for the Greater Good as well.
On the other hand, the Indigenous Language may not provide Significant Knowledge about how all of it deals with Indigenous Dialect Streams.
For example, in the State of Punjab (Eastern Punjab) in India, there are 4 Major Indigenous Regions, namely, the Majha, Doaba, Malwa and Puadha, which also represent the Indigenous Punjab Regions as well.
Quick Blogging Research Post Reference: [1] It is One of the Simplest Open Requests, Appeals and Submissions On Teacher's Day for the Gurmukhi Punjabi Alphabet, which needs to be corrected as it keeps Serious Health and Psychiatry Harming Tatta-Tainka Manipulations and Endangered Levels of Puadha Dialect in Gurbari Versions of Gurmukhi with EK Hypothesis of EK Gurmukhi with Hypothesis of Philselfology (
Now, if anyone wants to participate from Punjab in WIPO TK, WIPO DOCIP and even WIPO Green, for example, one need to give details about the Nation, State and the Indigenous Background, where India, Punjab and Punjabi may not be sufficient, where Gurmukhi, which is also Official Language of Punjab and also the Main Language of Sikhism may not justify it as the Indigenous Language Stream if we do not consider the Indigenous Dialect Approaches, which is also one of the Main Solutions for Proposed 3 WIPO Community Unit-Unitary IP Streams as well.
Quick Research Publication Reference: [1] Proposed 3 WIPO Community Unit-Unitary IP Streams, Artisan Communities and Genealogies with Focus on Gurmukhi Punjabi and WIPO World IP Day 2023 (
Furthermore, if we consider Indigenous Language, we can accommodate Many Dialects, while if we consider Dialects, we can accommodate Many Indigenous Languages as well.
Our R&D Team faced these problems, while preparing the Indigenous Dialects and Languages, where Languages are also linked Religions, Faiths and Genealogy Streams, while Dialects may deal with it differently because it can deal with Many Indigenous Languages simultaneously as well.
Quick Dialect and Language Research with Greater Focus on Genealogy Research: [1] Ek Vaku Ikshvaku Bikrami Jagdev Parmar Tarkhan Ramgarhia and Baba Vishwakarma World Families and Genealogies (
[2] Set of Solutions for Health, Psychology and Psychiatry Harming Tatta-Tainka Letter Manipulations in Gurmukhi Punjabi Alphabet, Language, Music and Covid-19 with Hypothesis of Philselfology as submitted to Prime Minister Offices, which the PM Offices also Sent to Ministry of Education with Healthy Responses and Replies from Bhasha Vibhag Language Department and Human Rights Commission of Punjab for World Minority Issues in India and Worldwide ( (Blogging Research Post)
In all of it, the Punjabi Dialects are also Highly Endangered and Extinction Facing in reference to Indigenous Languages when these are taken with Indigenous Dialects, where All World Indigenous Languages can also be accommodated, where Citizens of World Regions of Dialects can also participate in Greater Number and also with Greater Ease, for example, Login for Your Indigenous Dialect seems easier than Login for Your Indigenous Language, where Greater Contributions are required in the World Indigenous Dialects as well.
It is also to be remarked here that many people, for example, in Punjab and Other States in India and Worldwide may not understand the "Indigenous" Language, but if it is put as Indigenous Dialects (One's Mother, Father, Parent, Guardian and Native Dialects), almost anyone may understand it in lot easier way as well.
Now, in case of the World Indigenous Alphabet, Language and Music with Theory of Elements, the World Languages also deal with at least 3 Main Categories of WIPO IP as with WIPO Classic, WIPO TK and WIPO Green, where Alphabets also represent the Theory of Elements, for example Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth (Solid) with Wood, Coal, Metal, Charcoal and even Lime and Other Elements in Different World Civilizations as well.
The Elements also represent the World Ecology and the Ecological Regions of the World, where the Indigenous People use it with Special Approach of Elements in the Given, Selected and even Special Ecological Region, where it also creates the Indigenous Dialect, and it is also the Earth Energy Stream, which also aligns with the Sun as Source of Light and Thermal Energy, which is linked more to the Alphabets and Languages with lesser of the Theory of Elements, the Indigenous Part as well.
Furthermore, the Music in the Alphabet and Language, for example as in Indian Classical Music with SARGAM (SA, RE, GA, MA, PA, DHA, NI and SA) is linked to Moon, and it also gives the Human, Animal and Bird Sounds, where the World Indigenous and Ecological Systems also link to the Moon in addition to Sun and the Sunlight Systems and Streams, while all of it is also present in the Himalayan Civilizations with Bi-State and Bi-Nation to Multi State and Multinational Levels, where Gurmukhi Punjabi with its Sanskrit, Sahaskriti, Shahmukhi and Aramaic with Cymatics also bridges it all to Western Language Streams as well.
Quick Blogging Research Post: [1] It is One of the Simplest Open Requests, Appeals and Submissions On Teacher's Day for the Gurmukhi Punjabi Alphabet, which needs to be corrected as it keeps Serious Health and Psychiatry Harming Tatta-Tainka Manipulations and Endangered Levels of Puadha Dialect in Gurbari Versions of Gurmukhi with EK Hypothesis of EK Gurmukhi with Hypothesis of Philselfology (
So, we also end up with Earth Based Indigenous Theories, Alphabets and Languages with UNO and UNESCO, while the Alphabets with Language and Grammar Streams also go with Sun and the Sunlight Systems and Streams, for example as in the Chicago USA Based PoWR (Parliament of the World's Religions), while the Indigenous Music with Earth and Sun is reflected in Moon, where Tribes, Traditional Families (Gharanas) and Musical Streams are like the Blocks as in the Traditional Blockchain Streams, where Dominions in World Languages, Religions, Faiths and Sacred Systems are also present as well.
Now, the Indigenous Theories, Alphabets and Languages with UNO and UNESCO, Language and Grammar Streams with Sun and the Sunlight Systems and Streams in POWR and Music Streams in Traditional Blockchain as thus 3 Streams of UNO, PoWR and Traditional Blockchain are Common in WIPO, where it is also present in WIPO Classic, TK and Green and even WIPO IP, AI and Creative IP Streams with Universal Constant, Variable and Coefficient Streams with Cymatics as well.
Quick Blogging Research Post: [1] The Greater Need for UNO Charters for Secular, Sacred and Cymatics Based Systems and Solutions for the Covid-19 Pandemic and Post Pandemic for the Feared Lost Decade of 2021-30, UNESCO Indigenous Decade of 2022-32 and Feared 3rd World War with UNO Global Citizenship with WIPO, PoWR, NAM, and Blockchain with Cymatics: The Sixth Holocene Mass Extinction, EK Gurmukhi and Gurbari Metric Systems and Philselfology with STEM Education and Cymatics (
Please read more about it from the following Blogging Research Post:
Special Comments, Remarks and Discussions on World Artisan Communities: The Proposed EK Gurmukhi World R&D University MSME with Cymatics and STEM Education proposes these Genealogical Details and Descriptions, which discuss about Ikshvaku to EK Vaku with Tarkhan and Ramgarhia Genealogical Streams, and thus also the Ikshvaku (with Baba Vishwakarma) and Parmar Genealogical Conjectures are taken from the following Research Publication, YouTube Research Video and Genealogical Research Projects with Special Reference to Geni Genealogical Research Project Streams with International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL) 2022-2032 as well with thanks from R&D Team as well:
It is present with a YouTube Research Video with Simple Introduction to the Genealogy Project, while all of it is discussed more in the Project of Ek Vaku Ikshvaku Bikrami Jagdev Parmar Tarkhan Ramgarhia and Baba Vishwakarma Families and Genealogies as well.
It is Part I and Part II of the Edited Form for Raja Bikramaditya (Founder of Bikrami Calendar Streams as used in Gurmukhi Language), Raja Jagdev (with Jarg Sahib, where Sant Baba Isher Ji of Rara Sahib also belong with Raja Jagdev Memorial and Raja Jagdev Memorial School at Jarg Sahib as well), Bhai Mani Singh (Founder Head of One of the Main Damdami Taksal Traditional University Streams with Bhai Vir Singh as its 10th Head), Prof. Harnek Singh and Giani Thakur Singh Genealogy from the following Wikipedia further with Facebook Page Discussions with thanks:
All of it is also dedicated to Late Prof. Harnek Singh, who was also the Former Asian Champion of Volleyball, 3 Times Decathlon Champion of India and also Retired Vice-Principal of Govt. College of Physical Education of Patiala in Punjab in India.
He also initiated the Modern and Western Versions of the EK Hypothesis of Philselfology for the EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems with Cymatics, which are used in Different Research Proposals, Publications and Projects including Corrections for Tatta-Tainka Manipulations as well.
He was also honored as the Best Student and Roll of Honor by Arya School Barnala, Mahindra College of Patiala (also honored as Living Legend and Living Glory), Physical Education College of Patiala, NIS of Patiala, Khalsa College of Amritsar Sahib and DAV College of Jallandhar in his lifetime, where he was also honored by Punjabi University for his Lifetime Achievements.
"These Artisan Communities mainly deal with the Wood, Coal and Metal Based Theory of Elements, where Farming is also added and thus Farming, Wood, Metal, Coal and Charcoal Streams, where Foods for Traditional, Community and even Religion Based Cooking also accompanies the Wood and Metal Based Utilities, which are used in Cooking, while Coal and Charcoal is used as the Fire and Fuel Supply Systems for the Cooking, which finally goes in Kitchen (with Free Kitchen and Langar) and Dinning Table Utilities, and thus 4 Major Community Streams for Foods, Cooking Utilities, Cooking Fire and Fuel Supply and its Storage, where Wood into Coal and Charcoal is also included as well.
Now, as they communities are also known as Agnivanshi (Agnikula), which means the Gene, Genetics and Genealogies of Fire and Fiery Nature, they are also Ugar or Garm (Hot-Tempered and Aggressive) with Reasons that Parmar Communities (for example the Rajput Communities) started from Regions without Rivers but rather Link Rivers as in the Puadha Regions in-between Sutlej (Tributary to Holy Indus) and Holy Yamuna (Tributary to Holy Ganga) Rivers, where they also have been inventing the 4 Major Award Winning Streams of Farming, Wood, Metal and Coal with Charcoal, but now it seems to face serious crises due to Anti-Terrorism Bills, where Set of Solutions for all of it is also submitted to WHO[9] by the R&D Teams as well.
Thus, all of it is also present with almost 4 Major Community Streams in the Ek Vaku Ikshvaku Bikrami Jagdev Parmar Tarkhan Ramgarhia and Baba Vishwakarma Families and Genealogies, where Traditional Healthcare, Housing, Music, Art and Craft, Building and Architect Materials and Other Streams are also included in these 4 Major Community Streams as well, and in the EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems with EK Cymatics, Baba Hardas Singh and his Ramgarhia Dynasty and Community Systems also constitute one of the largest parts of the Baba Vishwakarma Communities in the World while using these 4 Major Community Streams, where Cartesian, Artisan, Crafting and Creation of Products is also included as well.
As Lord Jesus Christ, the Founder of Christianity with EK Aramaic Theory of Elements also belonged to these World Communities of Wood, Coal and Metal, while as he was also the Carpenter's Son, and thus these communities often include and discuss him because of community approach rather than just religion and faith alone, where he also shown in the Community and Genealogical Hierarchy and Ancestry with Other Prominent Personalities, for example Bhai Lalo and Baba Hardas Singh Ji in Sikhism as well.
In their Ancient Genealogies, these Tarkhan (or Tarquin) Communities had also been the Kings of Rome, where King Tarquin the Elder with his wife Prophet Tanaquil of Gaia Philosophy had been Legendary Kings and Queens of Ancient Rome, and their Traditional Woven, Knitted and Spanned Clothes and Wedding Dresses and Costumes also became the Modern and Western Traditional Dresses, and it is also linked to Parmar, Ramgarhia and Vishwakarma Streams with Bikrami Calendar Streams as well.
All of it also includes the Chauhan Parmar Genealogies with Gugga Pir, who was a King of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan during 12th Century, and he also belonged to these Chauhan Parmar Communities with his Guru or Master by the name of Haji Rattan at Bathinda as well, while they were well versed in Hindu, Muslim and later even Christianity and Sikhism Interfaith, Inter-Religion and Inter-Sacred Systems, where Master Haji Rattan, who was well versed in Hindu and Muslim Religion, Sacred, Spirituality and Meditation Systems, and he also met 1st, 6th and 10th Sikh Gurus, where the 10th Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji also blessed him with Enlightenment of Sikhism Interfaith, Inter-Religion and Inter-Sacred Systems, and Gurdwara Baba Haji (Hazi) Rattan at Damdama Sahib (Bathinda) Regions is also Symbol of One of the Longest Lived Spiritual, Baba Haji (Hazi) Rattan as well.
Quick References: [1] Tarkhan ( (Discussed More as Caste and Community with Baba Hardas Singh and Ramgarhia Artisan Community Streams with Other Communities and Conjectures)
It is also to be remarked here that the Sikhs are One of Main Minorities in India with only 1.7% Sikhs in Population of India and it is far less in the Population of the World, where as we discuss 3 Streams with 4D, 5D and 11D Streams, these are also linked to UNO, PoWR and Community with Traditional Blockchain[12] Streams, where PoWR, the Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago in USA discusses the Main Issues of the World Religions, Faiths and Sacred Systems and Streams while UNO takes up Language, Cultural and Traditional Streams, for example as with WIPO TK and DOCIP with WIPO ADR, where Communities with Traditional Blockchain Streams for Dominions are also emerging, and thus 3 Streams of UNO, PoWR and Community with Blockchain Streams with Cymatics as well.
Quick Blogging Research Post Reference: [1] The Greater Need for UNO Charters for Secular, Sacred and Cymatics Based Systems and Solutions for the Covid-19 Pandemic and Post Pandemic for the Feared Lost Decade of 2021-30, UNESCO Indigenous Decade of 2022-32 and Feared 3rd World War with UNO Global Citizenship with PoWR, NAM, and Blockchain with Cymatics: The Sixth Holocene Mass Extinction, EK Gurmukhi and Gurbari Metric Systems and Philselfology with STEM Education and Cymatics (
Furthermore, the Inventor of EK Gurmukhi, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji also visited these places of Origins of Different EK Theories of Elements, where he was also recognized and honored, for example in Asia as in Himalayan Regions, China, Tibet, Iran, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Some Parts of Russia, and in Europe as in Spain, Turkey, Russia and Rome in Italy, where he was honored by the Pope at the Holy City of Vatican in Rome, while all as in Eurasia (Europe and Asia Conjectures) as well, where more research is going on it, and it is also shown in Image 1 as well.
"The Roman Conclave (meeting of the Cardinals) confirms that “Nanac” (Nanak, who is also Inventor of EK Gurmukhi Theory of Elements with Cymatics) went Rome and other Nations. This confirms the Papal Brief of 1518. Leo-X and all the cardinals have a clave (Religious meetings of cardinals). In that clave Leo-X, instructed all the christians to follow the footsteps of Nanac (Nanak), “Common Father of our race”. He instructed all the christians to thank Nanac for his practical help in Italy and elsewhere in the world. The Catholic Pope underlined Nanac’s starting Liberty of human slavery in Rome. This conclave was printed in 1609. Earlier it was a Roman manuscript."
It is also to be remarked here that the Ayurveda especially as used in EK Gurmukhi Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Allopathy and Alchemy Conjectures with Cymatics is said to be invented and founded by Ramgarhia Dhiman Communities, who are also present in Baba Vishwakarma, Parmar and Artisan Communities, where Mata Tripta Ji (Wife to Mehta Kalu Ji and Mother to Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was also born in Chahil, Chauhan Parmar Genealogies) as well, where they are also One of the Main Contributors in 100 Traditional University Streams, while they are also said to be Majority of Martyrs including Baba Deep Singh Ji, Bhai Mani Singh Ji, Baba Hardas Singh Ji, the Martyrs, who contributed in Bikrami Calendars with EK Gurmukhi Versions and 100's of Subjects and Systems derived from it as well.
One of the Interesting Points also include that World Religions, Faiths and Sacred Communities and Congregations also pray in the Name of Holy Saints, Martyrs and Others, who are approved by the Respective Community and Congregation as well, and it is in addition to the Main Founders of the World Religions, Faiths and Sacred Communities and Congregations, where Charities, Schools, Hospitals and Other Community Welfare Streams are also run in their Names as well.
Quick Research Publication Reference: [1] The Sikh Foundations of Ayurveda ( (It also exists in Streams of EK Gurmukhi, EK Gurbari and Cymatics and further with Phonetics, Phonemics and Allophonics, which are used as EK Gurmukhi Theory of Elements with Cymatics as well)
It is also to be remarked here that the 100 Traditional University Streams in the EK Gurmukhi Damdami Taksal Traditional University Streams (with Dam as Dome and Dama as Dome with Cymatics) is also built on the 4 Quadrants of Bikrami Calendars, which create the 16 Traditional Universities in Each of the 4 Bikrami Quadrants with Sura (Musical Notes) with Akshara (Phonetics), Akhara (Phonemics), Achhara (Allophonics) and Cymatics (Phonics and Vibrations), while all of it is also advancement of Matra Meru by Pingala (also considered as the Younger brother to Panini), which was also arranged by Queen Pingala, and Sikh Gurus also advanced it into Different Streams of Eastern, Western and International Prose, Poetry and Music as well.
The 100 Traditional University Streams in addition to Traditional (Ancient) and Modern Education Streams also represent the 100 Traditional Baptism (Sanskar) Streams as in Every World Religion, Faith and Sacred System, where these thus may also represent the 100 Traditional Dominions (Samparda) Streams, which are also used in the Traditional Functions, Ceremonies and Birth, Naming, Marriage, Birth of Child with Continuity of all from the Naming to Till Death, Cremations, Last Prayers (Bhog and Antim Ardas) and Other Life Events and Birth, Naming, Marriage, Education and Death Certificates, where all of it may also include 100 Traditional University Streams with SGPC, where Most of the Genealogy Study, Learning, Education, Research and Development Streams including Geni Genealogy Streams also maintain all of these, as above said, Categories of the Genealogical Records as well.
In general, these 3 Streams of Music, where Raga, Tala and Melody in East with Prose, Poetry and Poetic Prose (with Kavishari similar to A Cappella) in West is connected through Cymatics (Matra Metrics), and these also have 3 Major Streams of Holy Shri Guru Granth Sahib, Holy Shri Dasam Granth Sahib (with Gurmukhi with Gurbari Version) and Holy Shri Sarbloh Granth Sahib, where the Greater Lessons for 3 Streams of Gurmukhi Music and Musicology with Pingal Rupak are recorded in Holy Shri Sarbloh Granth Sahib as well.
"Sri Sarbloh Granth Sahib Ji is a complete treasure trove of knowledge of all imaginable fields. Music, poetry, Pingal, Ayurvedic, Sanskrit, Arabic, Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Pashto, Persian, Quran, Upnishads, Gita, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Aad Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji , etc. Granths have been summarised in Sri Sarbloh Granth Sahib Ji. The fact is, every Granth that has been composed before Sri Sarbloh Granth Sahib Ji has its reflection in it." (With thanks from the Source: Sri Sarbloh Granth Sahib (
All of it is also present in the Bikrami Calendar Systems, where the Sikh Gurus also used the EK Bharthari Sphota Grammar and EK Pingal Rupak Grammar of Poetry and Music from Mount Abu Civilizations as in Holy Shri Sarbloh Granth Sahib and they also made it all compatible with India, Asian and Western Grammars of Poetry and Music while also inventing and founding the EK Gurmukhi Universal Grammar of Music, which is also Euler God or Cosmic Equation Systems Based or Related Euler Universal Grammar, which also gives the Musical Version of Noam Chomsky's Universal Grammar with the Minimalist Program as well."
These Genealogies are also linked to Ikshvaku (EK Vaku) Genealogies, where Lord Rama, Luv-Kush, Lord Krishna, Lord Mahavira (with 22 Tirthankara), Lord Buddha, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Other Nine Sikh Gurus were also born in Ikshvaku-Parmar Genealogy Conjectures, where it is also said that the Future 10th Reincarnation of Lord Vishnu as the Kalki Avatar will also take birth as well, while these Parmar Genealogies also end up in Bikrami, Jagdev, Tarkhan and Ramgarhia Genealogical Streams, where the Tarkhan Genealogies are also linked to the Tarquin Genealogies from Greek and Western Civilizations as well.
Please read more about it from the following Geni Genealogy Project:
In all of it, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji founded the Gurmukhi Theory of Elements, which also combines the Sanskrit and Hindi with Siddha, Aramaic and even Shahmukhi Theories of Elements, Alphabet and Language Streams, and thus Bhatt, Bhut, Bhaat, Bhatti and Bhatra Communities also came out with World Music of Raga, Tala, Melody and Musicology with Harmonics and Cymatics, where their Bikrami Calendar and Clock Streams have also emerged as one of the Most Outstanding IP Streams in the Proposed WIPO Community Unit-Unitary IP and Patent Streams as well.
In general, the Sanskrit is linked to Brahmanical Streams for Light Energy, while Hindi also brings its Sound Energy Streams through Theory of Elements, Alphabet, Language, Grammar and Music Streams, where Gurmukhi takes Non-Brahmanical Approach all of the same and brings it with Vibration Energy, which uses Duality of Light and Sound as in Sanskrit and its Derived Languages with Hindi, and then presents it all with Kashmiri Sharda Sanskrit Streams, where it further brings it with Khatri, the Martial Communities, which includes Farmers, Artisan and Skilled Workers as also present in Vishwakarma, Ramgarhia, Parmar and Other Artisan Streams as well.
Thus, Gurmukhi also combines the Classical Sanskrit, Hindi and Hindustani with Sanskrit, Kashmiri Sharda Sanskrit, Shahmukhi and Siddha with Aramaic and then to Greek, Turkish and Other Indo-European and Asian European and Other International Languages with Bikrami Calendar and Clock Streams with Coupling and Simulation with Shaka, Gregorian and Other Indo-Persian, Greek and Asian, European and Eurasian Calendar and Clock Systems and Streams as well.
The Founder of Gurmukhi, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji also took on what is known as Baba Guru Nanak Dev World Tour Road Conjectures, where in Europe, and further in Rome in Italy, he was honored by the Pope at the Holy City of Vatican in Rome, while all as in Eurasia (Europe and Asia Conjectures) as well, where more research is going on it as well.
"The Roman Conclave (meeting of the Cardinals) confirms that “Nanac” (Nanak, who is also Inventor of EK Gurmukhi Theory of Elements with Cymatics) went Rome and other Nations. This confirms the Papal Brief of 1518. Leo-X and all the cardinals have a clave (Religious meetings of cardinals). In that clave Leo-X, instructed all the christians to follow the footsteps of Nanac (Nanak), “Common Father of our race”. He instructed all the christians to thank Nanac for his practical help in Italy and elsewhere in the world. The Catholic Pope underlined Nanac’s starting Liberty of human slavery in Rome. This conclave was printed in 1609. Earlier it was a Roman manuscript."
Quick References: [1] Evidence on Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Visit to Europe (
Thus, the EK Gurmukhi with Cymatics also brings World Theories of Elements, Alphabets, Languages, Grammars and Music's with Cymatics in Greater Compatibility, and Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji also invented and founded Gurmukhi Script from Gurmukhi Theory of Elements as invented by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Sacred Shabad Song of Gurmukhi in Patti Likhi, which he learned from him at Shri Kartarpur Sahib, the Holy City founded by 1st Sikh Guru, and it is also present as the Corridor for Bi-City, Bi-State and Bi-National Conjectures of Indo-Pakistan Based East and West Punjab Streams as well.
In Shri Kartarpur Sahib, which was also founded by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, where he also did Farming with his family and disciples, the Sikhs and others for more than 18 years, while earlier, where he founded the EK Gurmukhi Theory of Elements was also a city by name of Nanakana Sahib as donated to him by Rai Bular Bhatt Ji, and he also did more than 14 Years of Meditation under Ber Tree at Sultanpur Lodhi, where he invented the Mool Mantra (Basic Vowel and Consonant Theory) and Japu Ji Sahib, which describe the EK Gurmukhi Theory of Elements as well.
Furthermore his Student (Sikh), Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji learned and mastered it all from him at Shri Kartarpur Sahib, which is also Corridor City of Eastern and Western Punjab States, where his son, Baba Shri Chand Ji also learned and mastered EK Gurmukhi Matra Theory from him and founded Udasin Traditional University Streams, while Baba Buddha Ji also learned it and became the First Head Granthi of Gurdwara Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple), while he also promised it to Baba Hazi Rattan that he would bless with it in the Form of 10th Guru, where Baba Hazi Rattan waited for 10th Guru and also met 6th Sikh Guru, and finally received Mukti Theory and Philosophy from the 10th Sikh Guru, and all of it ended up as 100 Damdami Traditional University Streams as well.
Later, Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji also founded the City of Khadur Sahib and also founded and opened the First School University of Gurmukhi in 1541 AD, and rest of the Sikh Gurus with Other Researchers and Developers further advanced the Gurmukhi Theory of Elements, Alphabet and Script with Music, Harmonics and Cymatics, where the Founders also deserve Nobel Prizes as well.
Please also read more about the Basic Introduction to EK Gurmukhi Theory of Elements, Alphabet, Language, Grammar and Music here:
Special Discussion on "Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of EK Gurmukhi Theory of Elements with Cymatics (ResearchGate, September 2019, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36032.07681) introduced these Taksala Streams as the EK Gurmukhi Shabada Taksala Traditional University Streams, where he also introduced simplified term of Shabada Sachi Taksal, where thus Shabada Taksal with Sach, the Cymatics as he introduced in Japu Ji Sahib especially in 38th Pauri as well.
Furthermore, in all of it, the Trinity of Jerusalem (Israel), Palestine and Indian Hospice with Baba Farid Ji and Baba Haji Rattan at Damdama Sahib with Muslim, Hinduism and Sikhism with Khalsa Panth Approach also brings the Highest of Indo-Israeli and Turkish, Greek, Persian, and Asian and European Sacred Civilizations together as well, where Baba Farid Ji and his Master also invented Shahmukhi at Mehrauli Regions of New Delhi, where his Master Khwaja Kaki's Memorial of Qutub Minar (Minaret) is also Symbol of Shahmukhi Theory of Elements with Cymatics.
All of it also seems to link Jerusalem and New Delhi with Chishti Order and Shahmukhi Language Streams through Ajmer in Rajasthan while also going through Kabul (Afghanistan), Sakastan (Sistan) with Saka or Shaka Calendars, Jerusalem (Israel) and Other Israeli, Saudi Arabian, Iranian (Persian) Lands and Civilizations and then to Greek, Turkish, Spanish and Other European Sacred Civilizations, while these also lay the Simplified Foundations to Sufi, Siddha, Silk, GT and Other Continental and International Roads of Axial Age Civilizations as well.
While still furthermore, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, who visited these relevant places in different Nations and Continents also aligned Sanskrit, Shahmukhi and Gurmukhi, which Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji also aligned with Cymatics as in the Trinity of Jerusalem, Palestine and Indian Hospice and Trinity of Damdama Sahib with Indian, Greek (European) and Israeli Trinity Civilizations, where Sacred Qutub Minar (Minaret), Damdama Sahib and Jerusalem with Baba Farid Ji Conjectures are also the Symbol of World Dome Civilizations with Clocks, Calendars and Cymatics, while all of it is also linked to Ghuram Traditional Village in District Patiala as well.
All of it also links up the Indian, Asian, European and International Calendar Streams of Saka, Bikrami and Gregorian Conjectures with Cymatics, while it is also Pivotal at Damdama Sahib at Bathinda, which on the Joint Borders of Punjab and Rajasthan in the same-similar way as South Australia and Western Australia at Peterborough and Port Pirie with Nukunu, Axis Mundi, Pitjantjara and Uluru Civilizations with South Australian and Western Australian Civilizations as well, which are also Central Point of South World of Gregorian, Bikrami, Shaka and Other World Calendars with EK Vaku Calendar and Clock Approaches with Cymatics as well.
Please also note that if or when we consider the EK in Context to Israeli and Western Civilizations, it also develops as EK Akhara (Letter) and Vaku (Sentence), which uses the EK with Theory of Elements and Grammars, and thus all is as simple as EK Vaku, the Letters and Sentences with Grammars, which also have the Cosmic Clocks and Calendars linked to it, where Each Letter is assigned to the Phase of Signs and Constellations, and it is also put as with EK Vaku and its Remedial Measures with Raga, Tala and Melody as in the EK Kav, the Poetry and Music as well.
Thus, all of it is also with the EK Vaku Clocks and Calendars with EK Kava (Poetry) Care, Cure and Chromosome Based DNA, Peptide and Lipid Music EK Kava Musicology with Cymatics as One of the Best Solutions for Every Disease in the World including Coronavirus in Covid-19 as well.
It also includes Prose (Vak) and Poetry (Kav) together as in Kavishari, which was as invented and founded by Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, while it is also present in Dharna and Bola Prose, Poetry and Music as well."
One can read more about it as in the above quoted here:
All of it also includes the Gateway from Holy City of Jerusalem to Kerala State, where Saint Thomas, one of the 12 Disciples of Lord Jesus Christ came, lived and even martyred during his Aramaic Based Christianity Streams that he introduced in India before Khwaja Kaki and Baba Farid Ji, who also later used it (Aramaic Theory of Elements and Alphabet with Cymatics), where one of the Pope to Vatican was also from Kerala State of India as well. (End of Special Discussion)
As also discussed earlier, the EK Gurmukhi Theory of Elements, Alphabet and Language Streams also uses all of it with Greater Compatibility with Indian Continental and International Sacred Alphabet Streams while further with the Gregorian, Shaka, Bikrami and Other Calendar and Clock Streams as well.
All of it, the Research Work and Projected was initiated by Late Prof. Harnek Singh with the Modern and Western Versions of the EK Hypothesis of Philselfology for the EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems, and he was also the Former Asian Champion of Volleyball, 3 Times Decathlon Champion of India and also Retired Vice-Principal of Govt. College of Physical Education of Patiala in Punjab in India as well.
He was also honored as the Best Student and Roll of Honor by Arya School Barnala, Mahindra College of Patiala (also honored as Living Legend and Living Glory), Physical Education College of Patiala, NIS of Patiala, Khalsa College of Amritsar Sahib and DAV College of Jallandhar in his lifetime, where he was also honored by Punjabi University for his Lifetime Achievements as well.
He also belonged to Jagdev Parmar, Baba Vishwakarma, Ramgarhia and Artisan Communities, which invented and founded the Bikrami Calendar, Clock and Creation Streams with Cymatics as well." (Quick Reference 2)
Just to remind that this year of 2022 also starts the UNESCO Indigenous Language Decade of 2022-32, and thus we appeal not only for Gurmukhi Punjabi, but also for All World Languages that Every Language in the World, where Know Thy Language thus also goes important as well.
The Gurmukhi Punjabi is also Main Language of Sikhs with Gurmukhi Alphabet, Language and Script Systems, and they, the Sikhs are also Main Minority in India with about 1.7% Population, and thus it is also a Special R&D Case for World Minorities in India and even elsewhere, where the Sikh Gurus invented and founded the Gurmukhi Theory of Elements, Alphabet, Language and Script.
Thus, it strongly seems that the Punjab State especially in India, where it is also East Punjab is also Minority Population of Language and Religion, which also needs both the Special Systems and Streams of Government and Minority Human Rights, where General Categories for Minority and Reservation Systems may not be helpful, and it may also produce Opposite Results, which can be rather harmful to fatal for the Minority Language, Religion and Community Systems and Streams as well.
All of it also suggests that the Minority Commissions for States and Nations can also be developed for all of it because it also gives Greater Human Rights, which is also alternative term for Minority Rights, where the Minorities in States and even in Nations and also worldwide need Greater Rights as well, and Punjabi Gurmukhi also needs all of it from State to National and International Levels, while it also holds true for the Other Minority Languages as the Languages of Minority Communities especially during the UNESCO Indigenous Language Decade of 2022-32 as well.
Furthermore, all of it is also supporting to Biliteracy Seal as the Greater Language Seal for Minority Languages with Biliteracy, Tri-literacy and Multi-literacy Approaches for Greater as Extra and Additional Rights as well. It is also interesting to note that Biliteracy Tri-literacy and Multi-literacy Approaches are also present as the Gurmukhi Santhiya Bilingual Language Streams as well.
It is also to be remarked here that the Modern Universities also offer it as through the Giani (Gyani) Courses, Degrees and Certificates, while about 100 Traditional Universities of Gurmukhi with Cymatics also offer it all as the Giani (Gyani) Courses, Degrees and Certificates, where the Research Degrees are also offered in all of it to ensure that the Theory of Elements with Cymatics also develops for Hundreds of Ancient, Traditional and Sacred Subjects in Greater Compatibility with Modern and Contemporary Subjects in general as well.
Furthermore, all of it also covers almost all of World Languages as shown in Image 1 with Special Discussions and thus Language Community Streams for All World Languages with World Language Community Rights as also proposed to WIPO, while it also proposes, for example English as Bilingual Language especially with Noam Chomsky's Universal Grammar with Minimalist Program, where Gurmukhi also brings it as Universal Grammar of Music with Cymatics while using the Biliteracy Tri-literacy and Multi-literacy Approaches with World Education of Etymology (Nirukta), which also bridges More Than Two Languages in Greater Harmony with Common Copyrights; IP and Patent Streams with Proposed WIPO Community Unit-Unitary IP and Patent Systems and Streams as well.
Special Remark: In Gurmukhi Punjabi Bilingual and Multilingual Approaches, Every World Language is considered unique and thus Every World Language can have its Monolingual, Bilingual and Multilingual Language, Music and Literacy Streams with Special Anthem for all of it, where Gurmukhi Punjabi also holds Special Place in the Indian and International Languages as Common (Sanjha) Bilingual Language and Music Stream, where Raga, Tala and Melody with Harmonics and Cymatics are also present, which also seem to well represent the Musical Version of Chomsky's Universal Grammar with Minimalist Program as well.
As also stated elsewhere, all of it is also present with Common (Sanjha) World Languages, where Indian Classical Music with Raga, Hindustani Traditional Music with Tala and Harmonics of Western and International Music as Melody with Cymatics is also present and thus as Common (Sanjha) Music of East and West, where Raga with Rabab, Tala with Tabla and Harmonics with Harmonium are also used as well.
Thus, all of it also gives the 3 Streams of Musical Instruments as the Common (Sanjha) Music with Rabab, Tabla and Harmonium, where Rabab in Gurmukhi was invented with the help from Musician Firanda by Bebe Nanki Ji, who was Elder Sister to Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, and she gifted it to Bhai Mardana Ji, who used to play it with Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, and for all of it, Bebe Nanak Ji is also considered and revered as Mother to Gurmukhi Music and Musicology, which was invented and founded by her Elder Brother, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji as well.
While 2nd Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji's Parents also gifted a Sacred Rabab to Guru Ji and Mardana, when they visited and stated with them for about a week at the City of Shri Muktsar Sahib, where the 2nd Sikh Guru Ji was born, and thus Bhai Mardana Ji played Bebe Nanaki Ji's Rabab and also that of from Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji's Parents, while the 2nd Sikh Guru Ji also learned Gurmukhi Theory of Elements from the 1st Sikh Guru Ji when he was living at Shri Kartarpur Sahib, and he (the 2nd Sikh Guru Ji) also invented Gurmukhi Alphabet and Script, the Official State Language of Punjab, and also founded the First World University of Gurmukhi Punjabi in his founded City of Holy Shri Khadur Sahib in 1541 AD as well.
In all of it, the Tabla was invented by Amir Khusrow in the Indo-Persian Chishti Order, where Khwaja Kaki and his Student, Baba Farid Ji also invented Shahmukhi World Language Streams, while the Chishti Order also invented and founded Qawwali, where Tabla Musical Instrument is most exclusively used especially in the Hindustani Traditional Music, while Gurmukhi also combines it with Indian Classical Music, and thus Rabab and Tabla are also played with Western Musical Instrument of Harmonium for the Harmonics as well.
It is also to be remarked here that the Harmonium initially as Regal Instrument of Music was invented in German, and then it was also researched and developed in France, Russia and China, which finally also came into Indian Continental Music Systems and Streams, while the Regal (Harmonium) Streams were developed in the Contemporary Times when 4th Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Ramdas Ji also invented Hari Tatt Theory of Music in Holy Shri Harmandir Sahib in his founded Holy City of Shri Amritsar Sahib, while this Common (Sanjha) Music as Devotional Music (Sacred Gurbani Kirtan) is also Sung and Played all day in Holy Shri Harmandir Sahib as well.
Thus, all of it is also present as the Sacred Gurmukhi Gurbani Composition of Gagan Mein Thaal, the Cosmic Plate of Cymatics as Aarti by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji can also become the India International and World Anthem and Language of Music and Instruments of Music in UNO and Worldwide with Parliament of the World's Religion Approach as suggested by Ravindranath Tagore, the Nobel Prize Winner, where Rabab, Tabla and Harmonium with Cymatics is also present as well. (End of Special Remark)
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